Meet the Team

Find out more about Principal Investigators, Affiliated Investigators, Research Team and Collaborators

Professor Fionnuala McAuliffe

Professor McAuliffe is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist at National Maternity Hospital Dublin, a tertiary level university perinatal unit with circa 8000 deliveries annually, having previously trained in Ireland, UK and Toronto. Her area of special interest, Maternal and Fetal Medicine, involves the care of pregnant women with maternal and fetal complications of pregnancy.

She established a number of training posts since appointment: RCOG maternal and fetal medicine subspecialisation programme and a maternal medicine fellowship. She is involved in medical school and O+G training both at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

She is founder and Director of the UCD Perinatal Research Centre, a multidisciplinary research centre aiming to improve outcomes for mother and baby through clinically relevant pregnancy research.

Professor McAuliffe research interests include Obstetrics, Maternal and Fetal Medicine, nutrition and diabetes in pregnancy. She is the principal Investigator on many clinical randomised intervention trials in pregnancy to improve maternal and infant health such as ROLO study which is a large randomised trial examining the impact of a low glycaemic diet on maternal and fetal health, and is currently following these mothers and children to 10 years of age, PROPS study (RCT of probiotics in pregnancy with high BMI and gestational diabetes), PEARS study (RCT of lifestyle package with smart phone app) and the TEST study (RCT of aspirin in low risk pregnancy). She has received grant funding from Science Foundation Ireland to carry out programmes of research on the inter-relation between mother and baby microbiome, and in preterm birth (Microbe Mom and PrePop).

Research Supervision: She has supervised to completion as principal supervisor more than 20 MD/PhD students – all based at National Maternity Hospital Dublin and University College Dublin.

She has received significant grant funding both nationally and internationally (circa €50 million as coPI/PI) and has over 480 peer reviewed publications. She is a reviewer for over 40 international scientific journals, has developed a pregnancy nutrition app ‘Hollestic’ and has developed guidelines for pregnancy in Ireland, UK and internationally.

  • Director, UCD Perinatal Research Centre
  • Head, Women's and Children's Health, UCD School of Medicine
  • Head, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UCD School of Medicine
  • Chair and Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UCD School of Medicine
  • Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist, National Maternity Hospital
  • Conway Fellow, UCD Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research
  • Programme Director of Maternal & Fetal Medicine Sub-speciality training programme at National Maternity Hospital


2009 FRCOG Fellowship of Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists, UK
2007 FRCPI Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
2004 Maternal and Fetal Medicine Sub-specialisation, University of Toronto, Canada
2001 Doctor of Medicine, University College Dublin, Ireland
1997 MRCPI Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
1996 MRCOG Gold medal, Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists, UK
1993 DCH Diploma in Child Health, National University of Ireland
1991 MB BCh BAO (Honours) University College Dublin, Ireland

Professional Training

2014 - Present

Full Professor and Chair of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, UCD School of Medicine, University College Dublin

Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist, National Maternity Hospital, Dublin

2006-2014 Associate Prof & Consultant, UCD Obstetrics & Gynaecology, School of Medicine and Medicine Science, University College Dublin, National Maternity Hospital, Dublin
2004-2006 Senior Lecturer & Consultant, UCD Obstetrics & Gynaecology, School of Medicine and Medicine Science, University College Dublin, National Maternity Hospital, Dublin
2002-2004 Subspeciality Training in Maternal & Fetal Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
1999-2001 Senior Registrar in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Coombe Womens Hospital, Dublin & University College Hospital Galway, Ireland
1997-1999  Research Fellow in Fetal Medicine, Kings College Hospital, London, UK

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Assoc. Professor Mary Higgins

Link to UCD profile: 

Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology

UCD School of Medicine

Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

National Maternity Hospital


2019 FRCPI, Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
2018 FRCOG, Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London
2013 Maternal Fetal Medicine Sub-Speciality Fellowship, University of Toronto
2011 Doctorate in Medicine, UCD, 201
2009 FRCOG, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London
2007 Diploma, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London
2007 MSc, Oxford University, UK

MRCOG, Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, London

2005 MRCPI, Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
2000 MB BCh BAO, University College Dublin


  • National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) Maternal Morbidity Committee
  • Irish Multidisciplinary Obstetrics Emegency Training
  • Sepsis Decision Tool Multidisciplinary Committee
  • Speciality Training Committee (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Link to UCD Research Information Management System profile.

