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Group Members

Members of the UCD Theoretical Nanoelectronics Group

  • Prof Andrew K. Mitchell: Group leader and Associate Professor in Theoretical Physics at UCD
    Director of the Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science, and Technology (C-QuEST)
  • Phillip Cussen Burke: Postdoc Fellow (previously: PhD in Maynooth University)
    Funded by Science Foundation Ireland
  • George Mihailescu: PhD student (previously: MSc in Theoretical Physics, UCD)
    Funded by Equal1 Labs; co-supervised by Dr Steve Campbell.
  • Emmanuel Bogacz: PhD student (previously: MSc in Theoretical Physics, Oxford University)
    Funded through an IRC Enterprise Partnership postgraduate scholarship, co-funded by Intel Ireland.
  • Ronan McElvogue: PhD student (previously: MSc in Mathematical Physics, Queen's University Belfast)
    Funded through a collaboration of an SFI ResProf award
  • Christopher Havlin: Undergrad theoretical physics project student, working on quasicrytals of aperiodic monotiles

Former group members


  • (opens in a new window)Dr Sudeshna Sen: IRC Laureate Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-2021
    Now: Permanent faculty member, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad.
  • Dr Hossein Khani: IRC Laureate Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022-2023
    Now: Department of Physics, Tehran University, Iran

PhD students

  • Jonas Rigo (graduated May 2023)
    "Models and methods for complex quantum nanostructures"
    Funded through an IRC Laureate Award Postgraduate Scholarship
    Now: postdoc in the Institute for Theoretical Physics at Regensberg, Germany
  • Emma Minarelli (graduated May 2022)
    "Quantum transport in interacting nanodevices: From quantum dots to single-molecule transistors"
    Funded through the IRC Enterprise Partnership Scheme in collaboration with Intel Ireland
    Now: postdoc at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Patrick Wong (graduated May 2022)
    "Interactions and Topology in Quantum Matter: Auxilliary Field Approach & Generalized SSH Models"
    Funded through a UCD School of Physics Scholarship
    Now: postdoc with Prof Balatsky at NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden

MSc Students

  • Brian Malone: Thesis on single-electron transistors in CMOS, 2022-2023
  • Yucheng Xu: Thesis on dynamics of correlated materials, 2019-2020 Now: PhD at University of Cambridge
  • Shardul Mukim: Thesis on quantum transport in molecular transistors, 2018-2019
    Now: PhD at Trinity College Dublin

TP Project Students

  • Ralph Jason Costales:
    Project on non-linear canonical transformations and third quantization, 2022-2023. Recipent of a George Moore Postgraduate Scholarship.
    Now: MSc in Theoretical Physics at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada
  • Ali Gunning:
    Project on non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and open quantum systems, 2022-2023.
    Winner of the 2023 O'Raifeartaigh Medal and a George Moore Scholarship.
    Now: MSc in Theoretical Physics at Oxford University, UK.
  • Cian Gaines: Project on non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, 2021-2022
    Now: MSc at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada
    Emmanuel Bogacz: Project on auxiliary field mapping for strongly correlated electron systems, 2020-2021
    Now: MSc in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics at Oxford University, UK
  • Sindre Brattegard: Project on moire physics in twisted double-wall carbon nanotubes, 2019-2020
    Now: PhD at Trinity College Dublin
  • Adam O'Reilly: Project on topological quantum matter, 2018-2019
  • Dáire Flood: Project on quantum transport through nanostructures, 2018-2019
  • Ivan Lobaskin: Project on topological quantum matter, 2017-2018
    2nd place for the National IOP Earnshaw Prize in Physics
    Since then: MSc at Cambridge and PhD at Edinburgh University, UK

Theoretical Nanoelectronics Group

UCD Science Centre North, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2520 | E: andrew.mitchell@ucd.ie