Student Hub

Welcome to Student Summer Research Awards (SSRA)

Each year, 100+ undergraduate students undertake supervised eight-week laboratory, clinical, patient-centred or educational research projects as part of the SSRA initiative.

We are delighted to welcome you to the SSRA Programme. This eight-week elective module provides an opportunity for undergraduate students to undertake a supervised research project, with the potential of gaining five ECTS credits towards their degree programme. Projects take place during the third (summer) trimester in a variety of locations within UCD and at our affiliated hospitals.

SSRA is open to students from our undergraduate programmes. Students compete for the SSRA through poster and oral presentations. Presentations are adjudicated by a committee comprising  researchers, clinicians and patient advocates.

Published Research

Have you completed SSRA project in the past and published your work? We are very interested in tracking and collating publications, either full research papers, review articles or conference proceedings, that past SSRA students have contributed to whilst undertaking an SSRA project. You can submit this information HERE

Dissemination Funding

The SSRA programme can offer limited funding for completed SSRA 2024 projects. This funding is for external dissemination of research arising from completed SSRA 2024 projects. Students who wish to present their 2024 SSRA research as a poster or oral presentation at national or international conferences may avail of this funding opportunity. Applications can be made HERE. Please notify the SSRA Office ( ) once an application is successfully submitted.


Available Research Projects

You can access SSRA Projects HERE.

Each year, senior researchers from across the School and affiliated clinical sites submit potential student projects to the SSRA committee for consideration. A list of available research projects is compiled on a rolling basis from mid-November each year and is available HERE. This process connects high-level research to undergraduate students. Our Medicine, Radiography, BHLS and Physiology graduates are encouraged to see themselves not just as future healthcare practitioners but also as researchers and investigative scientists.

Students can review the projects and then contact potential supervisors via email with an expression of interest in working on the project. A short email introducing yourself and why you are interested in the specific project is required. You should also include the SSRA Student Project Application Form (2025) as an attachment, which can be downloaded from the below SSRA Forms section.


Seeking out an independent project:

Students can also seek out their own SSRA Project through any academic contacts (both local and international) that they may have. Your chosen Supervisor will need to submit the project details including the project title, methods and anticipated results via the Online Submission Form which can also be accessed from the SSRA Website, Supervisor Hub
***If you are seeking your own project, your Supervisor MUST submit the project details before February 28th 2025.


The SSRA Programme will only accept projects from Supervisors up to February 28th 2025. However, Students can still apply and be accepted for any existing projects within the SSRA Projects Folder up to the registration date (23rd May 2025).

Students can review projects from the Available Projects Folder HERE and then contact potential supervisors via email with an expression of interest in working on the project. A short email introducing yourself and why you are interested in the specific project is required. You should also include the SSRA Student Project Application Form (2025) as an attachment, which can be downloaded from the below SSRA Forms section.

  • Wait for the Supervisor(s) to respond to your email (this can take a few weeks in some instances)
  • If the Supervisor chooses you, you must email the project number and confirmation email from the Supervisor to
  • Students can apply for as many projects as they like, though students can only participate in ONE PROJECT PER YEAR

Seeking out an independent project:

Students can also seek out their own SSRA Project through any academic contacts (both local and international) that they may have. Your chosen Supervisor will need to submit the project details including the project title, methods and anticipated results via the Online Submission Form which can also be accessed from the SSRA Website, Supervisor Hub
***If you are seeking your own project, your Supervisor MUST submit the project details before February 28th 2025.

The SSRA Programme will only accept projects from Supervisors up to February 28th 2025. However, Students can still apply and be accepted for any existing projects within the Available Projects Folder folder HERE up to the registration date (23rd May 2025).