Assoc. Professor David Crosby

  • Clinical Director, Merrion Fertility Clinic
  • Consultant Obstetrician Gynaecologist, National Maternity Hospital
  • Associate Clinical Professor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College Dublin

Professor Colm O'Donnell

  • Consultant Neonatologist National Maternity Hospital
  • Clinical Professor UCD School of Medicine
  • UCD research profile

Dr Siobhan Corcoran

  • Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist, National Maternity Hospital
  • Clinical Lead for the Preterm Birth Service at The National Maternity Hospital


MB BCH BAO    UCD June 2006
MRCPI Royal College of Physicians of Ireland November 2010
MRCOG Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists   May 2015
MD Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland November 2017
CSCST O&G Royal College of Physicians of Ireland June 2017
USMLE ECFMG January 2018
FELLOWSHIP Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists   June 2019


Professor Jennifer Walsh


  • Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Subspecialist in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
  • Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor UCD

A graduate of UCD, Jennifer Walsh is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Maternal and Fetal Medicine Subspecialist at the National Maternity Hospital. She completed Higher Specialist Training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the three Dublin Maternity Hospitals, Cork University Maternity Hospital and Galway University Hospital. She pursued a clinical research fellowship in Fetal Medicine at the National Maternity Hospital and during that time completed her doctoral thesis on fetal macrosomia at UCD. She was appointed to NMH in 2016 following completion of postgraduate subspecialty training at Columbia University NYC. She is the Director of Fetal Medicine at the NMH. Her practice focuses on high-risk obstetric care and prenatal ultrasound in particular. The recipient of several research awards, Dr. Walsh has published and presented internationally on fetal growth, weight in pregnancy and obstetric complications.

Dr. Denise O’Brien

Dr Denise O’Brien is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer and the Associate Dean for undergraduate studies in the School of Nursing Midwifery and Health Systems in UCD. Prior to this was the Head of subject for Midwifery. Denise practiced as a Midwife tutor/ midwifery practitioner in the National Maternity Hospital and the Coombe Women’s and Infants University Hospital. Denise has taught in the discipline of midwifery since 2000 and has extensive experience in curriculum development and design at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Denise was awarded her PhD in 2015 for a Participatory Action Research study collaborating with women and midwives exploring women’s understanding, experiences and support needs to exercise informed choices during pregnancy and childbirth in Ireland. Since completing and publishing her PhD Denise has continued to expand her research portfolio both with her colleagues in UCD and the National Maternity Hospital (NMH), the Ireland East Hospital Group and with international collaborators. Denise is on the editorial board of the European Journal of Midwives. Denise joined the National Neonatal Encephalopathy Action Group in November 2020. More recently Denise joined the National Midwifery Guideline Development Programme 2022 NWIHP.


2015 PhD, UCD
2022 MSc Midwifery Education, UCD
2000 Bachelor of Nursing Studies, TCD
2015 Registered Midwife, Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital
1991 Registered Nurse Letterkenny General Hospital

Dr Catherine Phillips

Associate Professor Sharleen O’Reilly

  • Lecturer/ AssociateProfessor UCD Institute of Food and Health
  • CORU registered dietician who works at the interface of research, teaching and practice in public health nutrition
  • Link to UCD research profile:

Dr Catherine Mooney

Catherine is an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at University College Dublin and leads the Life Science Data Analytics Group, LiSDA ( Her research is focused on using machine learning, including deep learning, in the development of biomarkers and clinical decision support systems. Prior to joining UCD Catherine was a Research Fellow in the Physiology and Medical Physics Department of The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, specialising in bioinformatics and computational biology. After completing her PhD in Computer Science at UCD she completed a four-year post-doc in clinical bioinformatics in the School of Medicine and Medical Science, at UCD.

