School Research Travel Grant
The UCD School of Music offers research students (PhD, MLitt) registered for a programme run by the School grants to attend conferences or undertake research trips. These students can apply for up to €500 each year. The grant can be used to cover travelling and accommodation costs, as well as conference fees.
To apply, students should submit a brief letter outlining the purpose of the trip and a breakdown of the costs. Conference trips can only be supported if the applicant will give a presentation at the event; in this case, confirmation that the proposal has been accepted should be included. Applicants should also indicate whether they already are in receipt of another grant for their trip.
Successful applicants should submit receipts for the costs covered by the grant within a month of travel. Grants are available to students who are not in receipt of an alternate regular allowance (such as that offered by the IRC Postgraduate Scholarship, or the UCD Ad Astra schemes) for direct research expenses.
Payment will be made following submission of receipts.
Applications and other communications in relation to the School Research Grant should be directed to Professor Wolfgang Marx (wolfgang.marx@ucd.ie). The School strives to reach a decision about each application within two weeks.