The Jeol400 spectrometer was purchased with the help of University College Dublin (UCD EQUIP Funding Programme - 2020/33).
Location: L0.17, School of Chemistry at the CSCB building.
Spectrometer: Jeol ECZS 400 MHz; multinuclear with gradients.
Probes: 400MHz Royal Probe HFX - 1H/19F/13C/31P 5mm Autoswitchable.
This probe can operate in double and triple resonance mode. In double resonance mode its performance is the same as a standard Royal probe. In triple resonance mode it provides capability to run 1H{19F}, 19F{1H}, 13C,{1H,19F}, and X{1H,19F} experiments. Coils optimized for proton, fluorine, and multinuclear observation and decoupling. Autotuning for any nuclei and for mode switching has the combined capability of a switchable probe and a dedicated four nucleus probe in one unit, with an actively shielded single-axis Z-gradient.
Notes: This system is equipped with a 100 position auto-sampler to facilitate an open-access menu, and has the ability to run routine 1H, 13C, DEPT, COSY, HSQC, HMBC, NOESY,31P and 19F, HOESY experiments.