In many cases, the SSRA scheme will provide you with your first experience of either laboratory or clinical based research. This is an invaluable opportunity to develop practical research skills, deepen your understanding of specific aspects of the programme or as a first step towards a career in clinical science.
The SSRA programme may offer a limited number of projects with affiliated charities and patient advocate groups. This strand of the programme, governed by the School's  Patient Advocate Centred Education - Research (PACE-R) initiative, enhances awareness of social responsibility, and the important role of voluntary organisations in advocacy and healthcare research. Establishing such a link at an early career stage will impact the professionalism of our graduates and on your lifelong engagement with patients, patient advocates and charitable organisations.
SSRA projects need to have prior approval from their relevant ethics body. SSRA students may not be insured unless UCD can verify that the proper ethics protocols have been followed. UCD School of Medicine students can find the relevant Ethics compliance forms at this address:
For ethics relating to animals, please contact Associate Professor John Baugh
for further information on UCD Veterinary REC:
For the most part, we expect that SSRA projects will be exempt from full UCD ethical review. However some projects will require full ethical review by the UCD School of Medicine REC, please allow enough time for this to take place in advance of the project start date.

Funding Body


Further Information

Association of 

Various projects

AoPGBI Summer Studentship Awards

Summer Studentship,SUMMER%20STUDENTSHIP,be%20provided%20for%20each%20award. Deadline: 29 March 2025

Wellcome Trust

Various projects

Health Research 

Summer Student 
Scholarships (SS) 2025

Closing date: 12th December 2024

Pathological Society 
of Great Britain and 

Undergraduate Elective 
Bursary 2025

Closing dates: 28 February and 28 April 2025

Wellcome Trust

Biomedical Vacation Scholarships

Closing dates: 28 February and 28 April 2025

Irish Cancer Society

Irish Cancer Society Summer Studentships

 Applications open in Q1 each year. Please see Open Calls for more information.


The deadline for applications is 13th February 2025




2025 National Haemophilia Council Bursaries

Project Requirements for Medical Students Summer Research Projects in Haemophilia & Other Related Bleeding Disorders

The National Haemophilia Council (NHC) was setup by the Government, under Statutory Instrument mechanism (SI No. 451 of 2004) in response to the recommendations of the Report of the Lindsey Tribunal. The NHC reports directly to the Minister for Health on all matters concerning the delivery of health care to people in Ireland with Haemophilia or other related Bleeding Disorders.

The Council is composed of a Chairperson, together with Medical, Nursing, and other related Health Care professionals, representatives of the Department of Health and two representatives from the patient organisation, the Irish Haemophilia Society.

Undergraduate Medical Student Elective

To encourage the involvement of undergraduate medical students in the area of Haemophilia and other related bleeding disorders, the Council decided to create four awards, each of €1,000.00 for student projects in this area. The Council encourages the presentation and / or publication of the completed project at a relevant National and/or International meeting or in a relevant publication.


Application can be made by 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th year medical students from any Medical School in Ireland. The Project must be undertaken with guidance and agreement of a Haematology Consultant involved in the provision of comprehensive care to patients
with haemophilia or other related bleeding disorders in Ireland.

The Comprehensive Care Centres in Ireland are located in the following Hospitals:

  • National Coagulation Centre, (NCC) St. James’s Hospital, James’s Street, Dublin 8
  • Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Cooley Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 12, D12 N512
  • University Hospital Cork, Wilton, Cork

The Medical Students need to get agreement from the appropriate Haemophilia treatment centre before they submit their application to the NHC.

The contact details for the Consultant Haematologists at the Centres are as follows:

Application Requirements

Applications (short curriculum vitae and cover letter describing the potential benefits anticipated from participation) to be submitted in the first instance to the Director of the relevant Haemophilia Comprehensive Care Centre / Haemophilia Treatment Centre. Each centre will be responsible to identify a suitable candidate and agree an abstract for the proposed project.

The successful Medical students must conduct their research in-person at the relevant Haemophilia Treatment Centres.


Applicants should submit the agreed abstract, of no more than 500 words, giving an overview of the proposed project to Ms. Gráinne Leach, Chief Officer, National Haemophilia Council by

5pm on Friday 20th December, 2024.

The Council will inform the successful applicants before Friday 17th January, 2025. The decision of the National Haemophilia Council is final.

Final Submissions
The report of the completed projects should be submitted to the National Haemophilia Council by the 31st October 2025.

Any queries please contact:
Ms Gráinne Leach,
Chief Officer,
National Haemophilia Council,
Health Service Executive,
Mill Lane,
Dublin 20, D20 KH63




An annual award of the “Clare O’Connor Summer Student Scholarship in Respiratory Research” to the value of €2,000, will be made to a UCD medical student for excellence in Respiratory Research (laboratory based) within the UCD Belfield Campus and/or its affiliated University Hospitals.

