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Wednesday, 22 August, 2018

O Kilduff, J Slattery, C Lee, E Hunt, A Douglas, S O’Brien, C Murrin, C Kelleher, The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity among primary school children in Ireland, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, November 2024, ckae144.2132, (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.2132 

N Ravichandran, O Kilduff, J Slattery, C Lee, E Hunt, A Douglas, S O’Brien, C Murrin, C Kelleher, Disparities in Breastfeeding Patterns Persist Despite Improved Rates: Findings from Irish COSI R6, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, November 2024, ckae144.1537, (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.1537 

N Ravichandran, O Kilduff, J Slattery, C Lee, E Hunt, A Douglas, S O’Brien, C Murrin, C Kelleher,Health disparities continue to report in DEIS schools: Irish COSI Round 6 study, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, November 2024, ckae144.1535, (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckae144.1535 

Kilduff, O., Hunt, E., Flynn, C., Greene, E., Murrin C. (2023) '11 Parental attitudes as an influencing factor of children’s fruit and vegetable consumption in Ireland' Oral Presentations and Poster Abstracts from the 8th International Summit on Nutrition and Health, July 2022. 8th International Summit on Nutrition and Health (2022) – Abstracts. 01 July. Published by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1136/bmjnph-2023-nnedprosummit2022.14.

Kilduff O, Slattery J, Lee C, O' Brien S, Murrin C, Kelleher C. Feasibility of The World Health Organization (WHO) Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) 2022/2023 in Ireland during the Covid-19 pandemic: School principal interviews [Internet]. ECO 2023 programme book; 2023
(PDF (opens in a new window) https://eco2023.org/docs/eco2023_programme_book.pdf?a=310)

Kilduff O, Slattery J, Lee C, Hunt E, Douglas A, Greene E, Thygesen L, O' Brien S, Murrin C, Kelleher C. Novel use of electronic devices for the collection of child anthropometric measurements for the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) 2022/2023 in Ireland [Internet]. ECO 2023 programme book; 2023
(PDF(opens in a new window) https://eco2023.org/docs/eco2023_programme_book.pdf?a=310)

Kilduff O, Lee C, Slattery J, Hunt E, Douglas A, O' Brien S, Murrin C, Kelleher C. School and child participation rates in COSI-Ireland, pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic. Eur. J. Public Health. Volume 33, Issue Supplement_2, October 2023, ckad160.1534
(PDF (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckad160.1534) 

O'Donovan, S., Corish, C. (2023) 'Exploring healthcare worker reported knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards the role of the dietitian in managing non-communicable diseases: a rapid, scoping review', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2023. Dublin. 08 May.

Collins, A., Courtney, A., Corish, C. (2022) 'An investigation into the validity and reliability of published appetite screening methods used in the institutionalised older adult population: A rapid scoping review', Fresenius Kabi and INDI Research Symposium 2022.Virtual Conference. 07 April.

Courtney, A., Collins, A., Corish, C. (2022) 'Rapid scoping review of published methods used to subjectively assess for appetite in community-dwelling older adult populations and an investigation into their validity and reliability', Fresenius Kabi and INDI Research Symposium 2022. 07 April.

Heffernan, M., Murrin, C., Doyle, G., Lades, L., Lawlor, O., Mullins, B., Fitzpatrick, P. (2022) 'Removal of high sugar-sweetened beverages from a large university campus – an intervention to improve the university food environment', Forum for Global Challenges. Birmingham, UK.   03 May.

Kenny, D., Heffernan, M., Murrin, C. (2022) 'Assessing the suitability of the Uni-Food tool in an Irish University setting'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 81 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665122001288.

Logue, DM., Mahony, L., Corish, CA., Tobin, D., Doherty, R., O'Higgins, G., Madigan SM. (2022) ‘'Athletes’ and Coaches’ Perceptions of Nutritional Advice: Eating More Food for Health and Performance', Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute/Fresenius-Kabi Research Symposium 2022. 07 April.

Bel-Serrat, S., Greene, E., Mullee, A., Murrin, CM. (2021) 'A systematic review of dietary behaviour change interventions in socioeconomically disadvantaged adolescents: theoretical and practical approaches'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002196.

Blackman, E., Caulfield, N., Logue, D., Corish, C. (2021) 'What is the most appropriate method to derive resting metabolic rate in athletes? A rapid review', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Browne, S., Geraghty, A., McBean, L., Corish C. (2021) 'Analysis of Dispensing Patterns and Non-Disease Specific Oral Nutritional Supplement Usage in primary care: the ONSPres project: Winner Scientific Poster Award', 13th European Congress of Dietetics October 26–30, 2021. The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD). Virtual. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 21 October. Published by Karger. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1159/000519655.

Browne, S., Kelly, L., Geraghty, AA., Reynolds, CME., McBean, L., McCallum, K., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Perrotta, C., Kennelly, S. (2021) 'Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplement prescribing in the community: a qualitative study'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002123.

Charles, R., Dervan, N., Shaw, A., Corish, CA. (2021) 'Simulated learning: the experience and value for dietetic students within practice placement education', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Corish, CA., Geraghty, A., Castro, PD., Kennelly, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an Online Malnutrition Management Education Module for General Practitioners: The ONSPres Project'. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 77 (04 March), pp.354-355.

Corish, C., Geraghty, A., Dominguez-Castro, P., Kennelly, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an Online Malnutrition Management Education Module for General Practitioners:  The ONSPres Project', 13th European Congress of Dietetics October 26–30, 2021. The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD. Virtual. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.21 October. pp.5. Published by Karger. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1159/000519655.

Dervan, N., Corish, C., Mullins, B., Heffernan, M., Charles, R., Shaw, A., Murrin C. (2021) 'Attaining public health nutrition proficiencies virtually', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Dervan, N., Gillman, B., McKiernan, M., Corish, CA. (2021) 'A nutrition-focused physical examination workshop improves skills and knowledge of registered dietitians in the diagnosis of malnutrition'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002457.

Dervan, N., Gillman, B., McKiernan, M., Corish, CA. (2021) 'A Nutrition-Focused Physical Examination Workshop Improves Skills and Knowledge of Registered Dietitians in the Diagnosis of Malnutrition'. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 77 (01 December). pp.354-354. Published by KARGER.

Dervan, N., Gilman, B., McKiernan, M., Corish, C. (2021) 'A Nutrition-Focused Physical Examination Workshop Improves Skills and Knowledge of Registered Dietitians in the Diagnosis of Malnutrition', 13th European Congress of Dietetics October 26–30, 2021. The European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD). Virtual. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 21 October. pp.5. Published by Karger. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1159/000519655.

Dominguez Castro, P., Geraghty, AA., Reynolds, C., Kelly, L., McCallum, K., Browne, S., McBean, L., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C. (2021)’Don’t go near the word malnutrition : a qualitative study of community healthcare professionals’ and patients’ opinions on the term malnutrition', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Dominguez Castro, P., Reynolds, C., Bizarro, MG., Kennelly, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., McCullagh, L., Barry, M. (2021)'The characteristics of long-term oral nutritional supplement users in Ireland', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Geraghty, AA., Castro, PD., Reynolds, CME., McBean, L., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bourke, F., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., Clarke, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an online malnutrition management education module for general practitioners: the ONSPres project'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s002966512100210x.

Geraghty, AA., McBean, L., Dominguez Castro, P., Reynolds, CME., Browne, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., Clarke, S. (2021) 'Analysis of dispensing patterns and non-disease specific oral nutritional supplement usage in primary care: the ONSPres project'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002111.

Geraghty, A., Castro, PD., Reynolds, C., McBean, L., Browne, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., Clarke, S. (2021) 'Evaluation of an online malnutrition management education module for general practitioners: the onspres project'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 46 (01 December). pp. S574-S575. Published by Elsevier BV. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.09.098.

Geraghty, A., McBean, L., Hanlon, D., Bury, G., O'Neill, M., Browne, S., Clarke, S., Clyne, B., Finnigan, K., McCullagh, L. (2021) 'Analysis of dispensing patterns and non-disease specific oral nutritional supplement usage in primary care: the onspres project'. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, 46 (01 December). pp. S581. Published by Elsevier BV. Available at (opens in a new window)10.1016/j.clnesp.2021.09.116.

Greene, E., Heinen, M., Murrin, C. (2021) 'Factors associated with yoghurt consumption in preschool children'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002135.

Greene, E., Heinen, M., Murrin, C. (2021) 'Factors associated with cheese consumption in preschool children'. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 80 (01 January). Published by Cambridge University Press (CUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1017/s0029665121002147.

Greene, E., Murrin, C. (2021) 'Factors associated with liking of milk among preschool children'. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (20 October). Published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1093/eurpub/ckab165.532.

