This professional certificate is open to all Medicine graduates from a recognised Irish/EU or overseas institution. It is specifically targeting those who are General Practitioners, but is also appropriate for Internal Medicine Physicians; Paediatricians; Plastic Surgeons; and Junior doctors who may wish to pursue a career in Dermatology

Prof Cert Clinical Dermatology
This is a 10-credit professional certificate (Level 9 NFQ), interactive lecture schedule covering a comprehensive knowledge base of Clinical Dermatology, equipping graduates with the knowledge and expertise required to recognise and treat skin disorders commonly encountered in general practice.
Contact Us
Contact Name: UCD Charles Institute of Dermatology
Participants will develop a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of dermatological diseases and enhance their knowledge of the scientific basis of clinical dermatology. They will also develop an understanding of the impact of dermatological conditions, referral pathways, imaging and management. The course will be delivered by over 20 of Ireland’s most respected Specialist Register Consultant Dermatologists via a webinar-based interactive learning platform.
Detailed course information
Learn more about Modules, Outcomes, How to Apply, and Fees, funding and Scholarships: