Evolution Launches TempSheets.com to Eliminate Paper-based Timesheets

Evolution, the NovaUCD-based human resources software company, today announced the launch of TempSheets.com. TempSheets.com is an easy-to-use online system designed for recruitment agencies that place temporary staff. TempSheets.com enables such firms to gain a competitive advantage by providing an easy and efficient way to record temporary staff timesheets, schedule staff availability and obtain client approval.

Alistair Thacker, founder, Evolution
Alistair Thacker, Founder, Evolution

TempSheets.com, which is currently being rolled-out to a number of recruitment agencies in Ireland, eliminates the need for paper-based timesheets which are time consuming for agencies to process, by allowing temporary staff to complete and submit their timesheets online. These timesheets are then approved by the client company before being electronically submitted to the recruitment agency with all invoicing and payroll calculations already completed.

According to Alistair Thacker, founder, Evolution, “With many of the bigger players in the recruitment industry now offering online services, TempSheet.com enables smaller agencies to compete head-to-head without the need for massive capital investment.”

Evolution was founded in 2006 by Alistair Thacker who previously worked for SoftCo and Microsoft. Evolution intends to raise over €300,000 in first-round funding later this year and to launch TempSheets.com into the UK market. Evolution currently employs 3 people and is headquartered at NovaUCD, the Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre at University College Dublin.

Another of Evolution’s HR products is VacationTracker.net, an easy-to-use web-based service which enables companies to more efficiently manage their employees’ planned and unplanned absences.


15 July 2008

For further information contact Micéal Whelan, NovaUCD, e-mail: miceal.whelan@ucd.ie, tel: (01) 716 3712.

Editors Notes

Evolution is a human resources software company. The company which was founded in 2006 by Alistair Thacker, assists SMEs to reduce the cost of having a HR department by automating many manual HR tasks (e.g. tracking sick leave, annual leave and time sheets) by giving employees direct access to HR functions. Evolution’s software solutions are delivered over the internet thus eliminating the need for SMEs to invest in IT resources. The software is simple to use, secure and can be accessed from anywhere.

NovaUCD is University College Dublin’s €11 million Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre. Twenty-three knowledge-intensive companies, including Evolution currently located in NovaUCD. NovaUCD has been funded through a unique public-private partnership that includes AIB Bank, Arthur Cox, Deloitte, Enterprise Ireland, Ericsson, Goodbody Stockbrokers, UCD and Xilinx.