This short LinkedIn Learning course starts by outlining the common psychological responses that can be brought about by change. The introduction explains how, during these times, we often feel panic and fear, and so the brain works to put our guard up and latch on to what we know and feel safe with.
The course then provides techniques and strategies you can use to reframe your go-to response to what the brain sees as a ‘threat’. Finding things that are still well within our control can actually help us to not only survive change, but thrive during these times. Five key areas are explored in a very practical way - Well-Being; Community; Skills; Career and Environment.
The course is 28 minutes long, with simple knowledge checks after each section.
This short LinkedIn Learning course provides a very concise overview of key strategies for guiding teams through change.
There is a very clear and useful explanation of the change ‘support continuum’ and types of change resistors such as active resistors and passive resistors. There is practical advice and actionable advice on how to manage each type of resistor. There is also an overview of a simple five-step framework for leading change.
The course is 21 minutes long, with optional knowledge checks after each section. The examples used have a corporate focus.