The cscb500 spectrometer was funded by the (opens in a new window)SFI through their equipment supplement grant scheme to researchers in Chemistry in 2006.
Location : L0.18, School of Chemistry at the CSCB Building.
Spectrometer: Varian VnmrS 500MHz System , multinuclear with gradients.
Probe : 500MHz 1H-19F {15N-31P} 5mm PFG Indirect Detection probe designed for inverse detection experiments. These experiments show correlations between heteronuclei and protons by detecting high sensitivity protons. The probe has optimal proton sensitivity (S/N 850:1) and capability for irradiation at frequencies within the range of 15N to 31P with an actively shielded single-axis Z-gradient. Deuterium decoupling can also be carried out.
Note: This system is equipped with a 100 position auto-sampler to facilitate an open-access menu, and has the ability to run routine 1H, 13C, DEPT, COSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY experiments.