First UCD student wins prestigious 2023 Duke Elder prize exam from the Royal College of Ophthalmology

Congratulations to UCD School of Medicine student, Abdullah Khan, who is the first Abdullah Khan Duke ElderUCD student to win the Duke Elder undergraduate ophthalmology prize from the Royal College of Ophthalmology. This prestigious competition is open to undergraduate medical students across all the medical schools in the UK and Ireland. The exam comprised of 90 questions and was 2 hours long.

Abdullah said, "It's a pleasure to win the 2023 Duke Elder prize exam for UCD. I'm proud to represent Irish medical students and to come 1st place out of 461 medical students from 51 medical schools across the world. Ophthalmology is a wonderful field of medicine and this exam provides an excellent window into the field for interested medical students."

Special mention must also go to Lily Farrell and Mouayad Masalkhi who also finished in the 10th percentile. Well done to all the students who sat the exam. Congratulations also goes to Professor Colm O'Brien and his ophthalmology team.

Abdullah will be continuing his dedication to ophthalmology at Stanford University where he will be undertaking ophthalmology research.

We wish Abdullah all the very best and once again congratulate him on this outstanding achievement.