Heffernan, M., Fitzpatrick, P., Bermingham, A., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, C., Murrin, C., Mullins, B. (2021) 'Novel implementation of experiential learning in health and wellbeing in a university setting'. International Conference on Higher Education Advances 01 January. pp.1035-1042. Available at (opens in a new window)10.4995/HEAd21.2021.13069.

Heffernan, M., Fitzpatrick, P., Bermingham, A., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, C., Murrin, C., Mullins, B. (2021) 'Novel implementation of experiential learning in health and wellbeing in a university setting', 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’21). Valencia, Spain (Virtual). 22 June. Available at (opens in a new window)10.4995/head21.2021.13069.

Heffernan, M., Mullins, B., Bermingham, A., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, C., Murrin, C., Fitzpatrick, P. (2021) 'Implementation of student experiential learning in health & wellbeing in a large university setting', European Public Health Association Conference.  31 (04 October). Available at(opens in a new window) 10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.670.

Heffernan, M., Mullins, B., Bermingham, AK., Neville, R., Dervan, N., Corish, CA., Murrin, CM., Fitzpatrick, P. (2021) 'Implementation of student experiential learning in health &., wellbeing in a large university setting'. European Journal of Public Health, 31 (20 October). Published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Available at (opens in a new window)1(opens in a new window)0.1093/eurpub/ckab164.670.

Heffernan, M., Murrin, C., Doyle, G., Delaney, L., Lades, L., Lawlor, O., Mullins, B., Fitzpatrick, P. (2021) 'Removal of high sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus., two year follow up', 16th UK Society for Behavioural Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting. 01 February.

Kelly, L., Geraghty, AA., Dominguez Castro, P., Reynolds, CME., Browne, S., McCallum, K., McBean, L., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C. (2021) 'Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplement prescription in the community: A qualitative study', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Leonard, A., Murphy, S., Corish, C., Madigan, SM. (2021) 'The effect of dietary supplementation with nitrate, creatine, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D on lung function, body composition (FFM), muscle strength, exercise capacity, dyspnoea, exacerbation rate and HRQoL in patients with COPD. A rapid review', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Lynam, A-M., Corish, C., Connolly, D. (2021) 'The implementation of a collaborative peer learning 2:1 model of practice placement education within dietetics pre-registration training in Ireland', Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Reynolds, CME., Dominguez Castro, P., Bardon, LA., Kennelly, S., Clyne, B., Bury, G., Bradley, C., Finnigan, K., McCullagh, L., Barry M. (2021) 'It takes a village: Patient perspectives on the management of malnutrition in the community’, Fresenius Kabi and Irish Nutrition & Dietetic Institute Research Symposium 2021.Virtual. 04 March.

Murrin C. Global trends in childhood obesity. Invited speaker at the Joint European Congress on Obesity and International Congress on Obesity, Dublin (Online), 4th September 2020.

Greene, E., & Murrin, C. (2020). School milk scheme pilot in preschools. In Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. doi:10.1017/S0029665120007648

Do SD, Murrin CM, Hebestreit AH (2020) Key indicators for harmonized European population health surveillance: an iterative approach. European Journal of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5), ckaa165. 327.

Djojosoeparto SK, Kamphuis CBM, Vandevijvere S, Murrin C, Stanley I,et al. (2020)Has the European Union created a healthy food environment for its citizens? Application of the Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI). European Journal of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5), ckaa165. 1083.

Stanley I, Hebstreit A, Murrin C (2020) Health surveillance indicators: what is available in European data sets for policy evaluation? European Journal of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5), ckaa165. 328.

Mitchell L, Bel-Serrat S, Stanley I, Heinen M, Murrin C, Mullens B, Kelleher C (2020). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in Irish school children: The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative. European Congress on Obesity and International Congress on Obesity.

Bel-Serrat, S., Madigan, M., Sheane, R., Murrin, C. M., Kelleher, C. C., & Heinen, M. M. (2020). Relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire for obesity surveillance in school-aged children – The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in Ireland. In Proceedings of The Nutrition Society Vol. 79 (pp. e520). doi:10.1017/s0029665120004693

McVey, M., Stanley, I., Lawless, A., O'Brien, S., & Murrin, C. (2020). Investigating the impact of the HSE Healthier Vending Policy on unit sales of snack items. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 79 (pp. E432). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. doi:10.1017/S0029665120003808

O Porter, I Stanley, A Lawless, S O'Brien, CC Kelleher, CM Murrin (2020) Nutrient content of products purchased following the implementation of the “Healthier Vending Policy” in Ireland. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 79 (OCE2)

PD Castro, C Reynolds, S Kennelly, B Clyne, G Bury, C Bradley, et al. (2020) “Don’t Go Near The Word Malnutrition”; A qualitative study of community healthcare professionals and patients views on the term malnutrition. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 40, 592.

CM Reynolds, PD Castro, LA Bardon, S Kennelly, B Clyne, G Bury et al. (2020 .It Takes A Village: Patient Perspectives On The Management Of Malnutrition In The Community. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 40, 464-465.

PD Castro, C Reynolds, MG Bizzaro, S Kennelly, B Clyne, G Bury et al. (2020) The characteristics of long-term oral nutritional supplement users in Ireland Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 40, 496-497.

PD Castro, C Reynolds, G Bizzaro, S Kennelly, B Clyne, G Bury, et al. (2020) Large number of prescribed central nervous system drugs and younger age predict the use of more oral nutritional supplements units. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 40, 496

CM Reynolds, PD Castro, S Kennelly, B Clyne, G Bury, C Bradley,et al. (2020) Healthcare professionals’ preferences for the delivery, content and structure of a malnutrition education programme: An exploratory qualitative Study. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 40, 465.

Castro, P. D., Kennelly, S., Murrin, C., Bradley, C., Clyne, B., Bury, G., et al.  (2020). A preliminary qualitative study of nurses' and dietitians' views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 79 (pp. E108). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. doi:10.1017/S0029665120000567

Corish C. Are You Prepared for the Decade of Healthy Aging?" Invited speaker at the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, 19 October, 2020. Indianapolis, USA (online).

O’Sullivan, N. B., Bolton, L. A., Walsh, S. M., Barnes, L., McCormick, P. A., & Corish, C. A. (2020). Understanding patient perspectives of weight gain following orthotopic liver transplantation. Clinical Nutrition ESPEN35, 216.

Ward, E., Drennan, R., McGoldrick, A., Corish, C., & O'Loughlin, G. (2020). An Evaluation of Food Provision to Jockeys in the Weigh Room at Irish Racecourses. The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society79(OCE2).

Bassul, C., Corish, C., & Kearney, J. (2020). Associations between the home environment and children's fruit, vegetable and confectionary/sugary drink intakes. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 79(OCE2), E557. doi:10.1017/S0029665120005066

Murphy, C., McMorrow, A., Flanagan, E., Cummins, H., McCarthy, S., McGowan, M., . . . Roche, H. (2020). Prevalence of sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults in Ireland: Comparison of EWGSOP1 and EWGSOP2 definitions. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 79(OCE2), E161. doi:10.1017/S0029665120001093

Mullee, A., Burke, D., McSharry, V., Dhuibhir, P., Barrett, M., Roulston, F., . . . Walsh, D. (2020). Patient sources of diet and nutrition information after a cancer diagnosis. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 79(OCE2), E616. doi:10.1017/S0029665120005650

Corish, C., McAdoo, K., & Alhilou, M. (2020). Assessing knowledge and attitudes towards food sustainability among people who visit Overends Kitchen, Airfield Estate, Dublin. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 79(OCE2), E687. doi:10.1017/S0029665120006369

Castro, P. D., Kennelly, S., Murrin, C., Bradley, C., Clyne, B., Bury, G., ... & Corish, C. (2020). A preliminary qualitative study of nurses’ and dietitians’ views on malnutrition management and oral nutritional supplementation prescription in the community. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society79(OCE2). 

McCafferty C, Shan CL, Murrin C (2018) Socio-ecological approach to understanding why adults give food treats to children in Ireland. Eur J Public Health 28 (Suppl 4).

Burke D, McSharry V, Mullee A, Ui Dhuibhir P, Barrett M, et al (2019) Patient sources of dietary and nutritional information after a cancer diagnosis. Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 2019 Policy Seminar and Conference.

Chen LW, Aubert A, Shivappa N, Bernard JY, Mensink-Bout S, Geraghty AA, Mehegan J, Suderman M, Polanska K, Relton CL, Harvey NC, Cooper C, Duijts L, Heude B, Hebert JR, McAuliffe FM,Kelleher CC, Phillips CM. (2019) Maternal dietary quality, inflammatory potential and offspring adiposity throughout childhood: a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts in the ALPHABET consortium. 13th Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) European Nutrition Conference 2019, Dublin, Ireland.

Chen LW, Aubert A, Shivappa N, Bernard JY, Mensink-Bout S, Geraghty AA, Mehegan J, Suderman M, Polanska K, Relton CL, Harvey NC, Cooper C, Duijts L, Heude B, Hebert JR, McAuliffe FM,Kelleher CC, Phillips CM. (2019) Influence of maternal dietary inflammatory potential and quality on offspring birth outcomes: a pooled analysis of 7 European cohorts in the ALPHABET consortium. 11th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Melbourne, Australia.

