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Starting Out at SPHPSS

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Starting Out at SPHPSS: Information for new Students and Staff

Welcome to the School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science! We're delighted that you've joined us and wish you all the best for your time here. We know there is a lot to take in when you start somewhere new, so we have collated some useful links and information below to help you find your way.


You’ll find lots of information to help you settle into life at UCD in our Student Life section. In addition please find links to the UCD Student Charter(opens in a new window)UCD Student Code and the UCD Dignity and Respect website.

Scholarships and Assistance

UCD offers a range of scholarships to facilitate widening participation in UCD. Through UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, students from a variety of backgrounds including mature students, school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds and those with a disability are encouraged to progress and succeed at UCD. 

UCD recognizes Student excellence and achievement in academic affairs, sport and performing arts and recognises the importance of student contribution to college life and to the wider community through a wide variety of competitive scholarships and awards. 

The full list of financial scholarships can be found here.

Further details and a description of the support can be found here.

The University aims to integrate and embed the principles of equity of access and universal design throughout the institution. A suite of responses to widen access and ensure participation by diverse student cohorts, including students with disabilities, mature students, part-time learners, and students from communities experiencing socio-economic disadvantage has been put together by UCD Access and lifelong learning and further information is available here.

At UCD, we offer a range of supports for students, such as a network of Student Advisers, the Student Health and Counselling Servicethe Chaplaincy, and disability services offered via the Access and Lifelong Learning Centre.  


Visit UCD's Culture and Engagement website to learn more about UCD's vision of creating a supportive and inclusive community in order to make UCD an employer and university of choice. The team leads and champions projects and initiatives which bring this vision to life.

See what supports and workplace policies are available in the university here


Information for Research staff on the programme for research skills and career development can be found here.

New Staff and Faculty

For new staff and faculty, the following pages provide information to support you in your first months at UCD:

(opens in a new window)New employee onboarding

UCD People and Organisation Development: New to UCD

UCD People and Organisation Development unit in HR provides support to all staff with respect to their Learning and Development needs. 

Work at UCD


School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science Locations 

Our school offices and facilities are spread over a number of locations on the Belfield Campus, including the (opens in a new window)Health Sciences Centre, (opens in a new window)Woodview House and the (opens in a new window)Institute for Sport & Health.

UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 3442 | E: public.health@ucd.ie