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2011 and Earlier

2011 News and Events

Dr Tim Crowley has been awarded Oxford University’s prestigious Conington Prize in Ancient Philosophy and Ideas for his DPhil dissertation Aristotle on the Matter of the Elements.

Prof. Maria Baghramian has been elected as a member of the Royal Irish Academy.

Events in 2011 and Earlier

(opens in a new window)Law, State and Religion - An Inter-disciplinary Conference in Honour of Dr Shirin Ebadi 16-17 September 2011. Dr Ebadi was also awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws by UCD.

Conference: Merleau-Ponty after 50 Years, 22-24 June 2011 Poster (PDF)

One-day Nietzsche conference, 11 April 2011

Paper On Spirit as Part of Nature  & Workshop Ethics and Dialogue, by Prof Albrecht Wellmer, Free University of Berlin, 14 & 15 April 2011

Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference, 25-26 March 2011

Agnes Cuming lectures by Prof. Terry Irwin, 21-22 March 2011

Ranciere Workshop, February 2011

Symposium: Transgression and the Sacred, 22-23 February 2011

Symposium: Of God in Philosophy, Saturday 26 February 2011

November 2010. (opens in a new window)Aporo Seminar with Noam Chomsky.

15 October 2010. Workshop seminar 'On Sovereignty' with Professor Yves-Charles Zarka, University of Paris.

8 October 2010. Aporo workshop on (opens in a new window)Michael Lynch's book Truth as One and Many

9 October 2010. Aporo workshop: (opens in a new window)Concept and property

10-11 September 2010: 21st Century Heidegger - Session Programme

Prof. Dermot Moran has been invited to teach a (opens in a new window)Masterclass in Phenomenology at the Edwin Cheng Foundation Asian Centre for Phenomenology
Research Institute for the Humanities, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, for two weeks in July/August (19 July-4th August).

9-11 July 2010. UCD hosted the 2010 (opens in a new window)Joint Session of the Mind Association and the Aristotelian Association, together with a number of other conferences. See here for a report and some photographs.

Lecture by Professor Jürgen Habermas (emeritus, University of Frankfurt am Main) 'The Political': The Rational Meaning of a Questionable Inheritance of Political Theology,  15 June 2010.

Embodied Subjectivity Workshop, 25-27 May 2010, posterabstractsprogramme.

UCD visiting speakers, Spring 2010

Intersubjectivity and Empathy workshop, 5-6 May 2010

There is a workshop on Professor Thomas McCarthy’s book, Race, Empire and the Idea of Human Development (CUP, 2009) on Tuesday, 13 April 2010.

Translation and Philosophy Symposium, 25-26 March 2010

Intentionality workshop, 4-5 February 2010, posterabstracts

Charles Taylor, professor emeritus of McGill University, took part in several events organised by the UCD School of Philosophy in association with the UCD School of Politics and International Relations. The title of his public lecture was 'Against reductive explanation'.

Prof. Ilkka Niiniluoto, Chancellor of the University of Helsinki, and philosopher, visits UCD on 21 January 2010

The Schelling Symposium, 9 November 2009

Aporo (opens in a new window)seminar with Noam Chomsky, 2 November 2009

Conference on Derrida and America 12-13 June 2009
Keynote Speakers – Prof.Christina Howells (Oxford University) and Prof. Julian Wolfreys (Loughborough University)

Professor Seyla Benhabib: "Hannah Arendt and Raphael Lemkin: International Law in the Shadow of Totalitarianism" 23 April 2009, 6pm in Clinton Auditorium.

'La Littérature et le voeu de pauvreté' Mireille Calle-Grüber (Professeur de Littérature fraçaise, Université la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III) Newman Building, A318 23 March 2009, 5pm

Workshop in Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind: Monday 9 March 2009.

Conference to honour Alasdair MacIntyre on his 80th birthday 6-8 March 2009.

Prof. Terry Eagleton delivers the Philosophy Society's 2009 Inaugural Lecture on 'The Irish Sublime' 3 March 2009

Prof. Axel Honneth (University of Frankfurt) delivers The Agnes Cuming Lectures on "Work and Recognition: The Morality of Markets" and "The Fabric of Justice:The Limits of Contemporary Proceduralism, 25-26 February, 2009.

Friday 13th February 2009: The 2nd Alexander von Humboldt Symposium (PDF): "Brains become Minds when they learn to Dance with other Brains" Prof. Lenny Moss.

4th Annual Joint Conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy - 29-31 August 2008

Intercorporality and Intersubjectivity, 6-7 June 2008

Attention: Fundamental Questions - A workshop on the metaphysics, psychology, epistemology and neuroscience of attention. 29-31 May 2008

Naturalism, Normativity and 'The Space of Reasons'. - 28-29 March 2008

Dermot Moran's Routledge Companion to Twentieth Century Philosophy and Jim O'Shea's Sellars: Naturalism with a Normative Turn are launched.

Philosophy of Language Workshop - 18 June 2007

Putnam at 80 Conference, 11-14 March 2007 ((opens in a new window)YouTube of Roundtable on Externalism - Hilary Putnam, Saul Kripke and Tyler Burge)

German Idealism and Normativity Conference, hosted by The Normativity Research Project, March 2007

Conference: Perspectives on the Body and Embodiment, June 2007

UCD School of Philosophy hosts Noam Chomsky, January 2006

Schelling Symposium

UCD School of Philosophy

Fifth Floor – Room D501, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

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