2015 News and Events
On 10 November 2015, the Chancellor of the National University of Ireland Dr Maurice Manning presented awards valued in excess of €850,000 to graduates and students of NUI. NUI honoured scholars of distinction at every stage of their academic studies, from undergraduates to senior scholars well established in their fields of expertise. Two such scholars were from the UCD School of Philosophy.
Aedamar Kirrane was awarded the Pierce Malone Scholarship in Philosophy, an award based on the corpus of written work presented by the top student for the BA (Hons) Degree examination in each of the NUI Constituent Universities.
At the ceremony, the Chancellor also presented Professor Gerard Casey, Associate Professor of Philosophy, with a Doctor of Literature degree on Published Work. The DLitt degree is at the highest level awarded by the University, signifying a scholar of international distinction.
A full list of the award winners is available at (opens in a new window)http://www.nui.ie/news/2015/awards_2015_Winners_Listing.asp.
NUI 2015 DLitt conferring - Gerard Casey NUI 2015 Pierce Malone Award - Aedemar Kirrane
On 26 October 2015, Prof Dermot Moran received an Honorary Doctoral Degree of Philosophy from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the highest honour in Greek academia. He delivered a public address in Athens on the philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena.
Athens Honorary Conferring 2015
On 18 October 2015, Prof Brian O'Connor discusses the philosophy of Schopenhauer on Newstalk's Talking History programme with David Berman (TCD), Christopher Janaway (Southampton), and Sandra Shapshay (Indiana). You can listen here.
In September 2015, Prof Karsten Harries (Yale) received an honorary Doctor of Literature degree from UCD.
From the UCD School of Philosophy archives, here is the famous Roundtable on Externalism with Hilary Putnam, Saul Kripke and Tyler Burge from 11 March 2007. This roundtable was part of the "Putnam at 80" conference hosted by the UCD School of Philosophy.
Another gem from our archives is the (opens in a new window)Aporo Seminar by Noam Chomsky from November 2010.
Prof Robert Brandom (Pittsburgh) was in UCD for the Summer Institute in American Philosophy 8-13 June 2015. Videos of his keynote address below.
We are pleased to announce Dr Danielle Petherbridge will be joining the UCD School of Philosophy in January as a Lecturer (above the bar) in Continental Philosophy. We are looking forward to welcoming Dr Petherbridge to the School. Congratulations!
We are pleased to announce Dr Daniel Deasy will be joining the UCD School of Philosophy in September as a Lecturer (above the bar) in Analytic Philosophy. We are looking forward to welcoming Dr Deasy to the School.
Dr Markus Schlosser was also successfully appointed as Lecturer (above the bar) in Analytic Philosophy. Congratulations to Dr Schlosser on his promotion and we look forward to him continuing his excellent contribution to the UCD School of Philosophy.
Congratulations to both!
Prof Judith Butler (UC Berkeley) and Prof Jason Stanley (Yale) gave an intimate workshop for UCD School of Philosophy in association with the Society for Women in Philosophy-Ireland on 6 February 2015. Videos below.
The conference Heidegger and "the Jews", co-organised by our own Dr Joseph Cohen in Paris on 22-25 January 2015, has received international coverage. Here are just two examples:
Coverage on ARTE tv. ((opens in a new window)http://info.arte.tv/fr/martin-heidegger-et-les-juifs)
Article in Huffington Post. ((opens in a new window)http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bernardhenri-levy/why-read-heidegger_b_6570986.html)
Events in 2015
21 January 2015. Workshop with Prof Dan Zahavi, (University of Copenhagen). (Zahavi Workshop Programme)
22-25 January 2015
Heidegger and “the jews” Conference
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Centre Culturel Irlandais – Paris
(opens in a new window)www.heidegger-et-les-juifs.com
Coordinated by
Bibliothèque Nationale de France
La Règle du Jeu
School of Philosophy, University College Dublin
Faculté de Philosophie, Université de Strasbourg
Le Centre Culturel Irlandais – Paris
PHILéPOL – Université Paris Descartes
Heidegger and "the jews"
6 February. Workshop with (opens in a new window)Prof Judith Butler, UC Berkeley, and Prof Jason Stanley, Yale.
19 March. Public Lecture by Prof Richard Kearney (Boston College) - Epiphanies. Hopkins, Scotus, Joyce. More details here: Epiphanies
The lecture was chaired by UCD President Emeritus Patrick Masterson. The event was sponsored by the Newman Centre and UCD Seed Funding.
Photo: L-R, Michael D Higgins (President of Ireland), Prof Richard Kearney (Boston College), Prof Patrick Masterson (UCD President Emeritus)
28 March. Philosophy, Psychology and Cognitive Science Graduate Symposium - Intersubjectivity
10 & 11 April. Dublin Graduate Conference - Living in Time
16 April. Open Evening for Graduate Programmes at UCD School of Philosophy
14 & 15 May. Edith Stein and Phenomenology Workshop - more details (opens in a new window)here
8 - 13 June. (opens in a new window)Reaches of Pragmatism: Summer Institute in American Philosophy (Programme)
18 June. Prof. Luke Gibbons will give a lecture on Joyce's Ghosts
22 August. Symposium on Philosophy and the Irish School. (Programme: Philosophy and the Irish School)
Venue: Newman House, 86 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.
In light of the decision to include Philosophy as an optional subject in the Junior Cycle, the focus of the day will be exploratory and our shared goal is to inquire: How ought philosophy be taught and promoted within Irish schools? To this end, we are particularly interested in the role of the pedagogy Philosophy for Children (P4C) in fostering philosophical thinking among young people.
1 September. Public Lecture by Professor Karsten Harries (Yale), Heidegger and Cassirer at Davos and the Present State of Philosophy.
Prof Harries was also awarded an honorary Doctor of Literature by UCD.
14 & 15 September. (opens in a new window)Pragmatism, Wittgenstein and the Virtues: Three Heterdox Approaches to Ethics
17 September. Lecture by Prof Jennifer Saul (Sheffield): Implicit Bias, Stereotype Threat and Women in Academia.Programme: Philosophy and the Irish School
Co-sponsored with the UCD College of Social Sciences and Law and the Society for Women in Philosophy - Ireland
18 September. Mentoring Day organised by the Society for Women in Philosophy - Ireland
22 October. Prof. Graham Parkes (University College Cork) will hold a seminar entitled: "Restructuring the Polity with Plato, the Confucians and Xi Jinping". ?
30 October. The First-Person Perspective in Agency.
6 & 7 November. Annual Conference of the (opens in a new window)Irish Philosophical Society: John Henry Newman and Philosophy
Sponsored by the UCD International Centre for Newman Studies
Keynote Address by Pascal Engel (University of Geneva)
"How to cut the doxastic cake : Newman and his contemporary followers "
18 & 19 November. Agnes Cuming Lectures in Philosophy: Prof Quentin Skinner (Queen Mary University of London)
Overall title, ‘Hobbes and the state’.
Lecture I ‘Hobbes and the person of the state’
Lecture II ‘Hobbes and the iconography of the state’
20 & 21 November.
UCD School of Philosophy is holding a workshop, "Rethinking Political Authority: Politics, Law and Freedom" in Newman House on Friday 20 and Saturday 21 November.
Rethinking Political Authority Programme
27 & 28 November. Society for Women in Philosophy - Ireland
4th Annual Conference and General Meeting
(opens in a new window)Ways of Knowing: Feminist Philosophy of Science and Epistemology
UCD School of Philosophy
Fifth Floor – Room D501, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023–2025)