Chen LW, Fitzgerald R, Navarro P, Shivappa N, Hébert J, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC, Philips CM. Maternal Dietary Inflammatory Potential and Quality Are Associated with Offspring Asthma Risk over 10-year Follow-up: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. (2019) Nutrition 2019 by the American Society of Nutrition, Baltimore, USA. Current Developments in Nutrition 3(Supplement_1).

Navarro P, Murrin CM, Mehegan J, Kelleher CC, Phillips CM; (2019) Associations between maternal healthy lifestyle score and offspring birth outcomes and childhood obesity: results from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. 13th Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) European Nutrition Conference Oct 2019. Dublin, Ireland. 

Navarro P, Shivappa N, Hébert J, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC, Philips CM; (2019) Family predictors of dietary inflammatory index in children and associations with weight status at age 5 and 9: results from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study in Ireland. 26th European Congress on Obesity (ECO May 2019). Glasgow, UK.  

Navarro P, Shivappa N, Hébert J, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC, Philips CM (2019) Associations of dietary inflammatory index with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 and 9: results from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. 6th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth (NGC March 2019). Valencia, Spain. 

Taxová Braunerová R, Kunešová M, Heinen M, Rutter H, Hassapidou M, Duleva V, Pudule I, Petrauskiene A, Sjöberg A, Spiroski I, Perez Farinos N, Kelleher C, Metelcová T, Vignerová J, Brabec M, Buoncristiano M, Zamrazilová H, Hainer V, Yngve A, Breda J. Abdominal obesity in 7-year old children in European countries evaluated by waist to height ratio – Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI). Obesity Facts 2019; 12(Supplement 1):73

Ojeda Rodríguez A, Bel Serrat S, Heinen M, Abdrakhmanova S, Brinduse L, Cucu A, Duleva A, Farrugia Sant’angelo V, Fijałkowska A, Hejgaard T, Hyska J, Milanović S, Peterkova V, Petrescu C, Rasmussen M, Murrin C, Kelleher C, Breda J. WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative: unhealthy eating habits and overweight-obesity risk in children from 18 countries. Obesity Facts 2019; 12(Supplement 1): 209

Carroll O, Heinen M. Current state-of-play of the school milk scheme in the Republic of İreland. Obesity Facts 2019; 12(Supplement 1):264

Kunešová M, Taxová Braunerová R, Heinen M, Rutter H, Hassapidou M, Duleva V, Pudule I, Petrauskiene A, Sjöberg A, Spiroski I, Pérez Farinós N, Kelleher C, Metelcová T, Vignerová J, Brabec M, Buoncristiano M, Zamrazilová H, Haine RV, Yngve A, Breda J. Adipose tissue distribution in seven year old children evaluated by waist- difference between European countries (COSI study). Obesity Facts 2019; 12(Supplement 1):215

Porter O, Stanley I, Lawless A, O'Brien S, Kelleher CC, Murrin CM, Bel-Serrat S. Nutrient content of products purchased following the implementation of the "Healthier Vending Policy" in Ireland. 13th European Nutrition Conference, FENS 2019, 15-19 Oct 2019, Dublin, Ireland (oral presentation)

Bel-Serrat S, Madigan M, Sheane R, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC, Heinen MM. Relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire for obesity surveillance in school-aged children - The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in Ireland. 13th European Nutrition Conference, FENS 2019, 15-19 Oct 2019, Dublin, Ireland (poster presentation)

Angel CZ, Smelov V, Guha N, Mullee A, Wasson R, Gunter M, Huybrechts I (2018) The Appetite-Regulating Hormones Leptin, Adiponectin and Ghrelin and the Development of Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review. Journal of Global Oncology 4(S2). (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1038/s41391-019-0154-1

Bardon, L., Streicher, M., Clarke, M., Power L., O'Connor, D., Laird, E., O'Connor, E., Visser, M., Volkert, D., Gibney, E. (2018) 'Determinants of malnutrition in older Irish adults from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) cohort-A MaNuEL study', Fresenius Kabi and INDI Research Symposium 2018.The Conrad Hotel, Dublin. 25 January. pp.67-68.

Bardon, L., Streicher, M., Corish, C., Clarke, M., Power, L., O'Connor, D., Laird, E., O'Connor, E., Visser, M., Dolkert, D. (2018) '(P01-007) Predictors of incident malnutrition in older Irish adults: results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing- a MaNuEL study', American Society for Nutrition. Hynes Convention Centre, Boston, MA, USA. 10 June.

Bassul, C., Kearney, J., Corish, C. (2018) 'Environmental influences on the health of pre-schoolers: the school, the home and the neighbourhood environment: preliminary results', Fresenius Kabi and INDI Research Symposium 2018. The Conrad Hotel Dublin. 25 January. pp.73-74.

Bel-Serrat S, Heinen M, Mehegan J, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2018) Comparison of individual-level and contextual-level socio-economic status indicators in Irish school-aged children: a repeated cross-sectional survey. The Lancet 392:S19. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32078-6.

Bel-Serrat S, Heinen MM, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2018) Lifestyle behaviours as predictors of future weight status in school-aged children: do they play a role? – The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in the Republic of Ireland. Obesity Facts11(Suppl 1):207.

Bel-Serrat S, Heinen M, O'Malley G, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2018) Trends in the prevalence of childhood obesity and morbid obesity in the Republic of Ireland – The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2015. Obesity Facts 11(Suppl 1):43.

Bel-Serrat S, Stanley I, Lawless A, O'Brien S, Kelleher C, Murrin C (2018) Beverages sales following the implementation of the Healthier Vending Policy across Health Service Executive premises in the Republic of Ireland. Proc Nutr Soc 77 (OCE4):E177.

Bel-Serrat S, Stanley I, Lawless A, O'Brien S, Kelleher CC, Murrin CM (2018) Are vending snacks and beverages complying with the Healthier Vending policy across Health Service Executive premises in the Republic of Ireland? Proc Nutr Soc 77 (OCE3):E48

Briody J, (2018). Unemployment and Health during the Great Recession: A longitudinal panel study of Irish Mothers 2001-2013 – The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. 2018 SPHeRE 4th Annual Sphere Conference, 11 Jan, Dublin, Ireland.

Chen LW, Navarro P, Murrin CM, Mehegan J, Kelleher CC, Phillips CM (2018). Prospective associations of maternal glycaemic insulin index and load with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. The Lancet, 392:S23. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32089-0 

Chen LW, Fitzgerald R, Murrin CM, Mehegan J, Kelleher CC, Phillips CM (2018). Associations between maternal caffeine intake and birth outcomes: results from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study, the Republic of Ireland. 5th International Conference on Nutrition & Growth. 1-3 Mar, Paris, France.

Chen LW, Navarro P, Murrin CM, Mehegan J, Kelleher CC, Phillips CM. (2018) Prospective associations of maternal glycaemic insulin index and load with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. Public Health Science Nov 2018 Conference. Belfast, UK. The Lancet 392, S23.

Corish CA, Bardon LA (2018) Malnutrition in older adults: screening and determinants. Proc Nutr SocNutrition Society:1-8. (opens in a new window)doi:10.1017/S0029665118002628

Corish CA (2018) Recommendations for nutrition screening in community and healthcare settings. Symposium Malnutrition in the Elderly: Results from the European MaNuEL Knowledge Hub, 11 Jun, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Coyle J, Heinen M, Daly L, Mehegan J, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2018) Investigation of non-response bias in the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) in Ireland. Faculty of Public Health Medicine Summer Scientific Meeting, 30 May, Dublin, Ireland.

Cronin FM, Drummond A, Herron I, Murphy JF, Kelleher CC, Murrin CM (2018) Potential of a large historical occupational cohort to assess the health impacts of life-course events in Ireland: a pilot study. The Lancet 392: S26. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32082-8.

Kelly GE, Zhang Q, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2018) Multivariate analyses of the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study of BMI. Proc Nutr Soc 77(OC3):E54.

Leij-Halfwerk S, Verwijs M, van Houdt S, Guaitoli P, Corish CA, Power L, Pelgrim T, Heymans MW, de van der Schueren MA (2018) Best estimates of malnutrition risk in European elderly. Clinical Nutrition 37:S253-4.

Liu GHF, Speidel S, Corish C, McAdoo K. (2018) Irish school children's knowledge of the origins of their breakfast foods. Proc Nutr Soc 77 (OCE3):E67.

Logue, D., Madigan, S., Heinen, M., McDonnell, S-J., Delahunt, E., Corish, C. (2018) 'Risk of low energy availability and associated health outcomes in active females in Ireland', Fresenius Kabi and INDI Research Symposium 2018. The Conrad Hotel Dublin.25 January. pp.105-106.

