Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Research: MSc and PhD Degrees
The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) team have a wide range of OSH focused research relating from organisational management and workplace stressors, to emergency management and workplace pandemic preparedness, to indoor air quality and environmental health concerns in the workplace, to exposure science and human biomonitoring in the workplace. If you have an interest in those topics please reach out to the team via (opens in a new window)cshw@ucd.ie so that your interest can be directed to the appropriate OSH academic. If our team has opportunities we advertise via LinkedIn and X (Twitter), so please feel free to connect with our Centre and/or our academics there.
Application Process
Students may be admitted to a PhD/Research MSc programme at three points during the academic year. The deadlines for submission of applications are as follows:
- For September start: Completed applications must be submitted by 31st May
- For January start: Completed applications must be submitted by 31st October
- For May start: Completed applications must be submitted by 28th February
Entry requires an appropriate primary degree in the health and social sciences. Students with an appropriate Master's degree, equivalent qualifications, considerable academic standing or relevant professional experience may be exempted from Stage 1 of a PhD. Applicants will be interviewed prior to admission.
Applications are subject to completion of the documentation below. All applications should include the following documentation:
- Completed Application form for PhD/MRes at SPHPSS.
- Certified copies of transcripts of previous academic qualifications.
- References from two referees, commenting specifically on the candidate's academic suitability to pursue a PhD/MSc by Research.
- An outline of the proposed area of research, fully referenced (not less than 1500 words).
- The name of the academic supervisor who has agreed to supervise the research.
Students may approach academic staff directly with their proposal and a request to supervise their research. For guidance on how to identify & contact a potential supervisor, please see this page.
Once the academic member of staff has agreed to supervise the student, all new students must be interviewed by a panel comprising three academic members of staff. This may be conducted by telephone to facilitate international applicants who are unable to travel.
The interview process is waived under strict conditions where the student is known to the supervisor and has worked closely with them in the past.
International applicants may also require:
- Evidence of proficiency in English (IELTS or TOEFL score) where their first language is not English, or whose primary degree(s) have been obtained in a country where English is not the official language of instruction.
- Visa status (only required after Graduate School Board approval of the application).
Completed documents should be sent to:
Ms Christine Ridge,
SPHPSS Postgraduate Administrator,
University College Dublin,
Woodview House,
Belfield, Dublin 4
(opens in a new window)christine.ridge@ucd.ie
+353 1 7163429 / +353 1 7163423
Deadlines for applications are listed above. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Following interview, the below process is followed:
- Applicant is notified of the outcome of their interview (conditional offer or rejection) within one week of submitting completed application and accompanying documents.
- If successful, the application is submitted to the SPHPSS Postgraduate Studies Board for approval.
- If successful, the application is submitted to the Graduate School Board for approval.
- Applicant is then notified of the outcome. If successful, registration will open.
For information about the application process or programme, please contact (opens in a new window)public.postgraduate@ucd.ie.
Further information is available at Graduate StudiesandResearch Degrees.