2021 U21 HSG Network Teaching Excellence Award launched EoIs sought by Fri 25th June

UCD School of Medicine is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021 U21 HSG Network Teaching Excellence Award  which is positioned as a unique way to celebrate and reward exceptional educational scholarship, particularly amongst research intensive universities, such as UCD, across the U21 HSG network.

The award scheme (which specifically targets mid-career academics, typically with five to 10 years of teaching experience) recognises leaders in teaching and shares their areas of good practice across the U21 HSG network. The scheme also nurtures international cooperation, by offering faculty from different universities, and regions, to work together on exciting, interdisciplinary projects.

Our School now invite academics to submit an EoI to margaret.tiuchta@ucd.ie (International Relations Manager, UCD School of Medicine) by COB on Friday 25th of June. Please see more details on making this submission below.


If you have any queries about this award scheme, please email margaret.tiuchta@ucd.ie



021 U21 HSG Network Teaching Award

Expressions of Interest (EOI)

(EoI should be 500 words maximum in length for Items 1 & 2 as below, combined)

1. Please outline your teaching highlights, touching on any/all of the following key points (these would then be expanded upon in your final application if your EOI is successful):

    • Interdisciplinary / interprofessional teaching and learning
    • International collaborations in teaching and learning / internationalisation of curricula
    • Evidence of sustained  excellence in teaching and learning with a focus on teaching innovation

2. Please provide a brief overview of the proposed topic themed around Teaching Innovation to be presented at the Teaching Excellence Award Workshop at the U21 HSG Annual Meeting 2022 (this will be expanded upon in your final application if your EOI is successful).