Orientation and Welcome
Welcome to the School's Undergraduate Orientation Hub.
Here to Help
Welcome to the UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems Undergraduate Orientation Hub. We have gathered together some helpful information for you to assist you in getting settled into third-level life at Ireland's Global University. Our doors are always open, so if you have any questions please get in touch with the School Office Team who would be delighted to assist you.
The Dean's Welcome
Welcome message from Professor Fiona Timmins, Dean and Head of School.
Associate Dean's Tips and Advice
There are six Associate Dean's within the School who provide support and leadership to ensure you receive the best experience on your chosen programme of study. We sat down with a few of them to give some tips and advice for new students starting in the School. Watch the video to find out more.
Student Supports
You can find further information about contacting your Student Advisor Anna Scully in the "Student Advisor" section linked above. Please also find the presentation below that Anna delivered at Orientation.
It is important to be aware of the safety measures within the Health Science Centre, where the majority of your classes, clinical labs and tutorials will take place. Please review the below safety powerpoint presentation.