The Clare O’Connor Summer Student Scholarship in Respiratory Research awards have been created thanks to generous donations by a number of individuals via Prof Muiris X FitzGerald, former Dean of Medicine and founder of the SVUH Cystic Fibrosis Unit.

Dr Clare O’Connor was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Medicine, UCD and led a major research team at Woodview House from 1981 to 2003. In 2008 she was appointed Graduate School Director in the UCD Conway Institute until her retirement in 2014. Her distinguished research and teaching career centered on applied immunological, biochemical and genetic research on respiratory diseases in conjunction with Professor MX FitzGerald, Professor Seamus Donnelly and other respiratory investigators at St. Vincent’s University Hospital. She secured major research grants in Ireland and from the EU Concerted Action Programmes. She led the Euro Lung Consortium, which involved UCD and the Universities of Edinburgh, Nottingham, Siena and Leiden.

Medical students are highly encouraged to independently seek out projects related to respiratory medicine. If your project falls within that remit, please complete the Clare O'Connor Application Form (SSRA student hub) and submit it to for review by September 1st 2025.

Who is eligible: UEM and GEM Students

How to Apply: Candidates must email the following to

  1. A statement on why your SSRA Project should be chosen for this scholarship (300 words maximum). A valid SSRA Project number must be included.
  2. Complete the Clare O'Connor Application Form (Available to download from the SSRA Forms section below).
  3. A short CV (1 x A4 page maximum).

Application Deadline: September 1st 2025
The selection of the successful student/project for this award is based on an interview process where shortlisted students each present their research projects (5mins) and a 3 minute question and answer session with a panel of UCD academics and clinicians.

About the Kathleen Lynn Summer Student Scholarship

This annual award is in memory of Dr. Kathleen Lynn (b. 1874-d.1955), a remarkable medical graduate of UCD/St Cecilia at the end of the 19th century. Her extraordinary life is detailed in her biography - Kathleen Lynn: Irishwoman, Patriot, Doctor by Margaret O’hOgartaigh. Dr Lynn was Chief Medical Officer in James Connolly’s Citizen Army, a revolutionary who occupied Dublin’s City Hall in the Easter Week Rising of 1916 and was imprisoned and deported to Britain. Later, she was elected as a Sinn Fein TD in the 1918 and 1923 elections. She performed pioneering medical work in St. Ultan’s Hospital Dublin, which she co-founded with Dr Dorothy Stopford-Price and was a leader in the prevention and care of tuberculosis in children. A Lecture Theatre in the UCD Health Sciences Centre is named in her honour.

The annual award of the “Kathleen Lynn Summer Student Scholarship in the History of Medicine/Humanities in Medicine” to the value of €2,000, will be made to one UCD medical student each year, who is sponsored conjointly by the UCD School of Medicine and the UCD Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, UCD School of History. (The applicant can work with another School in UCD College of Arts and Humanities).


Who is eligible?

Any UCD medical Students enrolled in either the UEM or GEM programmes.


How to apply?

UCD medical Students must email the following to:

1. Personal statement detailing your interest in the History of Medicine (250 words maximum). Please include the topic you wish to investigate for your SSRA project and why. Examples of topics include: history of epidemic disease in Ireland (such as polio, 1918 flu pandemic, Tuberculosis (TB)), history of chronic diseases such as cancer, or the history of psychiatry in Ireland. These are examples only to provide applicants with some guidance.

2. Kathleen Lynn Scholarship Application Form (Available to download from the SSRA Forms section below).

2. Short CV (max 2 pages)    


Student applications will be assessed by members of the SSRA Committee and a representative from the UCD Centre for History of Medicine in Ireland. A formal virtual interview process will take place in April and a student will be chosen for the Scholarship.



Monday, March 3rd 2025



Please contact:

The annual award of the UCD School of Medicine SSRA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medicine scholarship to the value of €2000 will be made to a UCD School of Medicine student for excellence in research relating to the use of AI in human medicine.

