Visiting Speakers 2018/19
Autumn 2018
Date | Speaker | Topic |
13 September | Philip Kitcher, Columbia University |
(opens in a new window)Truth to be Told: Understanding Truth in the Age of Post-Truth Politics Venue & Time: UCD Humanities Institute, Room H204, 5:30 pm |
20 September | Tsarina Doyle, NUI Galway |
Nietzsche's Philosophical Naturalism |
27–28 September | Keynote Speaker: Jacqueline Broad, Monash University |
Agency in Early Modern Philosophy Workshop Venues: NUI Merrion Square (Thursday 27th) and D522 (Friday 28th) (opens in a new window)Website, (opens in a new window)Registration |
1 October | Keynote Speaker: Steven Savitt, University of British Columbia |
Time and Time Again: A Workshop on Time Venue: NUI Merrion Square |
4 October | Jonathan Tallant, Nottingham University |
There is No Such Thing as Presentism |
5 October | Jonathan Tallant and Daniel Deasy | Masterclass on Timelessness 11am–1pm |
11 October | Tuomas Tahko, University of Bristol |
Special Science Laws and Higher-Level Kinds |
25 October | Andreas Mogensen, University of Oxford |
Meaning, Medicine, and Merit |
9–10 November | Invited speakers include: Sandra Laugier, University of Paris 1; Davis Archard, QUB; Cara Nine, UCC; Heike Felzmann, NUI Galway |
Irish Philosophical Society 2018 Annual Conference in collaboration with the UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life Venue and other details: tba |
15 November | Pauline Kleingeld, University of Groningen |
Kant's 'Republican' Conception of Freedom of the Will |
16 November | Workshop with Ian Kidd, Nottingham University |
Empathy, Illness and Vulnerability Workshop, 10am–4:30pm |
22 November | Sam Ben-Meir, Mercy College, New York |
Ethical Interanimality |
7–8 December | Invited Speakers include: Gail Weiss, Thiemo Breyer, Tim Mooney, Italo Testa, Ed Casey, Felix Ó Murchadha, Tanya Staehler |
Habit and Social Experience Conference |
UCD School of Philosophy
Room D501 (5th Floor), John Henry Newman Building, UCD Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023–2025)