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Here I have collected some teaching materials for the physics modules I lecture at UCD, including links to my online video content.

Online video lectures on my YouTube channel

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Classical Mechanics and Relativity

These lectures are part of the UCD physics module PHYC30020 (3rd year undergraduate, semester 1). The (opens in a new window)YouTube playlist organizes the lectures in order.

  1. (opens in a new window)Introduction and recap of Newtonian mechanics
  2. (opens in a new window)The Principle of Least Action
  3. (opens in a new window)Euler-Lagrange and Hamilton's equations
  4. (opens in a new window)Relativistic Lagrangian and Electromagnetism
  5. (opens in a new window)Derivation of classical physics from quantum mechanics
  6. (opens in a new window)Coordinate transformations and the metric of space
  7. (opens in a new window)Generalized coordinates and constraints in Lagrangian mechanics
  8. (opens in a new window)Conservation laws and Noether's theorem
  9. (opens in a new window)Worked examples in classical Lagrangian mechanics
  10. (opens in a new window)Chaos and Ergodicity
  11. (opens in a new window)Classical Hamiltonian mechanics and Energy
  12. (opens in a new window)Phase space trajectories
  13. (opens in a new window)Poisson Brackets and Canonical Transformations
  14. (opens in a new window)Introduction to Relativity
  15. (opens in a new window)Derivation of Lorentz transformation
  16. (opens in a new window)Relativistic length contraction and time dilation
  17. (opens in a new window)Paradoxes in Special Relativity
  18. (opens in a new window)Relativistic Velocity Addition
  19. (opens in a new window)Relativistic Invariants
  20. (opens in a new window)Causality in Special Relativity
  21. (opens in a new window)Four-Vectors in special relativity
  22. (opens in a new window)Relativistic Mechanics

Quantum Condensed Matter Theory

These lectures are part of the UCD physics module PHYC40200 (4th year undergraduate / MSc, semester 2).
The (opens in a new window)YouTube playlist organizes the lectures in order.

  1. (opens in a new window)Quantum Condensed Matter Physics lectures: orientation
  2. (opens in a new window)Intro to Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
  3. (opens in a new window)Quantum harmonic oscillator and ladder operators for spin systems
  4. (opens in a new window)Two qubits / spins: formalism
  5. (opens in a new window)Spin states and exchange interaction
  6. (opens in a new window)Exact Diagonalization for spin systems
  7. (opens in a new window)Observables, Density Matrix, Reduced Density Matrix, Entanglement Entropy
  8. (opens in a new window)Spin chains and the quantum to classical correspondence
  9. (opens in a new window)Spin wave theory of ferromagnets and Holstein Primakoff representation
  10. (opens in a new window)phase transitions, spontaneous symmetry breaking, and mean field theory
  11. (opens in a new window)Quantum spin liquids and valence bond solids
  12. (opens in a new window)Second quantization: basics
  13. (opens in a new window)Second quantization for fermions
  14. (opens in a new window)Basic fermionic models in second quantized form
  15. (opens in a new window)Tight-binding models
  16. (opens in a new window)Fundamentals of band structure
  17. (opens in a new window)Electron interactions and the Hubbard model
  18. (opens in a new window)Topological quantum matter
  19. (opens in a new window)Green's functions in condensed matter physics: basics
  20. (opens in a new window)Green's functions for non-interacting systems
  21. (opens in a new window)Equations of motion for Green's functions in CMP
  22. (opens in a new window)Green's functions for interacting fermions


These lectures are part of the UCD physics module PHYC30070 (3rd year undergraduate, semester 2).
The (opens in a new window)YouTube playlist organizes the lectures in order.

  1. (opens in a new window)Magnetostatics
  2. (opens in a new window)Magnetic materials and magnetic fields in matter
  3. (opens in a new window)Electrodynamics and Faraday's law
  4. (opens in a new window)Energy in electrodynamic systems
  5. (opens in a new window)Electromagnetic waves
  6. (opens in a new window)Electrodynamic potentials
  7. (opens in a new window)Relativity in Electrodynamics

Classical Mechanics and Relativity (PHYC30020)
UCD 3rd year undergraduate physics: Semester 1

The first part of this module covers non-relativistic classical mechanics with applications: generalised coordinates, degrees of freedom, Lagrange's formalism and Lagrange's equations of motion, Hamilton's principle and Hamilton's equation of motion, central force motion, continuous systems and fields. The second part of this module covers special relativity with applications in particle and astrophysics: Michelson-Morley experiment, Einstein's postulates, Lorentz transformations, time dilation and length contraction, relativity of simultaneity, four-vector formalism, relativistic energy-momentum-mass relationship, and relativistic imaging.