Associate Professor Eleni Mangini

Eleni Mangina carried out her PhD work at the University of Strathclyde (UK), Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, working on Agent-based applications for intelligent data interpretation. Eleni Mangina holds an M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence from the Department of Artificial Intelligence at University of Edinburgh in the UK and an MSc in Agricultural Science from Agricultural University of Athens in Greece. In 2002 she joined the School of Computer Science at University College Dublin. Her lab operates at the intersection between applied Artificial Intelligence and a portfolio development within interdisciplinary applications

Dr Louise E. Glover, PhD.

Following her PhD studies at UCD, Dr. Glover completed postdoctoral training in Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston and was an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado. She has served in the role of Principle Investigator and Co-investigator on several international projects funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Veterans Affairs. Dr. Glover joined Merrion Fertility Clinic as Clinical Research Co-ordinator in 2017, and she holds adjunct Assistant Professor/Clinical Lecturer positions at both TCD (Immunology) and UCD. Dr. Glover holds active memberships to the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. She was awarded the Grant For Fertility Innovation from Merck in 2018. Her primary research focus is reproductive immunology, in particular how immune pathways in the endometrium are altered in infertility.


1999 B.Sc. (Hons) Pharmacology, University College Dublin, Ireland
2003 Ph.D. Neuromuscular Biology, University College Dublin, Ireland

Professional Experience

2003-07 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Neurology) Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, MA
2007-08 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Gastroenterology) University of Colorado, Aurora CO
2008-11 Instructor of Medicine, University of Colorado, Aurora CO
2011-16 Assistant Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora CO
2011-16 Lecturer, Biomedical Science Core Course III (IDPT7813), University of Colorado
2017 Clinical Research Co-ordinator, Merrion Fertility Clinic, Dublin
2018 Adjunct Assistant Professor/Clinical Lecturer, School of Medicine, UCD
2018 Adjunct Assistant Professor/Lecturer, School of Medicine, TCD
2019 Guest Lecturer, TU Dublin, Kevin St./Grangegorman

Professor Niamh Nowlan

Niamh Nowlan is Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering in the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at University College Dublin. Her research focuses on the role of mechanical forces in prenatal and postnatal development of the bones, joints and spine, and the importance of fetal movements for fetal and neonatal health. Prior to joining UCD in 2021, Prof Nowlan held the position of Reader of Developmental Biomechanics in the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London, UK, where she maintains an honorary appointment. Prof Nowlan has attracted approximately €4.5 million in research funding in the past ten years, including an ERC Starting Grant. Her research has attracted numerous national and international awards, including the 2018 S.M. Perren Award from the European Society of Biomechanics, the 2016 Bioengineering Society UK (Bioeng UK) Early Career Scientist Award and the Engineers Ireland Biomedical Research Medal in 2007. In 2018, Prof Nowlan proposed, organised and chaired the Royal Society Meeting on “Mechanics of Development”.

Link to UCD Research Profile:

Dr James O’Mahony

James O'Mahony is an Assistant Professor at the School of Economics at University College Dublin where he is employed as an Ad Astra Fellow. He also has a research affiliation with the Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam. He is an economist by training and his research primarily addresses the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of cancer screening, model simulation methods and the use of cost-effectiveness thresholds by policy makers. James obtained his PhD from Trinity College Dublin and his thesis addressed methodological issues in CEAs of cancer screening. During his doctoral work he was a visiting student for two years at the Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam. James is a member of Ireland's National Screening Advisory Committee convened following the Scally Report in response to the CervicalCheck controversy.

Link to UCD Research Profile:

Dr Carla Canniffe

UCD Medicine Clinical Pathway:

Dr Canniffe leads an obstetric cardiology service at National Maternity Hospital and St Vincent's University Hospital. She completed her specialist cardiology training in Ireland and went on to specialise in the field of congenital heart disease. She gained international experience in The Royal Prince Alfred, Sydney and spent 3 years working in the world’s largest adult congenital heart service - St Barts Cardiac Centre, London. There she developed her sub-speciality interests of aortopathy and cardiac maternity medicine. Her research specialty is Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiac Maternity. She has led on the development of Cardiac Maternity Registry Ireland.