Logue, D., Madigan, S., Heinen, M., McDonnell, S-J., Delahunt, E., Corish, C. (2018) 'Risk of low energy availability and associated health outcomes in active females in Ireland', European College of Sport Science (ECSS). Dublin, Ireland. 04 July.

Power, L., de van der Scheuren, M., Leij-Halfwerk, S., Bauer, J., Gibney, E., Clarke, M., Visser, M., Dolkert, D., Bardon, L., Corish, C. (2018) '(P01-008) Rating Malnutrition Screening Tools for use with Older Adults in Community and Healthcare Settings - A MaNuEL Study', American Society for Nutrition. Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, USA. 10 June.

Power, L., de van der Schueren, M., Leij-Halfwerk, S., Bauer, J., Gibney, E., Clarke, M., Bardon, L., Corish, C. (2018) 'Rating nutritional screening tools for use in older adults in different healthcare settings', Fresenius Kabi and INDI Research Symposium 2018. The Conrad Hotel Dublin. 25 January 2018. pp.101-102.

McCafferty C, Shan CL, Murrin C (2018) Socio-ecological approach to understanding why adults give food treats to children in Ireland. Eur J Public Health 28 (Suppl 4).

McCafferty C (2018) A socio-ecological approach to understanding why adults give food treats to children. Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, ISBNPA, 3rd-6th Jun, Hong Kong, China.

McCafferty C, Shan CL, Murrin C (2018) Treat yourself? How do Irish adults define treats they give to children? A qualitative approach. Annual conference of the Association for the Study of Obesity in Ireland, 14 May, Dublin, Ireland.

McCafferty C (2018) A socio-ecological approach to understanding why adults give food treats to children. Nutrition Society Postgraduate Conference, 15-16 Feb, Belfast, United Kingdom.

Mullee A, Fiers L, De Keyzer W, Deliens T, Clarys P, Mullie P, Deriemaeker P, Vanaelst B, Wasson R, Leenaert T, De Henauw S, Gunter MJ, Huybrechts I (2018) Differences in food intake and diet quality in vegans, vegetarians and omnivores in Belgium. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 77(OCE3). (opens in a new window)doi: 10.1017/S0029665118000757.

Murrin, C., Doyle, G., Delaney, L., Lades, L., O'Malley, G., Harold, L., Mullins, B., Fitzpatrick, P. (2018) 'Attitudes to changes in the retail environment for sugar-sweetened beverages on a university campus: A Healthy UCD pilot trial', Faculty of Public Health Medicine Scientific Meeting 2018. Dublin. 31 May.

Murrin, C., O'Connor, J., Doyle, G., Delany, L., Lades, L., O'Malley, G., Lawlor, O., Harold, L., Mullins, B., Fitzpatrick, P. (2018) 'Removing sugar sweetened beverages from a university campus’. European Journal of Public Health, 28 (01 November). Published by Oxford University Press (OUP). Available at (opens in a new window)10.1093/eurpub/cky214.014.

Murrin, C., O'Connor, J., Goodwin, N., Airey, G., Doyle, G., Delaney, L., Lades, L., O'Malley, G., Harold, L., Mullins, B. (2018) 'Removing sugar-sweetened beverages from a university campus: A Healthy UCD trial', ASOI 6th Annual Conference 2018 Environmental determinants of food consumption and obesity. Dublin. 14 May.

Navarro P, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC, Phillips CM (2018) Adherence to the Healthy Eating Index-2015 across generations and associations with birth outcomes and weight status at age 5 years: results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study in Ireland The Lancet, 392:S66. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11040928

Navarro P, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC, Phillips CM. (2018) Adherence to the Healthy Eating Index-2015 across generations and associations with birth outcomes and weight status at year 5: Results from the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study in Ireland. Public Health Science Nov 2018 Conference. Belfast, UK. The Lancet 392, S66.

O'Brien V, Nea F, Pourshahidi LK, Kearney J, Livingstone MBE, Corish C (2018) An investigation into the lifestyle and dietary characteristics of normal weight versus overweight and obese shift workers on the island of Ireland. Proc Nutr Soc 77 (OCE3):E94.

Quirke B, Heinen M, Daly L, Kelleher C (2018) Using the Population structure from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study 2007-2010 to facilitate comparison with other Indigenous Ethnic Minority populations globally. Eur J Public Health 28 (S1):62.

Quirke B, Heinen M, Daly L, Kelleher C (2018) Using the Population structure from the All Ireland Traveller Health Study 2007-2010 to facilitate comparison with other Indigenous Ethnic Minority populations globally. Eur J Public Health 28 (S1).

Scully A, Heinen M, Bel Serrat S, Daly L, Mehegan J, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2018) Socioeconomic status and the association between height and obesity amongst first class primary school children in Ireland. Porc Nutr Soc 77 (OCE3):E85.

Bardon L, Corish CA, Clarke M, Smuts K, Power L, Gibney ER (2017). The determinants of malnutrition in the Irish elderly population: preliminary results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). Nutrition Society eds. Nutrition Society Irish Section Conference 2017: What Governs What We Eat?, 21-23 Jun, Belfast, UK.

Bardon L, Corish CA, Clarke M, Smuts, K, Power, L, Gibney ER (2017). A review of determinants of malnutrition in the elderly. Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism eds. IrSPEN Conference and Policy Seminar 2017 Dublin, pp.47-47.

Bardon LA, Streicher M, Corish CA, Clarke M, Power LC, Volkert D, Gibney ER (2017). MON-P027: The Determinants of Malnutrition in the Irish Elderly Population Based on Sex: Preliminary Results from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA). Clin Nutr;36:S189.  

Bardon LA, Streicher M, Corish CA, Clarke M, Power LC, Volkert D, Gibney ER (2017). The determinants of incident malnutrition in older Irish adults: results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing- a MaNuEL study'. 10th European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD): The Future is now 2017, 29-30 Sep, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Bel-Serrat S, Heinen MM, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2017). Overweight and obesity track over time in primary school children: Longitudinal findings in the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) in the Republic of Ireland. International Conference on Childhood Obesity, 5-8 Jul, Lisbon, Portugal.

Bel-Serrat S, Heinen MH, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2017). Anthropometric and Contextual Predictors of Obesity in Schoolchildren: The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in the Republic of Ireland. 4th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth, 1-3 Mar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Bel-Serrat S, Heinen MM, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2017). Impact of season on measured body mass index: artefact of age or effect of the environment? - The Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in the Republic of Ireland - 2008, 2010, 2012 & 2015. Obes Facts 10(Suppl 1):40.

Courtney A, Smuts K, Mullally D, Power L, Bardon L, Clarke M, Gibney ER, Corish CA (2017). Can undernutrition be identified in older Irish people using BMI? Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism eds. IrSPEN Conference and Policy Seminar 2017 Dublin, pp.38-38.

Cummins H, Corish CA, Roche HM, McCarthy SN (2017). Considerations for developing functional food products for the older population. Nutrition Society eds. Nutrition Society Irish Section Conference 2017: What Governs What We Eat?, 21-23 Jun, Belfast, UK.

Flanagan E, McMorrow AM, Cummins H, McElroy K, McGowan MJ, Rafferty S, Egan B, De Vito G, McCarthy SN, Corish CA, Murphy CH, Roche H (2017). An examination of the determinants of low muscle mass and low muscle strength in older adults in Ireland. Nutrition Society eds. Nutrition Society Irish Section Conference 2017: What Governs What We Eat?, 21-23 Jun, Belfast, UK.

Harrington L, Murtagh L, Corish CA, Curran S (2017). The implementation of a standardised nutrition assessment (Nutrition Care Process) into patient records in an Irish maternity hospital. 10th European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD): The Future is now 2017, 29-30 Sep, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Khalil K, Segurado R, Mehegan J, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2017). Birth weight classification and BMI trajectories in early life: evidence of maternal effects from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study. J Dev Orig Health Dis;8(S1):S74.

Logue DM, Madigan SM, Delahunt E, Heinen M, McDonnell SJ, Corish CA (2017). The prevalence of low energy availability in active females in Ireland . Nutrition Society eds. Nutrition Society Irish Section Conference 2017: What Governs What We Eat?, 21-23 Jun, Belfast, UK.

Macken A, Heinen MM, Daly L, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2017). Sedentary behaviour and physical activity patterns in relation to dietary intake among first class primary school pupils in Ireland: results from the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative. ASOI 2017 Annual Conference “Preventing and treating childhood obesity”, May 4th-5th, Dublin, Ireland.

McElroy K, McMorrow AM, Cummins H, Flanagan E, McGowan M, Rafferty S, Egan B, De Vito G, McCarthy S, Corish CA, Roche HM, Murphy CH (2017). Which handgrip strength cut-offs best predict low physical function in older adults? Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism eds. IrSPEN Conference and Policy Seminar 2017 Dublin, pp.67-67.