Advancements in AI are rapidly reshaping many areas of medicine including Radiography and imaging analysis, cancer research and personalised clinical care, the diagnosis and disease prediction of cardiovascular and respiratory disease to name but a few. AI algorithms and other applications powered by AI are being used to support medical professionals in decision making and in ongoing biomedical research.

Deadline April 25th 2025

Who is eligible?

This scholarship is open to any School of Medicine student including Medicine (UEM, GEM), RUMC, Radiography, BHLS and Physiology. Projects can be in any area of medicine that fall within the remit of AI. Students must register for the 2024 SSRA programme and present their research at the SSRA Poster and Gold Medal events.

How to apply?

Applicants should email the following to:

  1. Statement on why you and your project should be chosen for this scholarship (300 words maximum). SSRA Project Number must be included.
  2. Short CV (max 1 page)

The selection of the successful student/project for this award is based on an interview process where shortlisted students each present their research projects proposal (5mins) and a 3 minute question and answer session with a panel of UCD academics and clinicians.

This scholarship is named in honor of Prof Edward Gaensler, a Thoracic Surgeon at Boston University School of Medicine and a Vienna, Austria native, by Professor Muiris X Fitzgerald and has been generously provided by Professor Muiris X Fitzgerald, former Dean of Medicine at UCD.  The Gaensler Scholarship aims to assist UCD Medicine (UEM/GEM) students in pursuing any SSRA research project in either the United States or Austria.

Who is eligible:

UEM 1-4, GEM 1-2, RUMC 1-3, BHLS 1-2, Physiology 3.
Applicants must have a verified SSRA project that is due to take place in either the US or Austria.
How to Apply:
Candidates must email the following to
1. A statement on why you and your SSRA Project should be chosen for this scholarship (300 maximum). A valid SSRA Project number must be included.
2. A short CV (1 x A4 page maximum).
Application Deadline: January / February 2025.
The selection of the successful student/project for this award is based on an interview process where shortlisted students each present their research projects proposal (5mins) and a 3 minute question and answer session with a panel of UCD academics and clinicians.

This area will contain general information as the programme progresses in 2025.

For further information on the programme, please email


SSRA Launch Slides: 

SSRA Forms



Due Date


SSRA Induction Book (2025) - This booklet is for student information
SSRA Key Dates (2025) - Key Dates for student information
SSRA Module Registration Form (2025) 23rd May 2025 This form should be submitted as a PDF email to
Abstract Submission Form (2025) 6th August 2025 This form is to be submitted as a portion of your abstract submission
Abstract Guide and Guidelines (2025) - This guide MUST be followed to correctly format your Abstract.
Initial Meeting Form (2025) - This form should be completed by you and your supervisor at the START of your project. It should be included within your research report (credit students)
SSRA Ethics Confirmation Form (2025) 6th August 2025 To be submitted electronically as one PDF with your research report (credit students)
SSRA Research Report Cover Page 6th August 2025

To be included with your Research Report submission, as one PDF

SSRA Research Report Checklist 2025 6th August 2025 To be submitted electronically as one PDF with your research report (credit students)
SSRA Supervisor Review Form For Research Report (2025) 1st September 2025 For Supervisors Only. Following the completion of your students SSRA project, can you please complete and sign the following assessment form and forward in PDF format to
Student Testimonial Form (2025) Due on return from your SSRA international Project This form is to be completed and sent as PDF to, must cc in email. FOR DEAN'S SCHOLARSHIP PROJECTS ONLY
SSRA Module Descriptor MDSA 30280 (2025) - This form is for student information
SSRA Module Requirements for 5 Credit and Audit (2025) - This form is for student information
SSRA Research Report Guidelines Grading Rubric - This document highlights all necessary requirements for the research report
Clare O'Connor Scholarship Application Form (2025) 1st September 2025 Application for Clare O’Connor Summer Student Scholarship in Respiratory Research 
Kathleen Lynn Scholarship Application Form (2025)   2nd March 2025  Application for the Lynn Summer Student Scholarship in the History of Medicine/Humanities in Medicine. 
SSRA Student Project Application Form (2025) - This form should be completed and sent to potential Supervisors when applying for projects