MSc Leadership & Innovation in Healthcare, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland


MRCPI Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland


MB BAO BCh LCRP & SI (Honours), Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland

Professional Training

Consultant Posts

2021 - Present

Cardiology Consultant Specialising in Cardiac Maternity Care, St Vincent's University Hospital and National Maternity Hospital, Dublin

May 2019 - Present         

Cardiology Consultant, Adult Congenital Heart, Aortopathy and Women's Cardiovascular Health, Blackrock Clinic, Dublin

Oct 2019 - June 2020        

Locum Consultant, CRY Unit, TUH, Dublin


Congenital Heart & Maternity Fellowships:

May 2016 - July 2017

GUCH Fellow, St Barts Heart Centre, London

June 2014 - April 2016

Clinical fellow- Paediatric Cardiology & ACHD, Mater Misericordiae and Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin

Nov 2013 - June 2014

Research Fellow, Congenital Cardiology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia


Cardiology Specialist Training


July 2008 - Oct 2013

SpR Cardiology Training Scheme

Dr Sarah Louise Killeen, PhD, RD

Sarah Louise Killeen is a CORU registered dietitian in Ireland, a clinical dietician at National Maternity Hospital Dublin and a post-doctoral researcher in maternal and child health at the University College Dublin (UCD) Perinatal Research Centre. She completed her PhD in translational medicine this year, with a focus on nutrition, cardiometabolic health and obesity in pregnancy. She is a winner of the 2021 Irish section of the Nutrition Society Postgraduate Competition for her PhD thesis. She has worked on multiple projects related to maternal health including randomised controlled trials, qualitative research and a core outcome set development study. She has published many papers and a book chapter on the area of pregnancy nutrition and is co-lead author on the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) clinical practice guidelines for the management of obesity.

Our Affiliated Investigators with a diverse range of research interests and expertise are located in academic departments across UCD and our associated Universities and Hospitals.

Professor Donal O'Shea

  • Consultant Endocrinologist, St Vincent’s University Hospital
  • Clinical Lead for Obesity, HSE Healthy Ireland
  • UCD research profile

Professor Lorraine Brennan

Professor Cecily Kelleher

Professor Valerie Smith

Associate Professor Patrick Twomey

  • UCD Associate Clinical Professor, UCD School of Medicine

Dr Catherine Mooney

Professor Carel le Roux

Professor Malachi McKenna

  • UCD Clinical Professor, UCD School of Medicine
  • Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist, St Michael’s Hospital and St Vincent’s University Hospital
  • Co-Director and Founder of DXA Unit, St Vincent’s University Hospital
  • UCD research profile

Associate Professor Rachel Crowley

  • UCD Associate Clinical Professor, UCD School of Medicine
  • Consultant Endocrinologist, Department of Endocrinology St Vincent’s University Hospital
  • UCD research profile

Assoc Prof Mensud Hatunic

  • Consultant Endocrinologist, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
  • UCD Associate Clinical Professor, UCD School of Medicine

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aínle

  • Consultant Haematologist, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
  • UCD Full Clinical Professor, UCD School of Medicine
  • Co-Director UCD SPHERE Research Group
  • UCD research profile

Dr Sinead Murphy

  • Consultant Paediatrician Children’s University Hospital Temple St
  • Lecturer/Assistant Professor, UCD School of Medicine
  • UCD research profile

Professor Patricia Fitzpatrick

  • Consultant in Preventative Medicine, St Vincent’s University Hospital
  • Professor of Epidemiology and Biomedical Statistics, UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science
  • Chair, Steering Committee for Healthy UCD
  • Director of UCD Centre for Health Services Research
  • UCD research profile

Associate Professor Barbara Coughlan

  • Associate Professor, UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems
  • Registered Nurse and Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)
  • Chartered Member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (Ps.S.I) in Health Psychology
  • Link to UCD Profile:

