InterTradeIreland All-island Innovation Programme
The InterTradeIreland June 2011 Innovation Lectures and associated master classes at QUB and UCD are being delivered as part of the InterTradeIreland All-island Innovation Programme. This Programme aims to promote and encourage innovation across the island of Ireland. It brings international expertise in innovation to Queen’s University Belfast, NUI Galway and University College Dublin. Best international practice is shared with business leaders, students, academics, knowledge transfer professionals and policy makers in each region via innovation lectures, seminars and master classes.
The Programme is organised by InterTradeIreland, Queen’s University Belfast, NovaUCD and the Centre for Innovation and Structural Change at NUI Galway.
The All-Island Innovation Programme is complemented by a Community of Researchers working on innovation across the island. The aim of this community is to adequately study innovation in several academic disciplines over a longitudinal period, to progress the development of an all-island knowledge economy and to align best practice in innovation research with current policy thinking and inform future policy-making and its implementation.
Previous innovation lectures have been delivered by Professor Henry Chesbrough, Director, Centre for Open Innovation, University of California, Berkeley, Professor Julian Birkinshaw, Professor of Strategic and International Management, London Business School, Professor Erkko Autio, Chair,Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship, Imperial College London, Professor Peter Russo, Director, Strascheg Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, European Business School, Professor Woody Powell, Stanford University and Dr Peter Kelly, Aalto University.
Podcasts of some previous innovation lectures are available online.