UCD Online provides a flexible alternative to earning a recognised UCD qualification without the requirement to attend daily/regular on-campus lectures and tutorials in Dublin.
UCD Online courses are delivered through the Brightspace virtual learning environment (VLE). UCD academics and personal tutors make module content available to students, enabling you to access and download content from wherever you are. Most modules are delivered on demand, meaning that you can study at times that suit you. Many modules use continuous assessment providing flexibility and ongoing feedback, which help to reassure and motivate you while studying independently. Lecture material may be presented in a variety of formats including audio/visual lectures, interactive learning materials, podcasts, videos etc. We also encourage and facilitate students to form study groups.
Many modules have no on-campus requirement at all; enhancing the flexibility of your study options. It is important to note that some modules require end of module written exams to be taken in Dublin at a UCD exam centre.

Academic Supports
At University College Dublin we are proud of the expertise of our world class faculty. These same faculty members support UCD students throughout their studies, both on campus and through UCD Online. These supports are accessible to you through online channels that are specified by each course/module director. The material and assessments are the same and in most cases enhanced for the online learning experience. UCD Online also places great emphasis on community and peer engagement, which is facilitated through discussion forums and other services within the Brightspace virtual learning environment, adopted for each course or module.

Module to Masters
In some cases, UCD Online courses offer a Module to Masters pathway as a flexible way to study modules in a UCD Online course with the potential to work your way towards a qualification. For more information about the qualifications you may earn through each course please visit the course descriptor.