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Practice Placement Allocations Office


Practice Placement is a fundamental part of a student's learning experience in becoming a qualified nurse or midwife. During your studies, you will participate in practice placements in a variety of healthcare settings. You will gain real-world experience and hone skills like communication, critical thinking and decision making.

Practice Placement Allocations Office

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI), the body which regulates Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland, specifies requirements regarding the type and duration of practice placements.

The function of the Practice Placement Allocations Office (PPAO) is to ensure that each nursing and midwifery student is afforded the opportunity to gain experience in the clinical areas stipulated in NMBI regulations.

As well as organising a students practice placement throughout their studies in UCD, the Health Screening and Vaccination Programme is also coordinated from this office.

The Practice Placement Allocations Office is located on the ground floor, C0.01 in the UCD Health Sciences Centre.

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Practice Placement ARC System

Students can view their practice placement allocations and associated details through a specialist electronic system used by the Practice Placement Allocations Office called ARC.

At the beginning of your undergraduate studies, you are assigned an ARC account together with a username and password. Using this system ensures the following:

  • ARC allows you to access information about your practice placement, the geographic location of your site, instructions required prior to commencement of a clinical placement and any absenteeism whilst on practice placement.
  • ARC also allows you to access information about your Health Screening and Vaccination Programme.
Mater Hospital

Our Clinical Partners

The School has had a long and fruitful association with our partner hospitals and works actively to maintain and strengthen these partnerships.

Learning within these sites is both directed and self-directed, and students are supported in identifying and optimising their learning experiences and reflecting on them as an integral part of their learning experience.

Practice Placement Breakdown

Practice Placement Breakdown

Practice Placements form a significant part of all of UCD's undergraduate Nursing and Midwifery programmes. The institutions at which these are completed vary depending on the course being undertaken. All practice placement locations are centres of excellence where students will work with multidisciplinary teams to provide high quality, patient-centred care.

This schedule outlines the amount of time spent on campus versus on placement per semester for each General Nursing, Children's and General Nursing, Midwifery and Mental Health Nursing. 

Meet The Team

Louise Greene

Louise Greene

Programme Manager

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Bernie Maher

Bernadette Maher

Nursing Allocations Manager

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Profile photo of Dr. Regina Joye

Dr. Regina Joye

Assistant Professor

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Staff Profile Placeholder

Eimear Doherty

Senior Administrator-Admin Support Team

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Contact the UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems

Health Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4
T: +353 1 716 6488 | Location Map(opens in a new window)