Electromagnetism (PHYC30070)
UCD 3rd year undergraduate physics: Semester 2

This module presents the field theory of electromagnetism. Gauss's Law, Ampere's Law, Biot-Savart's Law and Faraday's Law are examined, leading to Maxwell's Equations. The physical significance of these equations is emphasised. Solutions to Maxwell's Equations in the form of electromagnetic waves are presented. The behaviour of electromagnetic fields in vacuum, dielectric and magnetic media, conductors, wave-guides, and at the interface between different media is described. Electromagnetism as a relativistic phenomenon is discussed and the nature of light is investigated. The source of electromagnetic radiation is identified.

Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter (PHYC40200)
UCD 4th year undergraduate physics: Semester 2

This module will introduce methods of many-body quantum mechanics, as applied to condensed matter physics. The fundamental formalism and techniques are presented, with examples of applications to relevant physical systems. Topics covered include second quantization, spin systems and magnetism, quantum gases, tight-binding models, strongly correlated electrons, scattering theory, Green's functions, topological quantum matter, quantum transport (subject to change).

Theoretical Physics Projects (PHYC40900)
UCD 4th year undergraduate theoretical physics Bachelor's thesis: Semesters 1 & 2

This module involves an extended original research project in theoretical physics, with topics including but not restricted to: General Relativity Theory, Theoretical Astrophysics, and Condensed Matter Theory. Based on original research articles, the student will explore a current research topic of his/her choice selected from a list proposed by the module co-ordinator, and will be supported by an appropriate supervisor. The student will summarize his/her findings in a written report and an oral presentation.

Previous courses in UCD:

Advanced Lab - computational physics (PHYC303XX)
UCD 3rd year undergraduate physics: Semesters 1 & 2, 2017/18

Principles of Scientific Enquiry (PHYC10010)
UCD 1st year undergraduate science: Semester 1, 2016-19

Courses outside UCD:

Numerical methods for quantum impurity problems

Part of the (opens in a new window)Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP)
Doorn, Netherlands (9-20th March 2015)

Course Summary:
'Quantum impurity models' are classic paradigms for strong electron correlations in condensed matter physics. They underpin the theoretical description of magnetic impurities in metals, nanodevices such as quantum dots, and appear as effective models within the dynamical mean field theory of correlated materials. Non-perturbative quantum many-body methods must be employed to solve such problems. In this course, we provide the conceptual framework of the Numerical Renormalization Group, discuss technical/practical details of the calculation, and present relevant applications.
Visit the'Quantum impurity' course website

Numerical Methods for Many-Particle Systems (Graduate)

Held at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Cologne, Germany.
In conjunction with the (opens in a new window)Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy.

Course Summary:
This intensive course is intended to provide both a working understanding and real hands-on experience with the essential numerical techniques of solid state many-body physics. Rather than a 'black-box' philosophy, the course aims to discuss the theory and physics underpinning numerical approaches. Lectures will introduce models of central importance, such as the Ising model, the Anderson impurity model, the Hubbard model and the Heisenberg model. Using these as concrete examples, the Monte Carlo, Exact Diagonalization, Numerical Renormalization Group and Density Matrix Renormalization Group techniques will be discussed. Students will also gain supervised practical hands-on experience writing, using and modifying simple computer codes to solve real problems.

Numerical Renormalization Group (Graduate)

Held at the Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Course Summary:
'Quantum Impurity Problems' are classic paradigms for strong electron correlations in condensed matter physics. They underpin the theoretical description of magnetic impurities in metals, nanodevices such as quantum dots, and appear as effective models within the dynamical mean field theory of correlated materials. Non-perturbative quantum many-body methods must be employed to solve such problems. In this course, we provide the conceptual framework of the Numerical Renormalization Group, discuss technical/practical details of the calculation, and present relevant applications.

Mathematics (Undergraduate)

Held at Oxford University, UK.

Course Summary:
Designed to provide the foundational and advanced mathematics required in physical chemistry and beyond, this course comprises weekly lectures and classes throughout the first year of the Undergraduate chemistry degree at Oxford University.

Theoretical Nanoelectronics Group

UCD Science Centre North, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 2520 | E: andrew.mitchell@ucd.ie