Mejia-Lancheros C, Matthews J, Mehegan J, Murrin C, Tremblay R, Kelleher C (2017). Children's leisure activities are associated with their behavioural characteristics aged Five: Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study, Republic of Ireland. J Dev Orig Health Dis;8(S1):S415.

Mejia-Lancheros C, Mehegan J, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2017). Paternal antenatal vitamin D intake is associated with offspring's height and weight aged five and nine years in the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study, Republic of Ireland. Obes Facts 10(Suppl 1):135.

Mejia-Lancheros C, Mehegan J, Viljoen K, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2017). Grand-Parental Factors associated with Grand-Children's Asthma Status in Early Childhood: Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study, Republic of Ireland. In: Allergy, Asthma, COPD, Immunophysiology & Immunorehabilitology: Innovative Technologies, pp 123-132.

Mullen E, Murrin CM, Mehegan J, Kelleher CC (2017). Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on child behaviour outcomes at age five: Lifeways Cross-Generational Cohort Study. Nutrition Society eds. Nutrition Society Irish Section Conference 2017: What Governs What We Eat?, 21-23 Jun, Belfast, UK.

Murphy CH, McMorrow AM, Elroy KM, Cummins H, McGowan MJ, Rafferty S, De Vito G, McCarthy SN, Corish CA, Egan B, Roche HM (2017). Which Handgrip Strength Cut-offs Best Predict Low Physical Function in Older Adults. The FASEB Journal;31(S1):lb345-345.

O'Shaughnessy N, Leonard J, Corish C, Bennett, AM (2017). Audit of malnutrition screening in a long-term care setting. Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism eds. IrSPEN Conference and Policy Seminar 2017 Dublin, pp.46-46.

Power L, de van der Schueren M, Leij-Halfwerk S, Bauer J, Gibney E, Clarke M, Bardon L, Corish C (2017). SUN-P209: Creation of a Scoring System to Rate Nutritional Screening Tools for use in Older Adults. Clinical Nutrition;36:S131.

Power L, de van der Schueren M, Leij-Halfwerk S, Bauer J, Gibney E, Clarke M, Bardon L, Corish CAon behalf of the MaNuEL Consortium (2017). Nutritional screening in older adults: results from the MaNuEL project. 10th European Federation of the Association of Dietitians (EFAD): The Future is now 2017, 29-30 Sep, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Power L, Mullally D, Gibney E, Clarke M, de van der Schuren M, Barden B, Corish C (2017). A review of nutrition screening tools validated in elderly populations in various settings. Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism eds. IrSPEN Conference and Policy Seminar 2017 Dublin, pp.49-49.

Power LC, Mullally D, de van der Schueren MA, Gibney ER, Clarke M, Bardon LA, Corish C (2017). PT01. 3: A Review of Nutritional Screening Tools Used in Older Adults. Clinical Nutrition; 36:S30.

Roux T, Heinen MM, Daly L, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2017). Factors associated with sport participation amongst third class primary school pupils in Ireland: results from the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative. Nutrition Society eds. Nutrition Society Irish Section Conference 2017: What Governs What We Eat?, 21-23 Jun, Belfast, UK.

Shan LC (2017). Consumer attitudes towards and acceptance of ‘healthier’ processed meats. Oral presentation at: ‘Healthier Processed Meats – Fact or Fiction’ Workshop, Teagasc, 16 Feb, Dublin, Ireland.

Somerville R, Khalil H, Segurado R, Mehegan J, Viljoen K, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2017). Contrasting patterns of transmission of cardiovascular risk factors down maternal and paternal lines and according to grandchild gender in the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. European Atherosclerosis Society, 23-26 Apr, Prague, Czech Republic.

Xu WH, Chen ML, Fang Y, Fang H, Kelleher C, Qin GY (2017). Birth weight and subsequent risk of obesity across two generations in Chinese females.  J Dev Orig Health Dis;8(S1):S66.

Daly L, Kelleher C (2016). Minimum Follow-up of 40 Years in a Cohort of Myocardial Infarct Survivors: The St Vincent’s Heart Study. Faculty of Public Health Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting 2016, 12 Dec, Dublin, Ireland.

Cummins H, Corish CA, Roche HM & McCarthy SN (2016). Consumer assessment of unmet needs in the development of targeted and appropriate novel food for the over sixty fives.  64th Annual and Scientific Meeting of the Irish Gerontological Society. Developing Cultures of Excellence in Ageing and Exploring the Needs of Marginalised Groups, Killarney. Age and Ageing 45, Suppl 2, ii13-ii56. (opens in a new window)doi:10.1093/ageing/afw159.157 

Haughey O, Healy L & Corish C (2016) Implementation of a standardised nutrition assessment structure and nutrition diagnosis in Irish dietetic documentation. Health and Social Care Professionals Research Conference Improving Health Research Driving Innovations in Healthcare, 16 Nov, Dublin, Ireland.

Heinen MM, Concannon M, Farrell D, Flood C, Mehegan J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2016). Overweight and obesity trends are stabilising among children aged 7 years: Results of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in the Republic of Ireland. Proc Nutr Soc, 75(OCE3):E124.

Heinen MM, N Dennehy, E Heery, CM Murrin, CC Kelleher (2016). Comparison of potential energy underreporting among pregnant women living in Ireland in two cohorts initiated a decade apart: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study (2001-2003) and the Lifestyle in Pregnancy study (LIP; 2011). Proc Nutr Soc,75(OCE3):E244.

Khalil H, Segurado R, Mehegan J, Somerville R, Heinen M, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2016). Trajectories of body mass index by age 9 in the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study children in the Republic of Ireland. J Epidemiol  Comm Health, 70(Suppl 1):A79.

NeaF, PourshahidiLK, KearneyJ, LivingstoneMBE, BassulC, Corish CA (2016). The effect of shift work on dietary and lifestyle behaviours, and the role of the workplace environment. Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute Research Conference, 14 Jan.

Shan, L.C., Regan, A., Lalor, F., Henchion, M., Murrin, C., Li, C., Wall, P., McConnon, A., Monahan, F. (2016) Consumer reaction to healthier reformulation of processed meat. Poster presented at the 7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (Eurosense 2016), 11 Sep; Dijon, France.

Shan, L. C. (2016). Consumer perspectives on ‘healthier’ processed meat. Food Product Improvement Seminar for the Food and Drink Industry, 20 May; Dublin, Ireland.

Shan, L. C. (2016). Consumers’ views on “healthier” processed meats:  insights from qualitative and quantitative studies. Oral presentation at: 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST 2016), Aug 21; Dublin, Ireland.

Somerville R, Khalil H, Segurado R, Mehegan J, Heinen MM, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2016). The Healthy Worker Effect? Socio-economic and health status determinants of changing self-rated health in older people in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Study of a Thousand Families. J Epidemiol Community Health, 70(Suppl 1):P43.

Somerville R, Viljoen K, McKey S, Shrivastava A, Mehegan J, Segurado R, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2016). Plasma fibrinogen is an important clinical marker for prospective all-cause mortality in the lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. Atherosclerosis, 252:e24.

Somerville R, Khalil H, Segurado R, Mehegan J, Viljoen K, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2016). Metabolic health in families: Grandparental anthropometrics and cardiovascular history are important determinants of central adiposity and adverse lipoprotein profile in grandchildren in the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study (2001-2014). ASPHER Young Investigator’s Forum 2016, European Public Health Conference, 10 Nov, Vienna, Austria.

Spotten L, Corish C, Lorton C, Ui Dhuibhir P, O’Donoghue N, O’Connor B, Cunningham M, El Beltagi N, Gillham C & Walsh D (2016) Subjective taste and smell changes in treatment-naïve people with solid tumours. 9th World Research Congress of the European Association of Palliative Care, 9-11 Jun, Dublin, Ireland.

Wall, P (2016). One Health: the way forward. 25th International ICFMH Conference - FoodMicro 2016: 'One health meets food microbiology', 19-22 Jul, Dublin, Ireland.

O’Reilly, P., Heinen, M., O’Brien, J., Somerville, R., Murrin, C., Kelleher, C (2015). A prospective analysis of the relationship between chronic diseases and adiposity in older adults: Findings from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study of a thousand families in Ireland 2001-2014. Irish Medical Journal. Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting, 10 Dec, Dublin, Ireland.

Wall, P (2015). Food defence: fully controlling your supply chain. Food and Health- Why it matters. Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board - Beef & Lamb Annual Conference, 3 Nov, Warwickshire, UK.

Wall, P (2015). Safefood Technology Transfer seminar, 26 June, Dublin, Ireland.

Heinen MM, Eldin N, O’Dywer U, Hayes C, Heavey P, Lynam A, Mulhern LM, O’Brien JK, O’Brien MC, Scully H, Daly LE, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2015). Breastfeeding and birth weight are important predictors for childhood overweight and obesity: Results for 1885 6-7-year old school-going children of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) in the Republic of Ireland. Proc Nutr Soc 74 (OCE1):E126.

