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ISRP symposium

The International Systems Realization Partnership (ISRP) Symposium

The International Systems Realization Partnership (ISRP) Symposium

Design is the process of creating products and/or services that bring about value. However, contemporary design often involves incomprehensible numbers of criteria, that are appreciated differently by stakeholders, and evolve over time. The purpose of this symposium is to identify centralizing questions at the interphase of systems, the availability of progressively powerful digital tools, and evolving societal interests. Answers to these questions will enable the realization of systematic decision-making methods to advance human well-being, societal cohesion, and sustainability. The International Systems Realization Partnership (ISRP) is organizing a two-and-a-half-day international symposium to explore fundamental questions of what design means in a global society inundated with data.

The organizers are looking forward to bringing together experts from academia and industry to answer centralizing questions

  1. How do cyber-physical-social systems evolve and how can this insight be used to enable engineers to make better decisions?
  2. How can events, that manifest at variable scales and degrees of impact, be identified and accounted for when designing systems?
  3. How can predictive models be used responsibly when data is heterogeneous, sparse, and unbalanced?
  4. What degree of autonomous decision-making can be achieved technically, is ethically responsible, and desirable?

The idealized outcomes for this symposium include

  1. Identify research questions to define what design means in the context of contemporary design challenges.
  2. Identify bounds for how systems can be designed responsibly to bring about human flourishing.
  3. Identify potential avenues for research collaboration through the ISRP.

Location and Travel Details

The ISRP symposium will take place from 29 July 2024 to 31 July 2024 in the University Club at the University College Dublin Campus, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland.

Who Should Attend

Academics, students, and industrialists whose research interests are related to digitalization, decision-making, manufacturing, design-engineering, and machine learning-based decision-making.


Attending the conference is free of charge, and lunch will be complimentary. Accommodation is the responsibility of the participants.

How to Register

Those interested in attending the conference are highly encouraged to contact Dr. Anton van Beek ((opens in a new window)anton.vanbeek@ucd.ie) to register.

UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering

UCD Engineering & Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1884 | E: mme@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)