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Visiting Speakers 2017/18

Spring 2018

1 Feb           Lorna Finlayson, University of Essex. "I'm not with stupid": false consciousness stories for a post-Brexit age 

8 February     Emily Thomas, Durham University Travel Writing as Thought Experiments: Science, Francis Bacon, and Margaret Cavendish’s Blazing World 

15 February     Tom Rockmore, Peking University. Aspects of Marx's Dream 

22–23 February Agnes Cuming Lecturer: David Charles, Yale. How to avoid the mind body problem: Aristotle's way

1 March      Andreas Mogensen, Oxford University. Should you let one drown to save a greater number through donations? 

7–9 March A Conference on Animal Ethics. The Value of Sentience: Empathy, Vulnerability and Recognition Venue: Ardmore House, UCD 

8–9 March International Conference - Philosophical Perspectives on Contemporary Ireland

29 March Claudine Tiercelin, College de France. Why pragmatism entails realism 

5 April Anik Waldow, University of Sydney. Locke on Persons as Agents 

12 April      Pauline Kleingeld, University of Groningen. Kant’s ‘republican’ conception of freedom of the will. CANCELLED

19 April      Antonio Nunziante, University of Padova Sellars and the Phenomenological Root of the “Given”: Farber, Husserl and the naturalization of phenomenology 

4–5 May Dublin Graduate Conference 

Autumn 2017

21 September. Prof Stelios Virvidakis, University of Athens. Topic: Living well and Having a Good Life: Interpreting the Distinction

28 September. Dr Irene McMullin, University of Essex. Topic: The Intersubjective Conditions of Normative Agency

12 October. Dr Kenneth Pearce, Trinity College Dublin. Topic: Ideas and Explanation in Early Modern Philosophy

19/20 October. (opens in a new window)'John Dewey and Critical Philosophies for Critical Political Times'. Venue: UCD Humanities Institute. (opens in a new window)Registration is essential.

26 October. Book Symposium with Prof Édouard Machery (Pittsburgh)

26 October. Prof Ruth Sonderegger, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. Topic: Who is the subject of aesthetic education? Some remarks on Kant and Schiller

27 October. Workshop with Prof Édouard Machery (Pittsburgh). 'Evaluating Methods of Inquiry'
Programme Machery Workshop
Poster Machery Workshop

9 November. Distinguished Lecture in Consciousness & Embodiment. Prof Dan Zahavi, University of Copenhagen. Topic: Collective intentionality and plural pre-reflective self-awareness


23 November. Conference: 'The Ethics of Vulnerability'. Launch of UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life
Venue: Ardmore House, UCD

14 December. Workshop: '‌Frontiers of Phenomenology'

UCD School of Philosophy

Room D501 (5th Floor), John Henry Newman Building, UCD Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023–2025)