Wall, P (2015). What business are you in? Meeting Market Demands through co-operation - British Cattle Conference, 19 Jan 2015, Telford, UK.

Somerville R, Viljoen K, McKey S, O’Brien J, Mehegan J, Seguardo R, Murrin C, Kelleher CC and the Lifeways Cohort Study Steering Group (2015). Predictors of mortality, including General Medical Services eligibility, at 10-year follow-up of grandparents in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. Society for Social Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting, 6-8 Sept.

Somerville R, Viljoen K, Khalil H, Mehegan J, Segurado R, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2015). The importance of the maternal grandmother in the childhood obesity epidemic: findings from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study. Faculty of Public Health Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting. Proceedings, 31-32.

Viljoen K, Shrivastava A, Murrin C, O'Brien J, Kelleher C (2015). Paternal grandparental mortality association with grandchildren's birth-weight: mortality follow-up, Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study, Ireland. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 6 (Suppl 2), S171.

Heinen M, O'Reilly P, McKey S, Somerville R, Viljoen K, Segurado R, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2015). Body Mass Index, its determinants and association with adult chronic disease at 10-year follow-up in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 6 (Suppl 2), S111.

Viljoen K, Segurado R, Murrin C, O'Brien J, Kelleher C (2015). Maternal nutrient intake during pregnancy and asthma risk in offspring over a 10 year period. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 6 (Suppl 2), S39.

Somerville R, Viljoen K, Khalil H, O'Brien J, Segurado R, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2015). Grandparents cardiovascular risk profiles are associated with grandchildren's anthropometric measures at age 5 and 9 years in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 6 (Suppl 2), S18.

Heinen MM, Eldin N, O'Dwyer U, Hayes C, Heavey P, Lynam A, O'Brien J, Daly LE, Murrin C, CC Kelleher CC (2015). Waist Circumference Improves Obesity Models but Social Disadvantage Remains. International Journal of Epidemiology 4 (Suppl 1),i260-260.

Kelleher CC (2015). Lifecourse Epidemiology and Obesity. Obesity Facts 8 (Suppl 1), 9.

Khalil H, Murrin C, Viljoen K, Segurado R, Somerville R, O'Brien J, Kelleher CC (2015). Metabolic Syndrome risk in Irish children is associated with maternal diet: Prospective findings from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study 2001-2014. 83rd EAS Congress, Glasgow, UK, 22 Mar.

Mckey S, Heinen M, Segurado R, Mehegan J, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2015). Infant birthweight and risk factors for adult cardiovascular disease, including body mass index, in the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study of a thousand families. Atherosclerosis 241(1), e50.

Khalil K, Murrin C, Viljoen K, Segurado R, Somerville R, O'Brien J, O'Reilly M, McGillicuddy F, Kelleher CC (2015). High-density lipoprotein (HDL) efflux capacity and its relation to anthropometric measurements in the lifeways cross-generation cohort study children. Atherosclerosis 241(1), e105.

Khalil H, Murrin C, Viljoen K, Segurado R, Somerville R, O'Brien J, et al (2015). Dietary intake and quality of life in Irish women during pregnancy. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 67, 310.

Somerville R, McKenzie K, Eslami S, Breen C, O’Shea D, Wall P (2015). Poor mental health in severely obese patients is not explained by the presence of comorbidities. European Congress of Obesity 2015, 6-9 May.

NeaF, PourshahidiLK, KearneyJ, LivingstoneMBE, BassulC, Corish CA (2015). Shift work-the effects on dietary and lifestyle behaviours and the role of the workplace environment. Nutrition Society Winter meeting: Roles of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in the Origin and Nutritional Management of Obesity and Metabolic Disease Conference, 8-9 Dec.

NeaF, PourshahidiLK, KearneyJ, LivingstoneMBE, BassulC, Corish CA (2015) Circadian disruption in shift workers-the effects of insufficient sleep on dietary and lifestyle behaviours. Nutrition Society Winter meeting: Roles of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in the Origin and Nutritional Management of Obesity and Metabolic Disease Conference, 8-9 Dec (Winner of best original communication poster).

Haughey O, Healy LA, Corish CA (2015). Implementation of a standardised nutritional assessment process and nutrition diagnosis in Irish dietetic documentation. 9th European Federation of Associations of Dietitians (EFAD) Conference, 23-24 Oct.

Kelly LK, Flood C, Sheehy EK, Corish CA, O’Dea S, Bergin C, Mulcahy F (2015). Prevalence of central obesity and metabolic complications among adults living with HIV in Ireland. 15th European AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 Oct.

Owens L, Corish C, Salman R (2015). Adherence to dietary and lifestyle guidelines for cancer prevention and use of dietary supplements among women attending a breast clinic. Irish Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 3rd Scientific Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 10-11 Mar.

Shan, LC (2014). Irish consumers’ views on ‘healthier’ processed meat. Presentation at: 43rd Annual Conference of the Institute of Food Science and Technology of Ireland, 10-11 December 2014, Dublin, Ireland.

Wall, P (2014). Foods Safety: prevention is better than crisis management - learning lessons from recent incidents. 31st Poultry Science Symposium Sustainable Poultry Production in Europe, 9 Sep 2014, Chester, UK.

Kelleher, CC., Viljoen, K., Khalil, H., Somerville, R., O'Brien, J., Shrivastava, A., Murrin, C (2014). Longitudinal follow-up of the relationship between dietary intake and growth and development in the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study 2001-2013. Proc Nutr Soc 73 (1):118-131.

Somerville, R., Viljoen, K., Khalil, H., O’Brien, J., Segurado, R.,  Murrin, C., Kelleher, CC (2014). Grandparents’ cardiovascular risk factor profiles are associated with grandchildren’s anthropometric measures at age 5 and 9 years in the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study.

Shan, LC., Regan, A., Wall, P., McConnon, A (2014) Exploring online mechanisms of public engagement in risk communication: Insights from the European FoodRisC project. Paper presented at: 13th International Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference, 5-8 May 5-8 2014, Salvador, Brazil.

Roche S, Heinen M, O'Brien J, Daly L, Heavey P, Lynam A, Murrin C, Eldin N, Kelleher C (2014). Physical activity/inactivity behaviour associated with body mass index: results for 2025 6-7 year old school-going children of the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in the Republic of Ireland. Faculty of Public Health Medicine 2014 Winter Scientific Meeting, 10 Dec.

 Soden C, Murrin C, Heinen M, O'Brien J, Kelleher C (2014). Overweight and obesity in Irish children aged 5 years and association with macronutrient intake. Faculty of Public Health Medicine 2014 Winter Scientific Meeting, 10 Dec.

O'Reilly P, Heinen M, O'Brien J, Somerville R, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2014). A prospective analysis of the relationship between chronic diseases and adiposity in older adults: findings from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study of a thousand families in Ireland 2001-2014. Faculty of Public Health Medicine 2014 Winter Scientific Meeting, 10 Dec.

Kelleher C (2014). Waist Circumference Improves Obesity Models but Social Disadvantage Remains Significant: Results among 10,766 Children of the Childhood Growth Surveillance Initiative (COSI) in the Republic of Ireland. 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, 20 Aug.

Viljoen K, Segurado R, O'Brien J, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2014). Maternal nutrient intake during pregnancy and asthma rish in offspring over a 10 year period. 20th IEA World Congress of Epidemiology, 19 Aug.

Harte M, Murrin C, Kelleher C (2014). Pre Pregnancy BMI and quality of life during pregnancy. Obesity Facts 7 (Suppl 1), 132-133.

Khalil H, Viljoen K, O'Brien J, Somerville R, Segurado R, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2014). Developmental Trajectories of Body Mass Index (BMI) from birth to late childhood and their relation with maternal and child diets. Obesity Facts 7 (Suppl 1),145.

OwensL, Corish C, Salman R (2014). Dietary intakes and use of complementary and alternative dietary supplements among patients attending a breast clinic. 39th Sir Peter Freyer Surgical Symposium, National University of Ireland Galway, 5-6 Sep.

Heinen M, Eldin N, O'Dwyer U, Hayes C, Heavey P, Lynam A, Kelleher CC (2013). Predictors of childhood obesity: results of the world health organisation childhood growth surveillance initiative in the Republic of Ireland. Poster presentation for Faculty of Public Health Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting, 19-21 June

Keane E, Kearney P, Perry I, Harrington JM, Kelleher CC (2013). Preliminary findings from a systematic review on the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) from 2002-2012. Poster presentation for Faculty of Public Health Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting, 19-21 June

Khalil H, Viljoen K, O'Brien J, Murrin C, Segurado R, Kelleher CC (2013). Developmental trajectories of body mass index (BMI) from birth to late childhood and their relation to parental factors. Poster presentation for Faculty of Public Health Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting, 19-21 June

Viljoen K, Shrivastava A, Murrin C, O'Brien J, Kelleher CC, for the Lifeways Cohort Study Steering group (2013). Paternal grandfathers' mortality association with grand children's birth weight differs from that of other grandparents: 2012 mortality follow-up of the Lifeways cross generation cohort study in the Republic of Ireland. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiological Research, 26th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.

