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UCD College of Business contributes over 250 research projects to UN Sustainable Development Goals

Posted 1 November 2023

UCD College of Business academics have published more than 250 papers relating to the UN Sustainable Development Goals since their launch in 2016.

A new initiative cataloguing this long list of academic research is being led by Professor Andreas Hoepner, UCD College of Business VP of Research, Innovation, and Impact.

Among the papers published include research on climate action, reduced inequalities, responsible consumption and production, affordable and clean energy. 

"The SDGs are a key strategic priority at the UCD College of Business and we were tasked to understand how to integrate them more into our research going forward,” said Professor Hoepner, who serves as the Head of the Data Science Hub of the EU Commission’s Platform on Sustainable Finance.

“When reflecting on this task, we realised two things. First, we don't tend to manage well what we don't measure. Second, we already integrated the SDGs quite a bit but didn’t measure that we did this.” 

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by all 193 members of the United Nations in 2015 and identified 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) addressing the social, economic, and environmental requirements for a sustainable, prosperous and peaceful future. 

University College Dublin had a direct role in the development of the UN SDGs through the advocacy of Professor Patrick Paul Walsh, UCD School of Politics and International Relations and VP of Education and Director of the SDG Academy, who represented universities as a member of the UN Major Group for Science and Technology in the intergovernmental negotiations on the SDGs. 

The new project led by Professor Hoepner will illustrate in a visual format how faculty at the UCD College of Business have had a positive impact on solving some of the most pressing global challenges recognised by the UN SDGs.

This information will be displayed physically and digitally in an infographic which will include any publication indexed on Scopus, one of the world’s largest multidisciplinary databases of peer-reviewed literature in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social science, and arts and humanities.

“[The UCD College of Business is] committed to leading transformational change through our research and original thinking,” said Professor Hoepner.

“As VPRII, I work closely with UCD Research and I mentioned the idea to Liam Cleere [Senior Manager in UCD Research & Innovation] and he suggested Scopus might be able to help. That's how the idea was born.

“The result is a simple intriguing solution and is a result of good partnership within the College, where Partnership is of course SDG17 itself." 

The initiative, as well as the graphic representation of the work, will be formally launched at 1pm on Friday, 3 November in the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School.

By: David Kearns, Digital Journalist / Media Officer, UCD University Relations (with materials from Beth Gormley, UCD College of Business)

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