BSc Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
At University College Dublin (CAO code: DN700)
There are four ways to study these three subjects within the DN700 Social Sciences programme:
- Thematic pathway in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
- Joint Major in Philosophy and Politics
- Joint Major in Philosophy and Economics
- Joint Major in Politics and Economics
The following will describe PPE, but applies to the others as well.
PPE provides a broad and deep understanding of how a society works, and indeed how international society works. It examines the complex economic and political forces in play, the problems of measuring and assessing the health of society, and the principles of justice that should guide political and economic decision-making to improve society.
PPE will teach students how to read beyond media headlines, and where to find more information about the hot policy questions of the day, in national and international contexts. PPE provides a thorough grounding in all three disciplines that are core to the social sciences.
All three disciplines share a commitment to rigour and problem-solving, which makes PPE an ideal programme of education for future politicians, civil servants, journalists and managers.
PPE is a popular degree at some famous universities such as Oxford, King's College London and the University of Pennsylvania. (opens in a new window)See the Wikipedia entry here.
The structure of the PPE degree
- Four years long
- Each year, the student takes three modules in philosophy, three modules in politics, three modules in economics.
- At the end of Stage 1, the option to switch into a Joint Major in two of the subjects
- At the end of Stage 2, the option to switch into a Single Major in any of the subjects (under certain conditions)
- The possibility of a semester abroad in 3rd year.
- The possibility of an intensive research project in 4th year.
Available modules include:
Philosophy | Politics | Economics |
For more information, please contact: (opens in a new window)
(opens in a new window)See here for the College webpage on PPE
And see here for the constituent schools:
Also see here for a description of the PPE programme at UCD by Ivan Pastine, UCD School of Economics
UCD School of Philosophy
Room D501 (5th Floor), John Henry Newman Building, UCD Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: | Location Map(opens in a new window)UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023–2025)