Webinar | Patient Voice - a Vital Part of All-Island Cancer Research - 30 March 2022
Wednesday, March 30, 2022. 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM | via In person & Zoom
Patients and carers from across the island of Ireland are invited to participate in this patient stakeholder discussion either in-person or online facilitated by patient advocate, Stephen Teap.
Session 1: Getting involved in cancer research
Tom Hope, patient advocate, Men Against Cancer
John Wall, patient advocate, HPV vaccine
Kay McKeon, patient advocate, visual communications & user experience
Ciara McNamara, patient advocate, (ICS) trained peer grant reviewer
Session 2: Embedding patient involvement from the start
Prof Mark Lawler, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Digital Health, Queen's University Belfast
Prof. Amanda McCann, UCD Snr Conway Fellow/PI, Chair, PVCR
Prof. William Gallagher, UCD Professor of Cancer Biology, Deputy Director, Precision Oncology Ireland & Lead, AICRI
The event is hosted by the All-Island Cancer Research Institute & the Patient Voice in Cancer Research.
Together, we want to explore ways that patients can engage with and contribute to these initiatives to 1) Gain a better understanding of how AICRI, PVCR can engage and collaborate with patients and their carers. 2) Identify opportunities and challenges for patients when engaging with cancer researchers. 3) Build a network of patients to engage with AICRI and PVCR to help tackle cancer together across the island of Ireland.
Intended AudienceAll welcome! Particularly of interest to cancer patients, carers and family.
Technical Requirements Download Zoom
RegisterFormat of workshop
Panel discussions followed by a Q&A sessions.
This will be a hybrid event. The in-person event will take place in the Radisson Hotel, Little Island, Cork. The event will also be hosted online via Zoom.
Prof. Patrick G. Johnston Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Outreach
Patients participating in-person are encouraged to attend the ‘Prof. Patrick G. Johnston Award for Excellence in Cancer Research Outreach’. Six early career researchers will compete to explain their research in plain English. The event will take place after the workshop from 6:30pm-7.30pm as part of the IACR (Irish Association for Cancer Research) Annual Conference 2022.
Contact point and weblinks:
Dr. Rosemarie Gannon (AICRI Project Manager); rosemarie.gannon@ucd.ie
Twitter handle: @AICRIproject