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Embodied subjectivity conference, 25-27 May 2010

Programme to be confirmed.

Keynote speakers

Sara Heinämaa (University of Helsinki): Gender as a Perceptual Type

Tom Baldwin (University of York): Traces of Merleau-Ponty in Derrida's writing

Thomas Nenon (University of Memphis): Embodiment, Relativity, and Intersubjectivity in Husserl’s Life-World Manuscripts 

Confirmed speakers and titles

Matthew Ratcliffe (University of Durham): The Bodily Phenomenology of Free Will

Katherine Morris (University of Oxford): Chronic pain in phenomenological-anthropological perspective

Sarah Richmond (University College London): Sartre and the Doctors

Dorothée Legrand (École Polytechnique/CNRS, Paris): Sartre on the Female Body: the Case of Anorexia

Joona Taipale (University of Helsinki): Embodiment and the Birth of Selfhood in Psychoanalysis and Phenomenology

Timo Miettinen (University of Helsinki): Husserl and the Body Politic

Ignacio de los Reyes (Complutense University of Madrid): Typifying Apperception, its Genesis and the Tendency to Concordance

Simo Pulkkinen (University of Helsinki): Husserl on the Second-level Sensibility - Dynamics of Activity and Passivity and  the Embodiment of Spiritual Meaning         

Tim Mooney (University College Dublin): On the Intelligence in Concrete Movement: Merleau-Ponty’s Proper Conclusion

Luna Dolezal  (University College Dublin): The Body Shaped by Shame: Reflections on the Phenomenology of Shame and Embarrassment

Rasmus Thybo Jensen (University College Dublin): Intentional Action and Motor Intentionality

UCD School of Philosophy

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