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Dr. John Gilmore Speaks on Inclusive Healthcare to Taiwanese National TV

Tuesday, 18 June, 2024

Tawainese_TV_News Item

On Monday 17th June 2024, Dr. John Gilmore, Assistant Professor in Nursing engaged with Taiwan's National Hakka TV station to discuss the significant strides in LGBTQ+ rights and healthcare inclusivity in Ireland. The interview was conducted by Taiwanese reporter Yi Pin Liou, who is part of a delegation visiting Ireland to document the nation's social progression in LGBTQ+ rights over the past 50 years.

During the interview, Dr. Gilmore elaborated on his extensive work in creating inclusive healthcare systems for sexual and gender minorities. He emphasised the persistent health inequalities faced by LGBTQ+ communities, pointing out the critical gaps in research on LGBTQ+ health both within Ireland and on an international scale.

"Despite the progress made, LGBTQ+ individuals continue to experience significant health disparities," Dr. Gilmore remarked. "There is a notable lack of comprehensive research, which hampers our ability to fully understand and address the unique healthcare needs of LGBTQ+ people."

Dr. Gilmore also showcased ongoing initiatives aimed at reviewing LGBTQ+ health research in Ireland, highlighting the efforts to build more inclusive healthcare systems and education. He stressed the importance of integrating LGBTQ+ health topics into nursing and medical curricula to ensure that future healthcare professionals are equipped to provide sensitive and competent care to all patients.

"Our goal is to foster an environment where every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, receives the highest standard of care," Dr. Gilmore stated. "This involves not only policy changes but also a fundamental shift in how we educate and train our healthcare providers."

Yi Pin Liou and the Taiwanese delegation, keen on understanding the Irish model of social progression and its implications for LGBTQ+ rights, were particularly interested in these educational and systemic reforms. Their visit marks a significant cultural exchange, highlighting the global relevance of inclusive healthcare practices and the shared goal of achieving equality for all.

Dr. Gilmore's dialogue with Hakka TV underscores the importance of international collaboration in addressing health inequalities and fostering inclusive healthcare environments. As Ireland continues to lead by example, the insights gained from such exchanges will undoubtedly contribute to the global movement towards equitable healthcare for LGBTQ+ communities.

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