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Past events

17 February 2022 

During the first network meeting Francis Schaffner, consultant and researcher in Medical and Veterinary Entomology, University of Zurich, gave a presentation entitled 'Sampling mosquitoes and biting midges: how and why?' and Finan Gallagher (HSE) gave a brief overview of ongoing monitoring work of mosquitoes in Ireland. The project team introduced itself and the NetVec Ireland project. 

June 2022

Field visits to demonstrate how to set up traps and collect and store samples 

4 July 2022

Dr. Marion English 

Dr Marion England: Culicoides surveillance: Stories from the field

Senior Postdoctoral Research Scientist at The Pirbright Institute 

Dr Padraig Flattery 

Dr Padraig Flattery: Forecasting Bluetongue disease using dispersion modelling

Meteorologist at the Climate Services, Research and Applications Division in Met Éireann

11 October 2022

Aidan O’Hanlon, Natural History MuseumOverview of the biology of midges and mosquitoes, identification of native and exotic species

Michela Bertola, Public Health Department, Legnaro, ItalyThe Mosquito Alert App

Angela Valcarcel Olmeda, UCDTrapping techniques and sites, updates on the midge and mosquito project 

Elsie Isiye, SETUPrinciples of conventional, real-time PCR, updates on the midge and mosquito project 

Thomas Curran, SETUPrinciples of NGS for species identification

20 January 2023

Angela Valcarcel Olmeda, UCD: Maldi-Tof Basics 

Elsie Isiye, SETU: DNA Barcoding Basics

Dr Lorna Culverwell, Viral Zoonoses Research Unit University of Helsinki

13 April 2023

Dr Thomas Balenghien, medical entomologist at Cirad (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) with a focus on the ecology of dipteran vectors and lead researcher of the Culicoides group within the EFSA/ECDC European network for medical and veterinary entomology (VectorNet).

Dr Liam Lysaght, Strategic Director of the Biodiversity Data Centre and Head of Delegation for Ireland to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) (https://biodiversityireland.ie/staff/dr-liam-lysaght/).

4 August 2023

Speaker: Ross Cuthbert, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow and  Lecturer at Queen's University Belfast ((opens in a new window)https://pure.qub.ac.uk/en/persons/ross-cuthbert-2) with a research interest in global changes and their impacts on ecosystems, economies and health.

 Title: 'Mosquito impacts, biocontrol, and behaviour'

10 November 2023 

Research project update

7 March 2024 

Speaker: Bernadette Doyle, Superintending Veterinary Inspector 
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Title: An overview of Bluetongue Virus - mitigations and implications

8 May 2024 

UCD Citizen Science-Community in Practice: How citizen scientists can contribute

24 July 2024 

Arbovirus ecology and genetic diversity in blood-feeding arthropods in arid ecosystems, Kenya

Speaker: Dr. Edwin Ogola, Postdoc Researcher at Rocky Mountain Laboratories, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH), Hamilton, United States.

15 November 2024 

The benefits of insects for humans and nature

Speaker: Dr. Dara Stanley, Assistant Professor of Applied Entomology in the School of Agriculture and Food Science at UCD.