(opens in a new window)Dr Sarp Ackay General relativity, gravitational wave astronomy, black hole perturbation theory, effective-one-body theory
(opens in a new window)Dr Vincent Astier Quadratic and Hermitian Forms, Algebras with Involution. Real Algebra and Geometry. Model Theory
(opens in a new window)Dr Graham Benham Environmental fluid dynamics, flow in porous media, carbon capture and storage, water waves, wave-body interactions, mathematics of rowing and cycling, industrial mathematics
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Christopher Boyd Geometry of Banach spaces, analytic mappings on infinite dimensional Banach spaces, functional analysis methods in function
(opens in a new window)Dr Aine Byrne Dynamical systems, mathematical neuroscience, biological systems and bifurcation theory
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Eimear Byrne Algebraic coding theory, codes over rings, codes and graphs, network coding, finite rings & fields, Groebner bases, decoding algorithms, APN functions, algebra in communications
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Miguel Bustamante Fluid dynamics and turbulence, nonlinear PDEs, Hamiltonian methods and integrable Systems
(opens in a new window)Dr Kazim Buyukboduk Algebraic number theory, Iwasawa theory of automorphic motives and their deformations, Euler systems.
(opens in a new window)Dr Michelle Carey Functional data analysis, differential equations, financial instruments, biological systems and climatology
Assoc Prof Ted Cox Nonlinear wave-propagation phenomena
(opens in a new window)Dr Anthony Cronin Mathematics and statistics support at the university and pre-university (Foundation year) levels
(opens in a new window)Prof Frederic Dias Partial Differential Equations, Free-surface Flows, Wave energy
(opens in a new window)Dr Neil Dobbs Dynamical systems, Ergodic theory
(opens in a new window)Dr Mark Dukes Discrete Mathematics, combinatorics, applications of discrete mathematics and combinatorics to the study of complex systems
Mr Colm Fitzgerald Risk and the psychology of risk, enterprise risk management, economics and banking, investment and financial markets, climate change, forestry, applying classical thought
(opens in a new window)Dr Michael Fop Clustering and classification, high-dimensional data analysis, statistical modelling, statistical network analysis
(opens in a new window)Prof Nial Friel Statistical network analysis, spatial statistics, Bayesian statistics, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, Stochastic processes
(opens in a new window)Dr Marius Ghergu Partial differential dquations, nonlinear analysis, potential theory
(opens in a new window)Dr Isabella Gollini Statistical models,bayesian statistics, fast inferential approaches, statistical network analysis
(opens in a new window)Dr Claire Gormley Statistical methodology, Bayesian methods, applied statistics
(opens in a new window)Assoc Professor Marcus Greferath Discrete mathematics, abstract algebra, geometry, computer science
(opens in a new window)Dr Garrett Greene Statistical modelling, medical statistics, classification problems, model selection and regularisation
(opens in a new window)Dr James Herterich oceanographic and geophysical flows, fluid-structure interaction, industrial mathematics
(opens in a new window)Dr Emma Howard Clustering, data management, learning analytics, statistical modelling, mathematics/statistics education at the university level
(opens in a new window)Dr Chris Howland Geophysical and Environmental Flows, Turbulence, Phase Change, High-Performance Computing
(opens in a new window)Dr Kevin Hutchinson Algebraic K-theory, homological algebra, number theory
(opens in a new window)Dr. Kamran Kalbasi Probability theory, stochastic differential equations, fractional Brownian motion, Malliavin calculus, signal processing for telecommunication systems
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Gabrielle Kelly Spatial modelling, veterinary epidemiology, forest analytics
(opens in a new window)Dr Michael Mackey Jordan structures in analysis
(opens in a new window)Dr Myrto Manolaki Potential theory, complex analysis, Function theory, approximation, universality
(opens in a new window)Prof Gary McGuire Finite mathematics, coding, cryptography, computation, algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Maria Meehan Mathematics Education at the university level; supporting students in large first year mathematics courses; noticing as a form of professional development; mathematics support
(opens in a new window)Prof Pauline Mellon Complex analysis, symmetric manifolds and Jordan triple systems, clustering, classification and network analysis
(opens in a new window)Prof Brendan Murphy Bayesian statistics, statistical network analysis, Monte Carlo methods
(opens in a new window)Dr Rupert Levene operator algebras, operator spaces, quantum information theory and matrix analysis
(opens in a new window)Dr Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin Mathematics Education at post-primary level, teacher education, Lesson Study, pedagogical content knowledge, STEM Education & gender in STEM
(opens in a new window)Prof Neil O’Connell Probability, random matrices, combinatorics, representation theory, integrable systems, mathematical physics
(opens in a new window)Dr Adrian O'Hagan Tail Dependence, clustering, copulas, political science
(opens in a new window)Dr Lennon Ó'Náraigh Two-phase flows, turbulence, stability theory, High-Performance Computing
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Robert Osburn Number theory, Q-series, modular forms
(opens in a new window)Prof Adrian Ottewill General relativity, Quantum field theory in curved space-time
(opens in a new window)Dr Christiana Pantelidou: General Relativity, black holes, nonlinear phenomena, High-Performance Computing, theoretical physics
(opens in a new window)Dr Adamaria Perrotta PDE, stochastic processes, credit risk, prepayment risk, model risk
(opens in a new window)Dr Riccardo Rastelli Statistical modelling, computational statistics, statistical network analysis.
(opens in a new window)Dr Hermann Render Computational harmonic analysis, complex analysis, geometric modelling
(opens in a new window)Dr Michael Salter-Townshend Bayesian statistics, statistical modelling, statistical genetics.
(opens in a new window)Dr John Sheekey Semifields, nonassociative algebras, Rank-metric coding, random network coding, tensors, post-quantum cryptography
(opens in a new window)Dr Helena Smigoc Theory and applications of nonnegative matrices, combinatorial matrix theory, completely positive matrices, nonnegative matrix factorizations, matrix algebras
(opens in a new window)Dr Andrew Smith Stochastic mortality models, illiquidity premiums, corporate finance, asymptotic probability expansions, copulas, robust statistics, financial time series, stress testing
(opens in a new window)Dr Richard Smith Banach space geometry and structure, and connections with set theory and topology
(opens in a new window)Dr Conor Sweeney Probabilistic forecasting, weather and climate modelling, renewable energy
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Thomas Unger Quadratic and Hermitian Forms, algebras with involution, real algebra and geometry, and applications of algebra (e.g. Space-Time coding)
(opens in a new window)Dr Harriet Walsh Probability, combinatorics, mathematical physics, integrability, random partitions, symmetric functions, fermions
(opens in a new window)Dr Niels Warburton Gravitational waves, black holes, extreme mass ratio inspirals, intermediate mass ratio inspirals, general relativity, numerical modeling, geodesic motion in black hole spacetimes
(opens in a new window)Dr Barry Wardell General relativity, gravitational waves, black holes, Cosmic strings, High-performance Computing
(opens in a new window)Assoc Prof Shane Whelan Longevity modelling and evaluation of systems of pension provision