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Animal Welfare & Society



Module Title

Animal Welfare & Society

Subject Area Agriculture & Food Systems 
Credits 5
Start Date 8th September 2025
Duration 12 weeks
Mode of Delivery Online
Lead Academic Prof John O'Doherty

Full Fee: €640

*Subsidised Fee: €320

*50% Learner Fee Subsidy - Details Below.

Application Deadline

29th August 2025

Our Animal Welfare & Society micro-credential, offered by the UCD School of Agriculture and Food Science, is a short course designed for individuals who want to understand the core principles of animal welfare and the latest developments in this critical area.

Optimising animal welfare has always been a concern for animal scientists but is now of increasing importance today extending from primary producers to regulators, stakeholders and most members of society. At the heart of sustainable animal production systems are livestock whose needs are met from a behavioural and welfare standpoint. We have a duty of care to all livestock and compromised welfare impacts right across the food chain from effects on the animal, its capacity for production and its immune system to enterprise efficiency, trade and ultimately the acceptability of animal production systems. All animal scientists require a solid foundation in the core principles of farm animal behaviour and welfare as well as an understanding of the emerging science underpinning the sectoral efforts to optimise animal welfare. This module will incorporate exposure to the latest technologies to measure and improve animal welfare, including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and aspects of social science to effects behavioural change in this space.

Key Features

This micro-credential is relevant to professionals interested in developing their knowledge and understanding of the latest advances in animal welfare science. 

In particular those who are currently working in the agri-food sectors and animal health industry, including; practitioners (veterinary surgeons, nurses and allied staff), regulatory bodies, government departments, NGOs or trade organisations, journalists, teachers in agricultural science and commercial companies.

On completion of this micro-credential you should be able to:

  • Explain the main concepts in farm animal behaviour and welfare
  •  Explain the current issues relating to animal welfare in different species
  •  Display an appreciation of comprehension of animal welfare legislation in the EU in a global context
  •  Appreciate the scientific basis of animal learning and cognition
  •  Illustrate ways to evaluate farm animal welfare and strategies for improvement
  •  Outline the role of animal welfare in sustainability
  • Discuss existing technologies to monitor farm animal welfare and the potential of AI to improve welfare
  •  Extrapolate on the importance of integrating social science dimensions to promote change

Topics that you will cover include:

  1. Animal Consciousness
  2. Animal Welfare Legislation
  3. Ruminant Welfare
  4. Pig Welfare
  5. Poultry Welfare
  6. Welfare Assessment Technologies

This micro-credential will give you the necessary foundation in animal welfare - from science to practices, to best understand the challenges and latest developments in livestock welfare.

This micro-credential is delivered through the UCD online learning platform (Brightspace). The learning materials will include a blend of lectures from UCD staff and guest lecturers which will be uploaded weekly for you to engage with to suit your own schedule but you will need to meet the key assessment dates.

You will learn in a variety of ways, through a mixture of autonomous learning, live online practical tutorials, peer interactions, group and individual presentations, and asynchronous tutor led discussion forums. 

A repository of resources will be available to support your learning, and as a UCD student, you will have full access to the library. 

This is a 5 ECTS micro-credential and involves approximately 100 hours of learner effort.

Applicants are required to hold an NFQ level 8 Honours degree (minimum 2nd Class Honours Lower) or equivalent in a related science discipline.

Applicants who do not meet this requirement may be admitted on the basis of considerable relevant experience (3+years) in negotiation and mediation.

Applicants whose first language is not English must demonstrate proof of English proficiency as per UCD's minimum English language requirements.

All applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Assessments will be delivered towards the end of the term and include an individual short online exam (multiple choice questions), an individual written report, a group work written document and a written personal reflection.

A range of feedback strategies will be used during the course including individual feedback on written assessments, peer review activities, self-assessment activities and online automated feedback for the MCQ. You will also receive group/class feedback during the live online practical tutorials taken over the course of the trimester.

Please note: Learners can avail of only one form of funding per application. 

Micro-Credentials Learner Fee Subsidy-Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3

The HCI Pillar 3 Micro-credential Learner Fee Subsidy has been introduced to enable more learners to address critical skills gaps and engage with lifelong learning through micro-credentials. The HCI Pillar 3 Micro-credential Learner Fee Subsidy is funded by Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. 

HCI Micro-credential Learner Fee Subsidies are available on identified micro-credentials only from March 2024 until October 2025. Funded places are limited and course providers will administer the subsidy on a first come first serve basis.

Please see Eligibility Criteria for further information.    

On successful completion of this micro-credential, you will receive credits as per the European Credit and Transfer System. These credits are recognised by the awarding institution as credits aligned to learning completed at postgraduate level.