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Merleau-Ponty After 50 Years

Inaugural Conference of The Irish Phenomenological Circle

Nature, Freedom and History

Merleau-Ponty after 50 Years

Date : 22-24 June 2011

Venue : Newman House, Dublin, Ireland

Organisers : The Irish Phenomenological Circle

On the 4th of May 2011 it will be 50 years since Merleau-Ponty’s untimely death at the age of 53. With this conference we wish to gather an international group of prominent scholars to pay tribute to Merleau-Ponty’s achievements by providing new perspectives on his groundbreaking work and by confronting questions that his philosophy raises for us today. The conference will focus on, though not exclusively, the later works of Merleau-Ponty.


  • Thomas Baldwin (Universtiy of York)
  • Étienne Bimbenet (Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3)
  • Mauro Carbone (Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3)
  • Taylor Carmen (Columbia University)
  • Sara Heinämaa (University of Helsinki)
  • Burt Hopkins (Seattle University)
  • Kwok-ying Lau (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Leonard Lawlor (The Pennsylvania State University)
  • Timothy Mooney (University College Dublin)
  • Dermot Moran (University College Dublin)
  • Ted Toadvine (University of Oregon)

Registration:  To register please send an email to: (opens in a new window)merleaupontyconference@gmail.com  Participation fee: € 40 (regular fee); € 20 (students and unwaged). The fee is to be paid upon arrival.  Early registration is advisable.

Conference Dinner (Thursday 23rd of June): € 30, to be paid upon arrival.
PLEASE indicate whether you want to participate in the conference dinner and make us aware of any dietary requirement.

Enquiries: Please send any questions about the conference to (opens in a new window)merleaupontyconference@gmail.com or directly to (opens in a new window)rasmus.jensen@ucd.ie.

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of The Mind AssociationThe Embassy of France in IrelandThe International Journal for Philosophical Studies, The Department of Philosophy (Trinity College Dublin)The School of Philosophy (University College Dublin) and The School of Sociology and Philosophy (University College Cork).

CFP for Graduate Sessions

We invite graduate students to submit paper proposals (deadline April 30). The programme will include 4 graduate speakers with slots of 45 minutes (max. 30 minutes presentation min. 15 minutes discussion). Papers on any aspect of the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty and its significance for contemporary philosophy are welcome. All authors will receive the result of the refereeing process before the 22ndof May.

DEADLINE: April 30, 2011

SUBMISSION: Send your paper proposal to (opens in a new window)merleaupontyconference@gmail.com (Subject: “Graduate Paper”)  

Paper proposals should be submitted in the form of pdf.-files and must include the following:

1.      Name, affiliation and contact details
2.      Abstract (max. 200 words)

Paper proposal (max. 3000 words, including bibliography and footnotes).

UCD School of Philosophy

Fifth Floor – Room D501, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

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