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Data Analytics - Fees

Online Programmes in Data Analytics - Fees Information

Fees are set centrally in the University and published on the Fees Page

Fees on the programme are charged on a per-credit basis. You are liable for the fees for the credit value of the modules they take each trimester. Since students typically take two 5 credit modules each trimester, they will be liable for the fees for 10 credits of modules at the beginning of each trimester

The per-credit fee for the MSc is lower than that for the Professional Diploma. Students who enroll on the MSc and decide to exit with the Professional Diploma will have to pay the full Professional Diploma fee rate for their modules before graduating.

The EU and non-EU fee rates are the same.  Fees are subject to change each year.

All materials used are freely accessible. If an exam is scheduled face-to-face, the cost of travel/accommodation should be budgeted for by the student.

Information on resit/repeat fees is available at https://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/repeatsresits/

The easiest way to pay your fees is online. Once registration is confirmed on SISWeb (Student Information System), you can begin module selection and this in turn will populate the programme fees (fees information is available under the personal details tab).

Further information on fee payment methods is available at https://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/howtopay/

If your employer has agreed to fund your studies, they can make credit/debit card payments using the Third Party Payment System. The service allows a third party to make payments without being privy to any confidential information relating to that student. By providing your employer with some basic information including your application/student number and date of birth, they can pay your fees securely, on your behalf, using our Third Party payments system.

The UCD Fees Dept does not issue invoices to employers. If your employer requires an invoice, please email (opens in a new window)dataanalyticsonline@ucd.ie prior to the fee payment deadline to request this. 

UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics

Room S3.04, Science Centre South, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.