Bel-Serrat, S., Greene, E., Mullee, A., Murrin, CM. (2021) 'A systematic review of dietary behaviour change interventions in socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents: theoretical and practical approaches'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002196.
Blackman, E., Caulfield, N., Logue, D., Corish, C. (2021) 'What is the most appropriate method to derive resting metabolic rate in athletes? A rapid review', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Browne, S., Geraghty, A., McBean, L., Corish C. (2021) 'Analysis of Dispensing Patterns and Non-Disease Specific Oral Nutritional Supplement Usage in primary care: the ONSPres project: Winner Scientific Poster Award', 13th European Congress of Dietetics October 26–30, 2021. The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD). Virtual. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 21 October. Published by Karger. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1159/000519655.
Browne, S., Kelly, L., Geraghty, AA., Reynolds, CME., McBean, L., McCallum, K., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Perrotta, C., Kennelly, S. (2021) 'Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplement prescribing in the community: a qualitative study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002123.
Charles, R., Dervan, N., Shaw, A., Corish, CA. (2021) 'Simulated learning: the experience and value for dietetic students within practice placement education', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Corish, CA., Geraghty, A., Castro, PD., Kennelly, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an Online Malnutrition Management Education Module for General Practitioners: The ONSPres Project'. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 77 (04 March), pp.354-355.
Corish, C., Geraghty, A., Dominguez-Castro, P., Kennelly, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an Online Malnutrition Management Education Module for General Practitioners: The ONSPres Project', 13th European Congress of Dietetics October 26–30, 2021. The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD. Virtual. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.21 October. pp.5. Published by Karger. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1159/000519655.
Dervan, N., Corish, C., Mullins, B., Heffernan, M., Charles, R., Shaw, A., Murrin C. (2021) 'Attaining public health nutrition proficiencies virtually', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Dervan, N., Gillman, B., McKiernan, M., Corish, CA. (2021) 'A nutrition-focused physical examination workshop improves skills and knowledge of registered dietitians in the diagnosis of malnutrition'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002457.
Dervan, N., Gillman, B., McKiernan, M., Corish, CA. (2021) 'A Nutrition-Focused Physical Examination Workshop Improves Skills and Knowledge of Registered Dietitians in the Diagnosis of Malnutrition'. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 77 (01 December). pp.354-354. Published by KARGER.
Dervan, N., Gilman, B., McKiernan, M., Corish, C. (2021) 'A Nutrition-Focused Physical Examination Workshop Improves Skills and Knowledge of Registered Dietitians in the Diagnosis of Malnutrition', 13th European Congress of Dietetics October 26–30, 2021. The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD). Virtual. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 21 October. pp.5. Published by Karger. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1159/000519655.
Dominguez Castro, P., Geraghty, AA., Reynolds, C., Kelly, L., McCallum, K., Browne, S., McBean, L., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C. (2021)’Don’t go near the word malnutrition : a qualitative study of community healthcare professionals’ and patients’ opinions on the term malnutrition', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Dominguez Castro, P., Reynolds, C., Bizarro, MG., Kennelly, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., McCullagh, L., Barry, M. (2021)'The characteristics of long-term oral nutritional supplement users in Ireland', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Geraghty, AA., Castro, PD., Reynolds, CME., McBean, L., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bourke, F., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., Clarke, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an online malnutrition management education module for general practitioners: the ONSPres project'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s002966512100210x.
Geraghty, AA., McBean, L., Dominguez Castro, P., Reynolds, CME., Browne, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., Clarke, S. (2021) 'Analysis of dispensing patterns and non-disease specific oral nutritional supplement usage in primary care: the ONSPres project'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002111.
Geraghty, A., Castro, PD., Reynolds, C., McBean, L., Browne, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., Clarke, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an online malnutrition management education module for general practitioners: the onspres project'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 46 (01 December). pp. S574-S575. Published by Elsevier BV. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.09.098.
Geraghty, A., McBean, L., Hanlon, D., Bury, G., O'Neill, M., Browne, S., Clarke, S., Clyne, B., Finnigan, K., McCullagh, L. (2021) 'Analysis of dispensing patterns and non-disease specific oral nutritional supplement usage in primary care: the onspres project'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 46 (01 December). pp. S581. Published by Elsevier BV. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.09.116.
Greene, E., Heinen, M., Murrin, C. (2021) 'Factors associated with yoghurt consumption in preschool children'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002135.
Greene, E., Heinen, M., Murrin, C. (2021) 'Factors associated with cheese consumption in preschool children'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002147.
Greene, E., Murrin, C. (2021) 'Factors associated with liking of milk among preschool children'. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (20 October). Published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1093/eurpub/ckab165.532.
Heffernan, M., Fitzpatrick, P., Bermingham, A., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, C., Murrin, C., Mullins, B. (2021) 'Novel implementation of experiential learning in health and wellbeing in a university setting'. International Conference on Higher Education Advances 01 January. pp.1035-1042. Available at (opens in a new window)10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13069.
Heffernan, M., Fitzpatrick, P., Bermingham, A., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, C., Murrin, C., Mullins, B. (2021) 'Novel implementation of experiential learning in health and wellbeing in a university setting', 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’21). Valencia, Spain (Virtual). 22 June. Available at (opens in a new window)10.4995/head21.2021.13069.
Heffernan, M., Mullins, B., Bermingham, A., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, C., Murrin, C., Fitzpatrick, P. (2021) 'Implementation of student experiential learning in health & wellbeing in a large university setting', European Public Health Association Conference. 31 (04 October). Available at(opens in a new window) 10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.670.
Heffernan, M., Mullins, B., Bermingham, AK., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, CA., Murrin, CM., Fitzpatrick, P. (2021) 'Implementation of student experiential learning in health &., wellbeing in a large university setting'. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (20 October). Published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Available at (opens in a new window)1(opens in a new window)0.1093/eurpub/ckab164.670.
Heffernan, M., Murrin, C., Doyle, G., Delaney, L., Lades, L., Lawlor, O., Mullins, B., Fitzpatrick, P. (2021) 'Removal of high sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus., two year follow up', 16th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting. 01 February.
Kelly, L., Geraghty, AA., Dominguez Castro, P., Reynolds, CME., Browne, S., McCallum, K., McBean, L., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C. (2021) 'Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplement prescription in the community: A qualitative study', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Leonard, A., Murphy, S., Corish, C., Madigan, SM. (2021) 'The effect of dietary supplementation with nitrate, creatine, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D on lung function, body composition (FFM), muscle strength, exercise capacity, dyspnoea, exacerbation rate and HRQoL in patients with COPD. A rapid review', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Lynam, A-M., Corish, C., Connolly, D. (2021) 'The implementation of a collaborative peer learning 2:1 model of practice placement education within dietetics pre-registration training in Ireland', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.
Reynolds, CME., Dominguez Castro, P., Bardon, LA., Kennelly, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., McCullagh, L., Barry M. (2021) 'It takes a village: Patient perspectives on the management of malnutrition in the community’, Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.