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UCD Choral Scholars Spring Concert
April 2nd 

UCD Choral Scholars

'UCD Choral Scholars rehearsing'

The award winning student vocal ensemble, the UCD Choral Scholars, will give a Spring Concert on Wednesday 2nd April at 8pm in the Astra Hall of the Student Centre. The concert will be hosted by Tim Thurston, Lyric FM presenter. The scholars will perform a varied programme of pieces by Monteverdi, Sch�tz, Stanford, Villette, McMillan and others under the directorship of Desmond Earley.

The UCD Choral Scholars was founded by the UCD Governing Authority in 1998. Choral scholars come from diverse academic disciplines and several former scholars have gone on to pursue promising careers in the field of music performance. 

The UCD Choral Scholars were recently featured on Lyric FM's 'Friday Live' and in 2001, the scholars were awarded the prestigious Lyric FM prize of best chamber choir for their CD 'Ad Astra Collections' (2001). 

Tickets for the UCD Choral Scholars Spring Concert may be purchased by contacting Ann Tynan at 716-8312 and will be on sale in the John Henry Newman building and cost �10 (�5 concession for students).

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