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Perspectives Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy V. 11

 Special Issue on The Subjective and the Objective:

Philosophical Traditions in Dialogue 

Perspectives, Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy, is an annual peer-reviewed journal of philosophy edited and published by postgraduate students in the School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland. Since 2008, Perspectives has featured articles, book reviews, and interviews on a broad range of topics and approaches in philosophy and related disciplines. The journal is published open access online, with printed copies available at little cost. The current issue on Race, Gender, and Identity (2023) can be found here and previous issues can be accessed here

Perspectives is now seeking submissions for the 11th issue on the theme ‘The Subjective and the Objective: Philosophical Traditions in Dialogue’

There is in philosophy a legitimate question as to whether and how to draw the distinction between objective and subjective considerations. What is the nature of objectivity and how does it relate to subjectivity? This question can be developed in a variety of interesting ways depending on the philosophical approach taken. In philosophy of language and mind, as well as in phenomenology, the question of the subjective-objective distinction expresses an overarching concern which any account of meaning, thought and perception strives to address. What is the nature of reference and truth? What kind of entity, if any, is meaning and how does it factor into theories of (natural/artificial) language(s)? Are intentionality and consciousness objective in any significant sense? Are they thoroughly first-personal, or are they compatible with the third-person perspective? 

Epistemology seems to tackle precisely such questions concerning objectivity and subjectivity. Knowledge, supposedly, is the objective and true description of the world, as opposed to mere opinion or belief. Is this right and how does knowledge strive to overcome or cope with subjectivity? Questions concerning the subjective-objective relation are also relevant to studies on logic. Is logic subjective? How many kinds of logic can there be? Furthermore, metaphysics and ontology deal with the issue of objectivity independently of epistemological or linguistic concerns. However, there are theories which instead place great value on the intrinsic connection of ontology with the subjective dimension. Numerous ancient, medieval and modern theories of subjectivity (and/or objectivity) have been elaborated at several turns of history as reactions to important events, or as the fruits of philosophical contemplation. Finally, the subjective-objective relation is especially relevant to studies in metaethics and practical philosophy at large, with fields such as recognition theory, personhood and accounts of the public sphere and personal life being particularly relevant today. What is the nature of practical objectivity and thought? How do they relate to the subject, to theoretical objectivity and their mutual co-dependency? 

The goal of the 2024 Issue is to explore the variety of ways in which the subjective-objective distinction can be illustrated, analysed or criticized through different philosophical methodologies and within different philosophical disciplines or areas of study. Submissions are welcome which develop the chosen topic within any field or style related to the theme. 

We welcome high-quality original contributions in the form of single-authored or multi-authored articles,  interviews with leading scholars working on the topic, and book reviews relevant to the issue’s theme. All article submissions will be double blind peer reviewed. Submission guidelines below, deadline for submission: 30th June 2024

Article Submission Guidelines: 

  • 5,000-8,000 words, including notes and references.
  • Articles should include an abstract of approximately 300 words,  followed by 5 key words.
  • Times New Roman font in size 12 with double-line spacing.
  • Chicago reference style:(opens in a new window) The Chicago Manual of Style

Articles should be submitted by email to perspectives@ucd.ie as an attachment in .doc format (Word or similar) with all author(s) identifying information removed from the text and metadata. Please also attach a separate cover sheet with author(s) name(s), institutional affiliation(s), contact details, article title and preferred pronouns. 

Submission Guidelines for Book Reviews:

Book reviews should be no longer than 2,000 words. The book must have been published since 2018 and must be related to the theme ‘The Subjective and the Objective’. It can belong to any philosophical area of research which makes a contribution to the topic. If you have a book that you would like to review, please send a brief statement of interest (no more than 300 words) on the relevance and appropriateness of the book to the theme of this issue.

Please email perspectives@ucd.ie in relation to submissions or any other queries.

UCD School of Philosophy

Fifth Floor – Room D501, Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2023 and 2024)