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UCD Relay for Life raises over €40,000 for the Irish Cancer Society

Posted 13 June, 2024

(opens in a new window)The Irish Cancer Society has received over €40,161 thanks to the efforts of this year’s (opens in a new window)UCD Relay for Life.

The money raised goes directly towards funding research and services of the Irish Cancer Society, such as night nurses and counselling for families affected by cancer all around Ireland.

The 24-hour fundraiser invites teams to have one member walking, hopping or running at all times with a baton to reflect the ethos of the charity, that 'we won't give up until cancer does'.

Prior to COVID-19, (opens in a new window)UCD Relay for Life was one of the largest annual on-campus charity events in Ireland, and this year’s fundraiser was the second time it was held in person since the pandemic. 

Last year the students involved helped to raise €14,700 for Irish Cancer Society.

“We are genuinely blown away by this year’s amount raised. After last year’s success, we wanted to make this year’s event bigger and better than ever and thought we were brave setting our original goal of €18,000. Needless to say, we could have never predicted this amount of money raised,” wrote the event organisers.

“We are absolutely over the moon to have been able to raise so much money for such an incredible cause.
“Thank you all once again from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who took part and donated - we couldn’t have done it without you.”

Since 2012, UCD Relay for Life has raised more than €180,000 for the Irish Cancer Society.

By: David Kearns, Digital Journalist / Media Officer, UCD University Relations

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