Mary Brosnan

  • Director of midwifery and nursing, National Maternity Hospital.
  • Adjunct Associate Midwifery Professor UCD

Dr Eileen O’Brien

  • Assistant Lecturer in Dietetics at Technological University Dublin
  • CORU Registered Dietitian
  • Current Research: Principal investigator on a study evaluating the effectiveness of a specialised, multidisciplinary service for women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum at the National Maternity Hospital (Iris Clinic)

Dr Liz O’Sullivan

Dr May Loong Tan

  • Paediatrician & Senior Lecturer, RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus
  • Vice Dean for Research, RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus
  • Co-Director, Cochrane Malaysia
  • Link to RCSI & UCD Malaysia Campus profile:

Dr Ricardo Segurado

  • Associate Professor in Public Health Biostatistics in the School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences
  • Consultant biostatistician and director of the UCD Centre for Support and Training in Analysis and Research (CSTAR)
  • UCD research profile

Dr Alexander Douglas

  • Data Manager
  • School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences

Ms Grace Mealy, MSc – Clinical Research Coordinator

Grace graduated from Dublin City University with a BSc in Genetics and Cell Biology and subsequently completed an MSc in Immunotherapeutics at Trinity College Dublin. She joined the UCD Perinatal Research Centre in 2021 as a researcher on the MicrobeMom2 RCT, where she studied the immunological changes that occur during pregnancy. Currently, Grace coordinates various aspects of the UCD Perinatal Research Centre’s clinical studies in the National Maternity Hospital, including patient recruitment and consent, data collection and management, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and study protocols. She works closely with principal investigators, sponsors, and other members of the research team to maintain high standards of ethical conduct and data integrity throughout each of our studies.

Dr Sophie Callanan, PhD – Postdoctoral Researcher

Sophie started as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2024 and she has a BSc in Human Nutrition and a PhD in Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition from University College Dublin. Sophie has a keen interest in nutrition during pregnancy and childhood, with previous experience working on the longitudinal ROLO birth cohort study. Currently, Sophie is working on the PrePOP randomised control trial, investigating the effects of an oral probiotic on the maternal microbiome in pregnant women at risk of preterm birth.

Dr Ellen Greene, PhD - Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr Ellen Greene is a Postdoctoral Researcher working on the Bump2Baby and Me Project. Ellen completed a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition in UCD, graduating in 2019. As part of her degree, she completed a 10 month work experience in the Perinatal Research Centre, where she worked on the Microbe Mom and ROLO studies. Ellen subsequently undertook a PhD in Public Health Nutrition in UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, which evaluated the effectiveness and implementation of the EU School Milk Scheme in Ireland and examined the determinants of children's milk consumption.

Ms Lucy Murphy, BSc, ANutr – Research Assistant

Lucy graduated from TU Dublin in 2024 with a BSc in Public Health Nutrition and is a registered associate nutritionist (ANutr) with the AFN. Lucy previously completed a 10 month work experience placement in the UCD Perinatal Research Centre as part of her undergraduate programme. Lucy started as a research assistant soon after completing her placement and works on various projects across the centre including the FIGO Pregnancy Obesity and Nutrition Initiative, Prepop trial, Ironmother and FEMO.

Ms Aoife Davis – PhD Student

Aoife graduated from University College Dublin (UCD) in 2024 with a Bachelor of Science specialising in Pharmacology. During her degree, she completed a research placement at the University of Copenhagen, investigating the effects of small molecules on alpha-synuclein aggregation in Parkinson’s disease. This experience enhanced her interest in biomedical research.

While at university, Aoife developed a strong interest in women’s health and maternal wellbeing. She is now pursuing a PhD at the UCD Perinatal Research Centre, focusing on nutritional and metabolic factors that influence the maternal microbiome during pregnancy.

