Posted 06 October 2011
UCD experts and thought leaders facilitate the Global Irish Economic Forum
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has selected the UCD College of Business and Law to facilitate the Global Irish Economic Forum which will take place in Dublin Castle on 7 – 8 October 2011.
This involves experts and thought leaders from UCD facilitating plenary sessions, panel discussions, and 'breakout sessions' where participants will meet in small working groups to discuss a range of topics relevant to the theme of the conference.
The expert facilitators provided by the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School and the UCD School of Law will also report on the conclusions and recommendations from the Forum, and provide a comprehensive written report on the proceedings.
Professor Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh, Dean of Business at University College Dublin, will lead the expert team. He will oversee the planning and execution of the project, act as ‘lead facilitator’, and present the results of the Forum to the plenary session.
About the Global Irish Economic Forum 2011
On 3 May 2011, the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Eamonn Gilmore TD, announced the Government decision to host a second Global Irish Economic Forum in Dublin Castle on 7-8 October 2011.
The first Global Irish Economic Forum (GIEF) was held at Farmleigh in September 2009 and was attended by some 180 leading Irish connected individuals from the global business and cultural sectors.
The Forum was considered to be successful in developing a greater level of strategic engagement between Ireland and its Diaspora. One of the key outcomes of the first Forum was the establishment of a permanent global network of influential members of the Diaspora with over 300 people from 37 countries.
Network members have demonstrated a strong connection to Ireland and a willingness to assist in the promotion of Ireland’s economic, cultural and tourism message in key markets.
The purpose of the second Forum is to maintain this engagement and to draw on this valuable resource of international expertise to help us in our efforts to achieve economic recovery.
About the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School
UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School draws on the expertise of a faculty of 100 leading academics across 12 subject areas, including accountancy, banking and finance, business administration, computer science, economics, environmental studies, industrial relations and human resources, management information systems, marketing, mathematics and statistics.
Academics based at the School hold the highest qualifications from the world’s leading universities and have an extensive network of international research connections and collaborations. Research activities in the School attract significant support from both industry and from national/international research funding agencies.
Many faculty members also consult with international corporations and institutions and this business experience, together with their research skills, helps to provide an environment for excellence in teaching and research where students study a wide range of subjects through a variety of teaching methods.
Senior faculty members at the School are highly experienced presenters who speak at international and local conferences and who are frequently called upon to Chair and facilitate events and committees and boards both for private and public sector organisations.
The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School is the only business school in Ireland, and one of less than 50 schools worldwide, to hold the ‘triple crown’ of accreditation from the three internationally recognised accrediting bodies: AACSB (US), Equis (EU) and AMBA (UK).
Degrees from the School are consistently ranked in the Financial Times’ Top 100 Global rankings. And the full-time MBA is currently at 78th in the world and 22nd in Europe. The Executive MBA programme is ranked 54th in the world and 30th in Europe. The full-time MBA programme is also ranked 31st in the world’s top 100 according to the Economist Intelligence Unit.
About the UCD School of Law
The UCD School of Law’s outstanding reputation for research spans most of the main fields of law.
Research from the School is routinely published in leading scholarly journals, and in the main academic presses. The interdisciplinary and international character of much of the School’s research is reflected in the school’s main research centres, the UCD Institute of Criminology and the UCD Centre for Regulation and Governance and in groups addressing human rights and constitutional studies.
Research in the School has a key role both in influencing the development of the legal system and in informing public policy, for example in the scrutiny of governmental activities in the field of human rights, employment law reform and the codification of the criminal law.
The leading Irish law journal, the Irish Jurist, and Legal Studies, the journal of the Society of Legal Scholars of United Kingdom and Ireland, are both edited in the School.
The UCD School of Law is ranked by QS World University Rankings as one of the world’s one hundred leading law schools. In 2011, the School celebrates 100 years.
(Produced by UCD University Relations)