Our Affiliated Investigators with a diverse range of research interests and expertise are located in academic departments across UCD and our associated Universities and Hospitals.
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A graduate of UCD, Jennifer Walsh is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Maternal and Fetal Medicine Subspecialist at the National Maternity Hospital. She completed Higher Specialist Training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the three Dublin Maternity Hospitals, Cork University Maternity Hospital and Galway University Hospital. She pursued a clinical research fellowship in Fetal Medicine at the National Maternity Hospital and during that time completed her doctoral thesis on fetal macrosomia at UCD. She was appointed to NMH in 2016 following completion of postgraduate subspecialty training at Columbia University NYC. She is the Director of Fetal Medicine at the NMH. Her practice focuses on high-risk obstetric care and prenatal ultrasound in particular. The recipient of several research awards, Dr. Walsh has published and presented internationally on fetal growth, weight in pregnancy and obstetric complications.
Dr Denise O’Brien is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer and the Associate Dean for undergraduate studies in the School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems in UCD. Prior to this was the Head of subject for Midwifery. Denise practiced as a Midwife tutor/ midwifery practitioner in the National Maternity Hospital and the Coombe Women’s and Infants University Hospital. Denise has taught in the discipline of midwifery since 2000 and has extensive experience in curriculum development and design at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Denise was awarded her PhD in 2015 for a Participatory Action Research study collaborating with women and midwives exploring women’s understanding, experiences and support needs to exercise informed choices during pregnancy and childbirth in Ireland. Since completing and publishing her PhD Denise has continued to expand her research portfolio both with her colleagues in UCD and the National Maternity Hospital (NMH), the Ireland East Hospital Group and with international collaborators. Denise is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Midwives. Denise joined the National Neonatal Encephalopathy Action Group in November 2020. More recently Denise joined the National Midwifery Guideline Development Programme 2022 NWIHP.
2015 PhD, UCD
2022 MSc Midwifery Education, UCD
2000 Bachelor of Nursing Studies, TCD
2015 Registered Midwife, Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital
1991 Registered Nurse Letterkenny General Hospital
Our Affiliated Investigators with a diverse range of research interests and expertise are located in academic departments across UCD and our associated Universities and Hospitals.
Dr Fiona O'Toole is the current Maternal and Fetal Medicine Subspeciality Fellow at the National Maternity Hospital. She graduated from UCD in 2009 with an honour's degree in Medicine. She has worked in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in both Ireland and Australia and has completed 4 out of the 5-year SpR training programme. She is currently registered with UCD as an MD student focusing on the management of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy and is part of the Perinatal Research Centre team.
Gillian is a PhD Candidate at the UCD Perinatal Research Centre. Her PhD thesis is centred upon the vaginal microbiome and its relationship with preterm birth.
She is a Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and is the current Maternal Medicine Fellow at the National Maternity Hospital. She graduated with honours from Medicine at UCD in 2015, interned at the Mater Hospital and has trained through the National Maternity Hospital, the Coombe Hospital, St James's, Mayo and Portlaoise Hospitals. She has also worked in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth, Australia.
She has passed membership examinations for the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) in 2018 and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in 2022, winning the gold medal in the Obstetric and Gynaecology MRCPI Examinations.
She has completed a Master's in Clinical Translational Research with UCD. She has published a number of first author research papers. For her PhD, she is investigating the horizontal transfer of oral lactobacillus crispatus to the vaginal microbiome and subsequent impact on local vaginal microbial composition, systemic inflammation and preterm birth related outcomes. This is through the PrePOP Study, a randomised placebo-controlled trial at the UCD Perinatal Research Centre and the National Maternity Hospital under the supervision of Professor Fionnuala McAuliffe.
Administrative manager, UCD Perinatal Research Centre
Email: Stephanie.begley@ucd.ie