Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion


The School of Physics at UCD is proud hold both IOP Juno Practitioner status and Athena SWAN Bronze recognition. The School endeavours to provide a working environment in which all members of staff and students can develop, flourish, and advance. Such a positive environment benefits all members of our physics community and the wider society. Areas of focus include:
- Fostering a culture of inclusiveness and collaborative participation.
- Ensuring equality of opportunity.
- Supporting all in furthering their professional development.
- Embracing the highest standards of research integrity.
- Providing flexible working arrangements and promoting work-life balance.
- Promoting an environment for work and study which upholds the dignity and respect of all members of the Physics community.
Women remain underrepresented in Physics and staff from the School were instrumental in establishing the UCD Women in the Sciences (WITS) Committee in 2013, this initiative has evolved into the UCD Women@STEM Network. The School has also benefitted from the(opens in a new window) IOP Bell Burnell Scholarship fund in 2022 with Aishwarya Chanady Babu awarded a grant to pursue her PhD studies at UCD.
Find below links to documents related to the School's (opens in a new window)Juno Practitioner application and action plan.
For more information contact chair of the EDI committee: (opens in a new window)Assoc. Prof. Brian Vohnsen.