Heinen MM, Eldin N, O'Dwyer U, Hayes C, Heavey P, Lynam A, Mulhern LM, O'Brien JK, O'Brien MC, Scully H, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2013). Prevalence of overweight children aged 7 years: Results of the World Health Organisation Childhood Growth Surveillance Initiative in the Republic of Ireland. Proceeding of Nutrition Society 72 (OCE3), E142.

Heavey P, McMahon O, McConnon A, O'Dwyer U, Hayes C, Eldin N, Kelleher C (2013). Parents' attitudes and acceptiabililty of anthropometric measurement of Irish school children. Proceeding of Nutrition Society 72 (OCE3), E144

Devlin NFC, McNulty BA, Turrini A, Tlustos C, Hearty AP, Volatier JL, Kelleher CC, Nugent AP (2013). Demographic diversity of TDS foods across Europe. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 72 (OCE3), E129.

Devlin NFC, McNulty BA, Turrini A, Tlustos C, Hearty AP, Volatier JL, Kelleher CC, Nugent AP (2013). Investigating levels of food variety consumed across European countries in an adult population. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 72 (OCE3), E128.

Devlin NFC, McNulty BA, Turrini A, Tlustos C, Hearty AP, Volatier JL, Kelleher CC, Nugent AP (2013). A comparison of two methodologies for the selection of foods in a total diet study. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 72 (OCE3), E127.

Leventakou V, Roumeliotaki D, Martinez T, Kelleher C, Chatzi L, et al (2013). Fish intake during pregnancy, fetal growth, and gestational length: a meta-analysis of 19 European Birth Cohort studies. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 4 (Suppl 2), S211.

Kelleher CC, Murrin C, Viljoen K, O'Brien J, Segurado R, LCGS Group (2013). Longitudinal determinants of the impact of the economic recession in Republic of Ireland: Findings from the Lifeways cross-generation cohort study. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 4 (Suppl 2), S175.

Viljoen K, Murrin C, Segurado R, O'Brien J, Kelleher CC (2013). Determinants and patterns of primary healthcare utilisation in children: Findings from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study in the Republic of Ireland 2002-2013. The European Journal of Public Health 23 (suppl 1), ckt126.025.

Murrin C, Shrivastava A, Kelleher C (2013). The dietary patterns of mothers during pregnancy, their child at age five years and child weight status. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 63 (Suppl1), 196.

Viljoen K, Murrin C, Segurado R, O’Brien J, Somerville R, Khalil H, Kelleher CC (2013). Primary Care Utilisation and its Socio-Economic Determinants: findings from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study During the Recession Period in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 67 (Suppl 1), A61.

Jiang T, Gilthorpe MS, Shiely F, Harrington J, Perry IJ, Kelleher CC, Tu YK (2013). An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis for Trends in Body Mass Index in the Republic of Ireland in 18,016 Participants in Slan (Surveys of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition) 1998-2007. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 67 (Suppl 1), A62-A63.

Heavey P, Murrin C, O'Dywer U, Hayes C, Eldin N, Kelleher C (2012). Waist circumference combined with BMI; a better predictor of childhood obesity? ROI data for 6609 children from the WHO surveillance initiative. European Heart Journal 33 (Suppl 1), 295-6.

Shrivastava A, Viljoen K, Murrin C, Kelleher CC (2012). Associations of grandparental patterns of cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus with grand children's birth weights. Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies: International Journal 3 (1 Suppl SLLS), 3-4.

Khalil H, Viljoen K, O'Brien J, Murrin CM, Kelleher CC (2012). Impact of the Irish recession on mothers' weight status: Findings from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study 2011-2012. Poster presentation for Faculty of Public Health Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting 2012.

Heavey PM, MurrinC, O'DwyerU, HayesC, EldinN, KelleherC Inclusion of waist circumference refines the influence of age and disadvantage on prevalence of obesity in children in the Republic of Ireland. Submitted to the Society for Social Medicine Annual meeting, London, 2012

Heavey PM, MurrinC, O'DwyerU, HayesC, EldinN, KelleherC Waist circumference combined with BMI; a better predictor of childhood obesity? ROI data for 6609 children from the WHO surveillance initiative. Submitted to the European Society of Cardiology congress (August 2012)

Shrivastava, A., Murrin, C., Kelleher, C. for the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study Steering Group. (2011) Familial predictors of variability in pre-school children's health: the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. J Epidemiol Community Health, 65 (Suppl 1), pp.A352-A352

Shrivastava, A., Murrin, C., Kelleher, C. for the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study Steering Group (2011). Familial aggregation in nutrient intake patterns: comparing intergenerational and prenatal-postnatal effects in Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. J Epidemiol Community Health, 65 (Suppl 1), pp.A16-A16

Shrivastava, A., Murrin, C., Kelleher, C. for the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study Steering Group (2011). 10-year mortality follow-up of maternal and paternal grandparents shows different patterns of association with their grandchildren's birth weights: the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. J Epidemiol Community Health, 65 (Suppl 1), pp.A298-A299

Shrivastava, A., Murrin, C. Kelleher, C. C. for the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study Steering Group (2011). Cardiovascular risk factors of maternal and paternal grandparents show different patterns of association with their grandchildren's birth weights in the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. Eur Heart J, 32 (suppl 1): pp.547

Shrivastava, A., Murrin, C. Kelleher, C. C (2011). Prospective sex-specific trans-generational association between cardiovascular risk factors of maternal and paternal grandparents and their grandchildren's birth weights in the Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. J Epidemiol Community Health, 65 (Suppl 2), pp.A30-A31

Murrin, CM, Shrivastava, A. and Kelleher, CC and the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Maternal nutrient intake during pregnancy and childhood weight status aged five years. Proc Nut Soc 2010; 69: E345

Shortt, E., McGorrian, C., Doyle, O., Kilroe, J. and Kelleher, C. Understanding the infant feeding decisions of low income Irish women, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society  (2010), 69 (OCE5), E354

Cooney, MT; Mc Gorrian, CM; Dudina, A, et al. (2010) Risk age: a new concept for SCORE. Moderated Poster;  European Society of Cardiology Annual Congress 2010. European Heart Journal, Volume 31, Supplement 1, Page 745.

Cooney, MT; Mc Gorrian, CM; Dudina, A, et al (2010) Risk age: a new concept for SCORE Irish Cardiac Society Meeting. Irish Journal of Medical Science179: S406-S406.

Murrin, CM, Shrivastava, A. And Kelleher, CC and the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Diet during pregnancy and the association with offspring overweight and obesity: evidence from the Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study in Ireland, 2001 to 2008.(Poster presentation for EUPHA/ASPHER meeting November 2010).

F. Lalor and P. Wall. Functional Foods: A solution to diet related disease? Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2009, 178 (Suppl (13): S489 – S505

Murrin CM, O’Mahony D and Kelleher CC for the Lifeways Cohort Study Steering Group. Perinatal and current maternal socio-demographic, health and lifestyle factors influencing children’s body mass index and waist circumference at seven year follow-up’. Oral Presentation at the Nutrition Society Irish Section meeting, Queens University Belfast, June 2009. Proceedings of Nutrition Society 2009; 68 (OCE):E140.

Murrin C, Niedhammer I, Lotya J, O’Hara MC, Morrison JJ, Daly S, and Kelleher CC. The relative influence of vitamin C and other nutrients on low birth weight in the Lifeways Cohort Study. Abstracts from the 2009 Joint Conference-Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism and 49th Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention. Circulation, 2009; 119 (10): E357-E357

Murrin C, O’Mahony D, Kelleher CC and the Lifeways Cohort Study Steering Group, Overweight and obesity in five year old Irish children of the Lifeways cohort study’, Presentation to AISM meeting, Newcastle Co Down, March 2009. Irish Journal of Medical Science 2009; 187 (Suppl 13):S490.

F. Lalor, J. Kennedy and P. Wall. The impact, among 3rd level students, of nutrition knowledge on behaviour towards health claims. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2009 (68) (OCE) E131

Murrin C, Kelly G, O’Mahony D, Kelleher C and the Lifeways Cohort Study Group, Relationship of body mass index and height in three generations of the Lifeways Cohort, Accepted for oral presentation at the International Congress of Nutrition, Bangkok, October 2009. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2009; 55:103.

C. Kelleher, G.E. Kelly, C. Murrin, D. O'Mahony for the Lifeways Cohort Study Steering group. Crossgenerational and Familial influences on Body Mass Index in the Lifeways Cohort Study Members. Presentation at European Society of Cardiology conference, Barcelona September 2009. European Heart Journal 2009; 30 (Abstract Supplement), 662.

