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UCD Trad Music Group

UCD Traditional Music Group

The Traditional Music Practices ensemble was founded in 2022 during Dónal Lunny's tenure as Artist-in-Residency with the UCD School of Music and the Creative Futures Academy. Other guests artists have included Paddy Glackin and Zoë Conway.

The students in this class explore a broad range of activities within the world of traditional music. This includes performing melodies from Ireland and related traditions, ranging from Scotland to the Balkans

Students will also undertake individual projects, such as composing, arranging, and independent research. Every term culminates in a trad session in Dublin's Cobblestone Pub and a concert performance in UCD.

In 2025, the ensemble released their debut album, Seven Springs, featuring Dónal Lunny and Paddy Glackin. The CD features traditional melodies from Ireland and Macedonia, alongside original compositions written by the student themselves. The title track, Seven Springs, was written especially for our students by Dónal Lunny. The album is available on YouTube, Spotify and iTunes, and the accompanying CD Liner Notes can be downloaded here.

Rehearsals take place in the Trapdoor Theatre every Monday from 4-6pm.

New students wishing to join the ensemble should note that Irish traditional music is primarily a melodic instrumental tradition. This means there are very limited roles for accompanying instruments such as a piano or guitar playing chords. (i.e. guitarists should ideally be able able to read TAB and play melodies on their instrument.)

No audition is required. 

2024/25 Module Codes:

Spring: MUS20990

UCD School of Music

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8178 | E: music@ucd.ie