Research in Neuromuscular Systems

Find out more about some of our projects:
- DBS Model
- Domino-HD
- Cúram
- Human Performance
- Insight
- COVID-19 Rapid Response Projects
- Upper Limb Prosthetics
Our research involves the application of engineering principles, in particular mathematical modelling and signal processing, to understand how the nervous system controls muscle in healthy and diseased states. Through this research we aim to address fundamental questions in the control of human movement and to develop improved therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies.
Specific areas of interest include mathematical modelling and analysis of bioelectric signals, electromyography (EMG), electrical stimulation of the nervous system, myoelectric prosthetics, and motor control. Examples of research projects that our group is currently involved in include computational modelling of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in Parkinson's disease, adaption of motor control in fatigue and disease, modelling of motor neuron activity and EMG, and understanding the role of oscillatory neural activity in the neuromuscular system.
Through investigating adaptations within the nervous system in conditions where normal motor control is disrupted (e.g. fatigue, stroke, Parkinson's disease), it is hoped that in future it will be possible to identify optimal rehabilitation strategies to address movement impairment in different motor disorders. Additionally, our research could be applied in early diagnosis of diseases, facilitating rapid intervention.