Arthritis Research Coalition Biobank

The primary aim of the Arthritis Research Coalition Biobank is to recruit patients with common rheumatic diseases and obtain biosamples that will underpin clinical research. 

A secondary aim is to increase national involvement in clinical trials of novel therapeutic agents.

Arthritis Research Coalition

Ongoing Projects



For Students, "We believe in sharing our knowledge and expertise with new and aspiring researchers. We have hosted-transition year, undergraduate and medical students and junior clinicians from Ireland and overseas for placements in our laboratories or onsite with our partner hospitals. To apply for a research or clinical placement, email  As demand is high, we cannot accommodate every placement request but every application will be considered on its merits"

We believe in sharing our knowledge and expertise with new and aspiring researchers. We have hosted-transition year, undergraduate and medical students and junior clinicians from Ireland and overseas for placements in our laboratories or onsite with our partner hospitals.

To apply for a research or clinical placement, email  As demand is high, we cannot accommodate every placement request but every application will be considered on its merits. The links at the bottom of this page have a selection of the projects undertaken by our student researchers.  

The experience of one of our visiting students on the Erasmus programme

"I arrived in January 2018 and met my supervisor, Dr Emma Dorris. She introduced me to the research team and around the Conway Institute. The group are friendly and welcoming, and I felt immediately accepted. I followed a project entitled: ‘Investigating protein localisation of C5orf30’ and my supervisor taught me many methods, including: DNA extraction, quantitation and storage; DNA genotyping; protein extraction, quantitation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Western transfer and immunoblotting. After this experience I have a lot more confidence in the lab. I participated in lab meetings and, and if I had a problem there was always a person to help me. My Erasmus traineeship was only three months, but I would stay more months because I had such a great time. Erasmus is a life-changing experience. Thank you so much to Prof Wilson and his group."