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2013 News and Events

Gerald Hanratty Memorial Volume. Members of the School of Philosophy have published a volume of philosophical essays in memory of their dear late colleague Dr Gerald Hanratty. Gerry was a member of the School of Philosophy until his untimely death in 2003. Entitled Human Destinies, the volume (678 pages) contains 26 essays by Gerry's friends, colleagues and former students.
The normal price of the book is €60. The book is available to Gerry’s former students and other UCD graduates for the special price of €42. Information about the book, including a list of contents and information about orders, is available by following this link. Alternatively please email Prof Fran O'Rourke.

April. UCD honours world-leading philosopher Professor John H. McDowell

August. UCD philosophers are taking part in the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy. Professor Dermot Moran is the President of the Organising Committee. Please find his interview with EURONEWS about the World Congress here.

9 August. Professor Dermot Moran was elected President of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies. The next World Congress of Philosophy, where Prof Moran will be presiding, is in Beijing in 2018. Congratulations to Dermot!

Professor Brian O'Connor's interview with 3:AM Magazine on Adorno's Dialectic and so on is an interesting read.

25 October. At the Business Meeitng of the 52nd Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP, see www.spep.org), held in Eugene, Oregon, USA, Professor Dermot Moran was elected as Member-at-Large to the Executive of SPEP. With a membership of approximately 2500 philosophers, SPEP is the largest organisation for Continental Philosophy in the USA and in the world. It organises an annual conference (now in its 52nd year).

November. Dr Charlotte Blease recently took part in a Medicine Unboxed debate about the role of humanities within medical education. She also wrote a blog post for The Guardian about this issue.

6 November. Book Launch of Professor Patrick Masterson's new book: Approaching God: Between Phenomenology and Theology (Bloomsbury, 2013). Newman House, 86 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. Patrick Masterson is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Religion at University College Dublin. Professor Dermot Moran will introduce the book.

21 November. WORLD PHILOSOPHY DAY. Listen to Professor Dermot Moran discuss the day on Moncrieff Show on Newstalk 106FM at 2pm on the day.

29 November. Listen to Dr Joseph Cohen's discussion on RTE Radio One's 'Today with Sean O'Rourke' of 'The Last of the Unjust' - Film by Claude Lanzmann. This documentary is based on the testimony of Rabbi B. Mulmerstein who was the last of the three Deans of the Jewish Council at the Theresiendstadt Camp. It is an important documentary on the infamous Jewish councils who were obliged to "collaborate" with the extermination of European Jewry orchestrated by the Nazi regime.

Events in 2013

26 January. English and Philosophy Graduate Symposium. Topic: 'Visions'

8-9 February. Conference: ‘Between Heidegger, Levinas and Derrida’. (poster, programme)

17-18 February. Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference

4-6 April. Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference – Perception and Understanding

April. Prof. Noam Chomsky gave two talks at the invitation of the UCD School of Philosophy and UCD Philosophy Society. See the two Youtube videos of the event:

UCD School of Philosophy

Fifth Floor – Room D501, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023–2025)