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BA First Year (DN520)

First Year BA - DN520

Modules: Minimum 15 Credits in Music
  • MUS10150 Writing about Music (Autumn)
  • MUS10190 Music Theory 1 (Spring)
  • A) MUS10120 Music, Culture and Society (Spring) AND/OR B) MUS10210 Musicianship (Autumn)
    • A) You must complete this module for your degree. It is strongly recommended you take it in your first year.
    • B) This module is highly recommended for any student who needs to strengthen their skills in reading music notation.
      Performance ensemble modules are also available as an elective in 1st Year.

First year students select one elective module before Spring term starts. You are more than welcome to take a Music & Performing modules as an elective

After Year 1

- You can continue with the BA Joint Honours for the full 3 years, or;

- You can transfer to the BMus Music Single Major in your 2nd year, to complete the BMus degree at the end of your 3rd year.

- You can also apply to take an additional, 4th year of music study, after completing the BA Joint Honours, to be awarded an additional BMus degree.

Application for Bachelor of Music Degree (BMus) - Stages 2 and 3

If you want to make an application to study Music as a Single Major in your Stage 2 and 3,  you should apply via the following google form:  

(opens in a new window)Application form for BMus Stage 2 (Single Major in Music)

* Applicants should achieve a GPA of at least 3.2 in music modules. 

The form must be submitted by Wednesday, 10th of July 2024.  Queries can be addressed to (opens in a new window)music@ucd.ie. You will be notified on the outcome by email in July. 

Updated Summer 2024

UCD School of Music

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8178 | E: music@ucd.ie