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Fellowship Applications - 2024 Competition Closed

Details of the 2024 competition below is for reference only, the 2025 competition should reopen in Spring 2025. Please check this webpage for updates. 

Each year UCD School of Music selects applicants for both schemes as part of a single competition. You are welcome to apply for support for only one scheme of your choosing or for both schemes together. Please note, however, that it is not possible to apply for more than one type of fellowship within each scheme (for example, to apply for both a one-year and a two-year GOI postdoctoral fellowship).

Successful applicants for both schemes are likely to have at least one significant peer-reviewed publication. For the purposes of this internal competition in particular, we are happy to hear about work that is forthcoming or in press – please simply list this appropriately on your CV. There should be an excellent fit between your research and that of a potential mentor or pair of co-mentors (see faculty research profiles). Please note that Professor Harry White is not available to act as mentor for these competitions and that Professor Thérèse Smith is available as mentor only for one-year projects. In the case of interdisciplinary projects, you are welcome to suggest co-mentors from outside of the School of Music.

The 2024 deadline for application was 7 May 2024.

2024 Application Process
  • A covering note detailing which exact scheme or schemes you wish to apply for and confirming that you meet the essential eligibility criteria with regard to mobility (MSCA) and time since PhD (MSCA and GOI). If you intend to apply for a MSCA Global Fellowship, please also indicate which global partner you would intend to include, and whether you have yet been in contact with that institution.
  • CV
  • A short summary (1,000 to 2,000 words) of your proposed research project, to include aims and/or objectives, central research questions, and methodology.
    • If applying for a one-year GOI fellowship, this summary is likely to cover the overall scope of your dissertation, but should also include details of the specific publications you wish to work on arising from your dissertation.
    • If applying for both a MSCA and an GOI fellowship for a substantially similar project, only one such summary is required. You may, however, take the summary as referring primarily to the proposed GOI application, and add an optional additional statement (up to 500 words) detailing how a MSCA application would depart from this.
    • If applying for MSCA and GOI fellowships for substantially different projects, you may include two summaries of 1,000 to 2,000 words each.
  • A short description (up to 350 words) of how your work would fit with that of a potential mentor (or mentors) and, where applicable, with other members of the School or University. Again, please note the importance attached to this fit.

We recognise the competing time pressures of early career scholars and seek to keep this internal selection process as simple as possible. As such, we do not require a cover letter, writing sample, or any other materials. We are also happy at this stage for considerable flexibility in length of summary research proposal, to allow you to reuse other materials as easily as possible. As long as that proposal stays within the range specified above, its length will not be taken into account in the selection process. You are encouraged to contact informally a potential mentor in advance of the above deadline, but are not at all obliged to do so.

Other enquiries may be sent to (opens in a new window)music@ucd.ie. Please note that we are unable at this stage to provide general advice on whether there is a suitable mentor in the School. We would advise instead that potential applicants review individual faculty interests and contact the best-matched potential mentor directly in the case of any doubt.

Current Fellows

Dr Chrysi Kyratsou, Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow 
Mentor: Dr Jaime Jones
Project Title: Musicking Encounters And Pathways To Inclusion: Uses Of Music Among Asylum- Seekers In Greek Reception Centres

(opens in a new window)Dr Francesco Milella, Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow
Mentors: Dr Tomás McAuley (Music) and Dr Ivar McGrath (History)
Project Title: The impact of the Atlantic circulation of Italian opera in the crisis of the Spanish empire between 1770 and 1820

(opens in a new window)Dr Sarah Raine, Science Foundation Ireland-Irish Research Council Pathway Fellow
Mentors: Associate Professor Jaime Jones (Music)
Project Title: Improvising Across Boundaries: Voicing the experience of women and gender minority improvising musicians

Recent Fellows

Dr Kyle Kaplan, Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2023)
Mentors: Dr Tomás McAuley (Music) and Professor Brian O’Connor (Philosophy)
Project Title: Intimate Critique: Henze, Adorno, and the Aesthetics of Recommitment

Dr Matthew Thomson, Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-2023)
Mentor: Dr Frank Lawrence
Project Title: Courtly Song and Bodily Desire in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century France

Dr Patrick Nickleson, Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow (2021-22)
Mentor: Dr Jaime Jones (Music)
Project Title: X-Marks: First Nations and Settler Epistemologies of Graphic Scores

Dr Joe Mason, Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-21)
Mentor: Dr Frank Lawrence (Music)
Project Title: Music and Violence in Thirteenth-Century France

UCD School of Music

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8178 | E: music@ucd.ie