A Shrivastava, C Murrin, D O’Mahony, CC Kelleher (2009) Relationship between maternal BMI, maternal diet and child BMI at 6 year follow-up in Lifeways Cross Generation Cohort Study. Presented at the Faculty of Public Health Medicine Scientific Winter Meeting 2009.

C.Murrin, I Niedhammer, J.Lotya, M.C. O'Hara, J.J. Morrison, S. Daly, CC Kelleher The relative influence of vitamin C and other nutrients on low birth weight in the Lifeways Cohort Study (2009) Presentation at Joint Conference - 49th Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention and Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism, Florida, March 2009

A McGloin, P Heavey, M C O'Hara, C Hayes, U O'Dwyer, M Glacken, J Kilroe, R Reynolds, A Lynam, C Kelleher (2009) Prevalence of overweight among 7 year olds in Republic of Ireland: Results of the WHO childhood growth surveillance system, 2008. Presented at the 24th All Ireland Social Medicine Meeting, Newcastle, Co Down, March 2009

Murrin C, O'Mahony D, Kelleher CC, Lifeways Cohort Study Steering Group Overweight and obesity in five year old Irish children of the Lifeways cohort Study (2009) Presented at the 24th All Ireland Social Medicine Meeting, Newcastle, Co Down, March 2009

A. McConnon, C. Kelly, A. McGloin, C. Kelleher (2009) Investigation of the acceptability of anthropometric measurement to Irish children in the school setting: Children's perspective in Republic of Ireland. Presented at the 24th All Ireland Social Medicine Meeting, Newcastle, Co Down, March 2009

M.C. O'Hara, J.Kennedy, P.Wall, A.McGloin, C.Murrin, A.McConnan, F.Lalor, CC Kelleher (2009). The Report of the National Taskforce on obesity: A review of progress in Ireland to date. Presented at the 24th All Ireland Social Medicine Meeting, Newcastle, Co Down, March 2009

O’ Hara, MC., Kennedy, J.,  Wall, P., McGloin, A., Murrin, McConnon, Á., Lalor, F., and Kelleher, CC., (2008). The Report of the National Taskforce on Obesity: A review of progress in Ireland to date. Submitted to the All Ireland Social Science Meeting 2009

McGloin, A., Heavey, P., O’ Hara, MC., Hayes, C., O’Dwyer, U., Glacken, M., Kilroe, J., Reynolds, R., Lynam, A. and Kelleher, CC., (2009). Prevalence of overweight among 7 year olds in Republic of Ireland: Results of the WHO Childhood Growth Surveillance System. Submitted to the All Ireland Social Science Meeting 2009

A. McConnon, C. Kelly, C. Kelleher (2009). Investigation of the acceptability of anthropometric measurement of Irish children in the school setting: children’s perspective in Republic of Ireland. Submitted to the All Ireland Social Science Meeting 2009

Murrin, C., O’ Mahony, D., Kelleher, CC. And the Lifeways Cohort Study Steering Group (2008). Overweight and obesity in five year old Irish children of the Lifeways Cohort Study. Submitted to the All Ireland Social Science Meeting 2009.

O’ Hara, MC., Reid, V., Minogue, M., Daly, L., Fitzpatrick, P., Walsh, D. and Kelleher, CC. (2008). Combating obesity with cookery skills: overview of a novel intervention study. Presented at the Faculty of Public Health Medicine Summer Scientific Meeting May 27th 2008.

Wall, P (2008). Obesity - the Population Health Perspective Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. Summer Scientific Meeting May 27th 2008.

Wall, P (2008). Does Risk Communication change people’s perception of risk? Communicating Risk in Disease conference, Mid-Western Regional Zoonosis Committee in partnership with University of Limerick

Wall, P (2008). Inter-sectoral response to the prevention of chronic illness. Department of Helath and Children National Health Consultative Forum. Galway, April 10th, 2008.

O’ Hara, MC., Reid, V. and Kelleher, CC. (2008). Evaluation of a novel RCT weight management culinary programme for overweight cardiac patients: design and methodology. Presented at the Nutrition Society – Irish Section Postgraduate Meeting Feb 21- 22nd 2008

McGloin, A., Kennedy, J., Hudson, E., Delaney, L., Hale, H. and Wall, GP. (2008). Attitudes of Irish apprentices to food safety and nutrition. Presented at the Nutrition Society – Irish Section Postgraduate Meeting Feb 21- 22nd 2008

McConnon, Á. (2008). Teenager eating behaviour and body size perception in Ireland. Launch of the Irish National Teens’ Food Survey Jan 24th 2008

McGloin, A. (2008). G.I. – what it is and how it works. The Good Food Stage. The Health and Vitality Show Jan 26th 2008 

O’ Hara, MC., (2008). The National Taskforce on Obesity – Review of Progress – where is Ireland 3 years on? All-Ireland Obesity Conference, Belfast 13th Nov 2008

McGloin, A., Murrin, C., Glacken, M., Kelleher, CC., (2008).  Trends in weight status of Irish 5, 6 and 7 year olds.  All-island Obesity Surveillance Symposium, Belfast 14th Nov 2008

McConnon Á., (2008). Investigation into the acceptability of anthropometric measurements of Irish children in the school setting – children’s perspective. All-island Obesity Surveillance Symposium, Belfast 14th Nov 2008.

Sweeney, MR., Scott, JM., Staines, A., Daly, L., Traynor, A., Daly, S., Bailey, SW., Alverson, PB and Ayling, J., (2008). Report on population plasma unmetabolised folic acid concentrations pre mandatory folic acid fortification in the Republic of Ireland. Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

Allcutt, C. and Sweeney, MR. (2008). An exploration of knowledge, attitudes and advice given by health professionals to parents regarding the introduction of solid foods to their infants. Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

Devereaux, F., Staines, A. and Sweeney, MR. (2008). Do Irish parents wean their infants with appropriate foods in a timely manner? Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

Treacy, C., Staines, A. and Sweeney, MR. (2008). An investigation of the factors influencing the timing and food choices made by mothers in infant weaning. Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

O’ Hara, MC., Reid, V., Minogue, M. and Kelleher, CC. (2008). Lifestyle and dietary habits of cardiac patients enrolled in an Irish Heart Foundation funded randomised cookery skills intervention: baseline results. Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

Kennedy, J., Minogue, D., Lalor, F. and McKenzie, KM. (2008). Health psychology and consumers’ perception of claims on food. Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

Kennedy, J., McGloin, A., Nolan, A., Hubson, E., Hale, H., Delaney, L. and Wall, PG. (2008). Mixed methods in food risk perception. Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

McConnon, Á. (2008). Body size (DIS) and satisfaction in Irish teenagers. Accepted to Nutrition Society Scientific Meeting June 18 – 20th 2008

Nolan, A., Lalor, F., Kennedy, J., Younger, K. and Wall, PG. (2008). A survey of health and nutrition claims on the Irish market and consumer concerns. Accepted to the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, All Ireland Final for the best food safety related project in Irish third level colleges June 12th 2008

O’ Hara, MC., Reid, V., Minogue, M. and Kelleher, CC. (2008). Baseline results from a RCT to access the effectiveness of a cookery skills intervention in reducing overweight/ obesity among cardiac patients. Faculty of Public Health Medicine Summer Scientific Meeting May 27 – 28th 2008

O’ Hara, MC., Reid, V., Minogue, M., Walsh D., and Kelleher, CC. (2008). Profiling patients after cardiac rehabilitation enrolled in an Irish Heart Foundation-funded randomised cookery skills intervention: are they compliant with current health recommendations? Irish Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Scientific Meeting, 8th Nov 2008

Wall, P. (2006). "Research in Agriculture and Food". Closing Remarks to the Teagasc Walsh Fellowship Annual Conference, November 2006.

Wall, P. (2006) Closing Remarks by Patrick Wall at the 26th European Food Safety Authority Management Board Meeting.

Wall, P. (2006). "Food and Health". Presentation to "Early Life Influences, Social Capital and Health": Working Programme of the Health Research Board Unit for Health Status and Health Gain, July 13th 2006. 

Delaney, L., and Wall, P. (2006). "Social Capital and Health in Ireland: Quantitative Evidence and Gaps". Presentation to "Early Life Influences, Social Capital and Health": Working Programme of the Health Research Board Unit for Health Status and Health Gain, July 13th 2006. 

Wall, P. (2006). "Risk communication to influence behaviour patterns". Ninth World Congress on Environmental Health, Trinity College Dublin, June 22nd. 

Corrigan H, Delaney L, Kelleher CC and Wall P. (2006). "Acceptability of a dietary Intervention project in primary schools: post-evaluation with parents and teachers". Summer Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Dublin, May 2006.  

Wall, P. (2006). "Risk perception and risk communication". WHO Europe Risk Perception and Communication Consultation Expert Meeting, Venice, Italy, 29-30/05/ 

Contact National Nutrition Surveillance Centre

UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Sports Science, Woodview House, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 3421 | E: nnsc@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)