Research Retreat provides networking and collaborative opportunities

The School of Medicine hosted a Research Retreat on Monday 19 June in the UCD Student Village Auditorium. The Retreat provided a platform for academic and clinical staff to showcase their current research interests and to allow investigators to meet and exchange ideas with the aim to support collaborative research links. 

Professor Michael Keane, the Dean of Medicine and Head of School, opened the event which included over 30 speakers. Key speakers included Professor Walter Kolch who discussed the use of computer models to determine the best treatment options for cancer patients. Professor Patrick Murray discussed the most recent initiatives in the Clinical Research Centre. Dr Stephen Thorpe outlined how he established translational medicine research collaborations in the School of Medicine. Professor Tim Lynch discussed UCD's Academic Health Science Centre and the final expert translational medicine presentation was from Dr Mary Higgins and Professor Patricia Maguire on pre eclampsia. The event had approximately 70 attendees and concluded with a barbecue in the UCD Club.

Thanks to all who presented and attended.