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Study Abroad Options

Study Abroad Options

Are you interested in studying abroad for a trimester or for the academic year?

The UCD School of Philosophy has Erasmus exchange agreements with partner universities across Europe, which make it easy for you to study for a trimester or for a year abroad. Our exchange programmes give you opportunities to study at another university, to develop language skills, to learn about and live in another culture.

 Our European partner Universities:

  • Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (courses in English)                                                      
Czech Republic
  • Univerzita Karlova Prague (some courses in English)
  • Freie Universität Berlin
  • Universitat de Valencia
  • Université de Bourgogne Dijon
  • Université de Nice
  • Université de Paris-Sorbonne
  • Université de Poitiers
  • Eötvös Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Budapest (some courses in English)
  • Università degli studi di Roma ‘La Sapienza’
  • Università degli Studi di Siena
  • Universität Bern (some courses in English)

Additional Exchange Opportunities

If you are a student in the College of Social Sciences and Law, enrolled in a DN700 programme (including Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), please check the following website for detailed information about your exchange opportunities.

UCD Global has additional exchange agreements with partner universities worldwide.

Information about Erasmus Open Places in Europe can be found here.

Information about exchange opportunities outside Europe can be found here.

Further Information

All interested students are invited to contact the School of Philosophy Erasmus coordinator, (opens in a new window)Dr Joseph Cohen, for more information.

Students in DN700 programmes are invited to contact (opens in a new window)outgoing.socialsciences@ucd.ie for further information about exchange opportunities and the application process.

Application for study abroad places

Students enrolled in DN700 programmes should apply online via SISweb for study abroad places.

Application for UCD Philosophy Erasmus places

If you are currently studying at stage 2 (and not a DN700 student), you can apply for an Erasmus place through the UCD School of Philosophy and spend either a trimester or the whole academic year abroad.

To apply please complete the UCD Philosophy Erasmus application form UCD Philosophy Erasmus application form and send it electronically to (opens in a new window)Dr Joseph Cohen.

Please note that you will have to continue your studies at UCD after your return to fulfil your degree requirements.

Application for Open Places

Please apply online via SISweb. These places are coordinated by UCD Global.


Profile photo of Professor Maeve Cooke

Professor Maeve Cooke

Internationalisation and Erasmus Exchanges

View Profile

UCD School of Philosophy

Room D501 (5th Floor), John Henry Newman Building, UCD Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 8186 | E: philosophy@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)

UCD Philosophy is ranked among the Top 100 Departments of Philosophy worldwide (QS World University Rankings 2017, 2018, 2021, 2023–2025)