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Scoil Ailtireacht, Innealtóireacht Chathartha agus an Imshaol Dheartha

Consumption of  alcohol on campus

It is the policy of University College Dublin to regulate the consumption of alcohol on campus, to encourage the development of sensible and moderate attitudes towards drinking and to facilitate the organisation of alcohol-free events.

In line with this policy, the Academic Council has approved the following revised regulations in relation to the consumption and advertising of alcohol on campus.

1.  Alcohol may not be consumed on campus except in licensed clubs and restaurants and other areas which have been temporarily designated by the Registrar for the purpose of a particular event.

2.  Open containers of alcoholic drinks found  on other areas of the campus may be confiscated

3.  Alternatives to alcoholic drinks, including tea, coffee and snacks, should be available at a reasonable price in the licensed clubs during trading hours.

4.  The Registrar has delegated the management of temporary designation of rooms and halls to the Services Department. Those wishing to serve alcoholic drinks at a party or reception should make application to the local Duty Manager on the appropriate form. If the application is approved, a permit will be issued to allow specified volumes of wine and/or beer proportionate to the number of guests attending the function. Services staff have authority to enforce the conditions under which the permit is issued and to confiscate any wine or beer in excess of the permitted quantities.

5.  Sponsorship of events or activities by the drinks industry is permitted only where the event or activity has an evident cultural or sporting component.

6.  It is the policy of the university not to allow the display or circulation on campus of promotional material for commercial events; the display and circulation of promotional material on campus is a privilege extended only to the Students’ Union, recognised Clubs and  Societies and other bona fide university organisations. Promotional material for commercial or other external events will be removed from UCD property.

7.  Any Club or Society which allows its title or logo to be used to promote a commercial event or venue will be in breach of these regulations and the Recognition Committee may take disciplinary action.

8.  Clubs, Societies and other groups organising events on- or off-campus may not advertise free or cheap drinks as the main attraction of the event. Posters or other promotional material contravening this regulation may be removed, and the Recognition Committee may take disciplinary action against any Club or Society which contravenes this regulation.

9.  Drunken or disorderly behaviour by students is a breach of the UCD Student Code and may be the subject of disciplinary procedures under the terms of the code.