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UCD chosen as 2024-2025 SDG Champion

Posted 28 June, 2024

University College Dublin has been appointed one of Ireland’s latest Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Champions for 2024-2025.

One of 20 organisations from across Ireland chosen to help drive forward Ireland’s progress towards the (opens in a new window)United Nations SDGs - the 17 goals aimed at delivering sustainable development for the planet and its people – the university will contribute to this goal through its research and innovation, said (opens in a new window)Professor Tasman Crowe, UCD Vice-President for Sustainability.

“I'm delighted that UCD has been selected as an SDG Champion this year and welcome the opportunity to showcase our work on sustainability and to engage widely to promote action. 

“UCD is committed to maximising its contribution to the attainment of the SDGs. We are working towards innovative but workable solutions to sustainability challenges through our research and educational programmes and through the use of our campus and operations as a living lab to help develop and exemplify best practice.”

Also cited was UCD’s commitment to wide societal and policy engagement and to interdisciplinary approaches and wider partnerships nurtured through major research centres such as BiOrbic, the UCD Earth Institute and international networks such as the All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Network, UN Academic Impact, Una Europa and the International Association of Universities.

“UCD's goal is to build upon and increase our existing engagement with the SDGs and maximise our contribution to their attainment at local, national and global levels,” said (opens in a new window)Patrick Paul Walsh, Full Professor of International Development Studies at UCD and Vice President of Education and Director of the SDG Academy, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). 

“The university is currently developing its strategy to 2030 with a view to embedding sustainability at the heart of our education, research and campus activities, feeding directly into the SDGs' aim of promoting peace and prosperity for people and the planet.”

Professor Walsh, and members of the UCD Sustainability Unit, were present when Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD, announced UCD inclusion in the list of new SDG Champions for 2024-2025.

“The world is currently off track to achieve the SDGs and accelerated action is needed. However, in this decade of action for the SDGs, Ireland is determined to play a leading role in delivering on the Goals - locally, nationally and internationally,” said Minister Ryan.

“Over 90 organisations applied to take part in the programme this year, demonstrating the growing commitment of Irish society to live up to and promote the Goals which have at their heart equality, access to basic rights like clean water, clean energy, food and shelter for all, and climate justice. It is great to see such a variety of commercial organisations, academic institutions, those working with young people, and environmental organisations joining the SDG collective last year. It’s like looking at a cross section of Irish society, all with a common aim to make our collective future better.”

The application for the role of SDG Champions was led by UCD Sustainability’s Core Working Group for SDG Engagement and Impact, chaired by Enda Murphy, Professor of Planning at the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy. 

An initiative of the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, the SDG Champions Programme was developed to raise public awareness of the SDGs and to demonstrate, through the examples provided by the SDG Champions, that everyone in society can make a contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

This year’s chosen organisations will help raise awareness of the importance of the SDGs as a roadmap for a safer, fairer, more prosperous and sustainable future for all, that leaves no one behind. 

UCD is currently ranked number 1 for Sustainability in Ireland in the latest QS World University Rankings.

By:  David Kearns, Digital Journalist / Media Officer, UCD University Relations (with materials from Patrice Harrington, UCD Sustainability)

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