Our staff and students enjoy a range of educational collaborations both nationally and internationally. These interactions deliver a range of student elective opportunities and drive innovation in our teaching and assessment methods. They bring us in contact with a range of international accreditation groups which help drive our constant pursuit of educational excellence.
Example collaborations include:
In the delivery of our programmes, we receive strong academic support from staff within:
This student-led initiative collates a publishes original research articles, commentaries and reviews of interest to undergraduate medicine, radiography and biomedical science students. Our students also welcome contributions and contribute articles to similar student journals in other Irish medical schools.
In a collaboration with the Health Services Executive, the School is responsible for the delivery of a medical internship training programme and collaborates with the programmes delivered by other Irish medical schools.
UCD Diagnostic Imaging has a particularly strong international reputation with well established links in Australia, Canada, Malta, Malaysia, Portugal, and the United States of Amercia.
We are a founding member of the Irish Network of Medical Educators, a forum designed to exchange learning and best practice across all Medical Schools on the island of Ireland. We hosted the highly successful INMED 2013 Scientific Meeting in February 2013.
Together with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, we operate an international medical school in Malaysia (RUMC). As a partner in the Irish Universities Medical School Consortium, the School and our colleagues in NUIG, TCD and UCD have recruited international students from Africa and South East Asia for over 30 years. In 2010, we established formal collaboration with Shenzhen University Medical School (China). We are an active participant in Universitas 21, a collaboration of leading research-intensive universities and hosted the U21 Health Sciences Group Annual Meetings in 2013 and 2020.