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Visiting Speakers 2018/19

Autumn 2018

Date Speaker Topic
13 September Philip Kitcher,
Columbia University
(opens in a new window)Truth to be Told: Understanding Truth in the Age of Post-Truth Politics
Venue & Time: UCD Humanities Institute, Room H204, 5:30 pm
20 September Tsarina Doyle,
NUI Galway
Nietzsche's Philosophical Naturalism
27–28 September Keynote Speaker: Jacqueline Broad,
Monash University
Agency in Early Modern Philosophy Workshop
Venues: NUI Merrion Square (Thursday 27th) and D522 (Friday 28th)
(opens in a new window)Website, (opens in a new window)Registration
1 October Keynote Speaker:
Steven Savitt,
University of British Columbia
Time and Time Again: A Workshop on Time
Venue: NUI Merrion Square
4 October Jonathan Tallant,
Nottingham University
There is No Such Thing as Presentism
5 October Jonathan Tallant and Daniel Deasy Masterclass on Timelessness
11 October Tuomas Tahko,
University of Bristol
Special Science Laws and Higher-Level Kinds
25 October Andreas Mogensen,
University of Oxford
Meaning, Medicine, and Merit
9–10 November Invited speakers include:
Sandra Laugier, University of Paris 1; Davis Archard, QUB; Cara Nine, UCC; Heike Felzmann, NUI Galway
Irish Philosophical Society 2018 Annual Conference in collaboration with the UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life
Venue and other details: tba
15 November Pauline Kleingeld,
University of Groningen
Kant's 'Republican' Conception of Freedom of the Will
16 November Workshop with Ian Kidd,
Nottingham University
Empathy, Illness and Vulnerability Workshop,
22 November Sam Ben-Meir,
Mercy College, New York
Ethical Interanimality
7–8 December Invited Speakers include:
Gail Weiss, Thiemo Breyer, Tim Mooney, Italo Testa, Ed Casey, Felix Ó Murchadha, Tanya Staehler
Habit and Social Experience

UCD School of Philosophy

Room D501 (5th Floor), John Henry Newman Building, UCD Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023–2025)