Ms Liz McGovern – PhD Student

Liz is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC no: L-25682) and is a member of both the Irish and International Lactation Consultant Associations. She is undertaking her PhD within the EU Horizon2020 funded project, Impact Diabetes Bump2Baby. Liz is exploring breastfeeding attitudes and practices of participants in the multi-site Bump2Baby and Me randomised controlled trial within the project. Her PhD is focusing on exploring indicators of prenatal breastfeeding self-efficacy and their relationship with breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity.

Following a background in Social Science and Sociology in UCD, she has over 20 years part-time experience supporting voluntary and non-profit organisations with their research and programme evaluation needs. Her 21-year experience of supporting breastfeeding families started as a voluntary breastfeeding counsellor with Cuidiú, the parent support charity. After certifying as an IBCLC 13 years ago, she became a tutor for Cuidiú, training new and existing breastfeeding counsellors, alongside supporting breastfeeding parents and their children in private practice.

Ms Laura O’Toole - Research Midwife and PhD Student

Laura completed a BSc in General Nursing in 2016 and a Higher Diploma in Midwifery in 2019, graduating with First Class Honours in both. In 2016, she was Highly Commended in the Global Undergraduate Awards for her dissertation ‘In overweight and/or obese adults, how does Motivational Interviewing compared with standard care affect weight loss?’

Laura has worked as a registered general nurse in St. Vincent’s University Hospital, on an acute surgical ward specialising in gynaecology, breast and plastics. At the National Maternity Hospital, she has worked as a registered midwife in the emergency room and is currently working on the public postnatal ward. Furthermore, she is employed as a research midwife in the UCD Perinatal Research Centre and is on the Bump2Baby and Me study team.

In the course of her studies, Laura has learned a great deal about providing midwifery care that is safe, holistic, individualised, woman-centred, compassionate, and acknowledges diversity of beliefs, choices and priorities of women and their families. She has always had a great interest in women’s health. She wants to continue acting as an advocate for women and their families in her research role to try and improve maternal and infant health.


Dr Fiona O’Toole – MD Student

Dr Fiona O'Toole is the current Maternal and Fetal Medicine Subspeciality Fellow at the National Maternity Hospital. She graduated from UCD in 2009 with an honour's degree in Medicine. She has worked in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in both Ireland and Australia and has completed 4 out of the 5-year SpR training programme. She is currently registered with UCD as an MD student focusing on the management of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy and is part of the Perinatal Research Centre team.

Dr Gillian Corbett - PhD Student

Gillian is a PhD Candidate at the UCD Perinatal Research Centre. Her PhD thesis is centred upon the vaginal microbiome and its relationship with preterm birth.

She is a Specialist Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and is the current Maternal Medicine Fellow at the National Maternity Hospital. She graduated with honours from Medicine at UCD in 2015, interned at the Mater Hospital and has trained through the National Maternity Hospital, the Coombe Hospital, St James's, Mayo and Portlaoise Hospitals. She has also worked in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in King Edward Memorial Hospital in Perth, Australia.

She has passed membership examinations for the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) in 2018 and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in 2022, winning the gold medal in the Obstetric and Gynaecology MRCPI Examinations.

She has completed a Master's in Clinical Translational Research with UCD. She has published a number of first author research papers. For her PhD, she is investigating the horizontal transfer of oral lactobacillus crispatus to the vaginal microbiome and subsequent impact on local vaginal microbial composition, systemic inflammation and preterm birth related outcomes. This is through the PrePOP Study, a randomised placebo-controlled trial at the UCD Perinatal Research Centre and the National Maternity Hospital under the supervision of Professor Fionnuala McAuliffe.

  • Various Schools in University College Dublin
  • St Vincent’s University Hospital Dublin
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
  • University College Cork
  • National University of Ireland Galway
  • APC Microbiome Institute Cork
  • Queen’s University Belfast
  • University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Imperial College London, UK
  • British Columbia, Canada
  • University of Adelaide, Australia
  • Murdock Children’s Research Institute, Australia
  • Teagasc, Cork
  • University of Melbourne
  • Precision Biotics
  • Pnang Medical College

Administrative manager, UCD Perinatal Research Centre
